Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1299 Please give advice to Junior Brother Jiang!


The purple light transformed by Jiang Tian collided with the berserk spiritual power violently, immediately shaking the whole arena crazily, and even the ground within a radius of a hundred feet trembled violently!

Just when everyone thought that Jiang Tian had been strangled to death by crazy spiritual power, under the cover of the glaring gaze, where everyone could not look directly, an amazing scene happened!

Jiang Tian was surrounded by purple light, relying on the strong protection of the Tyrannosaurus body, he unleashed his spiritual power unreservedly, his arms danced wildly like wheels, fist shadows, palm prints, and sword intent rushed violently to the surrounding spiritual power Kuangliu launched an impact.


After only a moment, this mass of spiritual power suddenly collapsed with a terrible explosion, exploding like a firework!

"Hiss..." Seeing this terrifying scene, Yue Zheng was shocked and speechless for a moment!

In his eyes, Jiang Tian, ​​who emerged from the cocoon of spiritual power, was like a violent beast, exuding an astonishing fighting spirit all over his body. For a moment, he even felt a little jealous!

"Huh! It's almost there!"

Jiang Tian let out a suffocating breath, his breath was a little disordered, and his light blue robe was also broken by the impact of spiritual power, but his eyes were full of excitement!

After all this tossing, he finally released all the spiritual power in his body, approaching the limit of his cultivation!

"How... is it possible?" The corners of Yue Zheng's eyes twitched wildly, and the horror in his heart lingered.

Jiang Tian continued to push without hesitation, all the blood and spiritual power in his body were stimulated, and waves of purple light surged rapidly and converged on his right arm, making his arm seem to become a dazzling heavy hammer!

"Senior Brother Yue, take another blow from me!"


Accompanied by an excited roar, Jiang Tian clenched his right fist and slammed straight at Yue Zheng.

This time he didn't use any kung fu, let alone any fancy moves, he used all his spiritual power to attack with all his strength.

Chi Chi Chi!

The purple light on the right fist made a sharp and piercing sound, crushing the air with lightning speed, and slammed towards the opponent fiercely.

"It makes no sense!"

Yue Zheng finally recovered from the shock, his face sank suddenly, he lifted his palms to cover his chest, and the palms of the palms burst into white light, and he was about to attack.

But his reaction was still a little late after all, before he could slap his palm, Jiang Tian's fist had already slammed in!


The iron fist slammed down, the purple light burst, and the violent loud noise suddenly swayed!

Yue Zheng's complexion changed suddenly, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes, and he let out a muffled groan involuntarily.

At the same time, Jiang Tian also backed away humming and trembling under the violent backlash.

Drum, pedal, pedal!

Yue Zheng stepped back a few feet and immediately stood firm, but his face became extremely livid, with a cold light flickering between his brows, and he was furious.

Jiang Tian withdrew two feet away before forcibly stopping, his body swayed for a while, his blood was turbulent, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth at some point.

A trace of exhaustion flashed in his eyes, but what followed was intense excitement!

This battle not only allowed him to stimulate the potential of the tyrannical dragon body, but also allowed him to touch the limit of bloodline spiritual power, which can be said to have benefited a lot!

He let out a long, sullen breath, and instead of showing any disappointment or loneliness, his face was full of joy.

On the contrary, Yue Zheng's face is really not very good-looking at the moment!

He thought that the trick just now would have settled for Jiang Tian, ​​but he didn't expect that the other party would take this opportunity to make such an astonishing move.

Feeling the countless shocked eyes on the square, he already understood that these people were amazed by Jiang Tian, ​​shocked by his courage and performance.

In contrast, few people cheered for Yue Zheng!

As the top martial artist in the previous session and one of the most dazzling talents in the inner sect, he absolutely cannot accept this kind of result, let alone end it in this way.

"Junior Brother Jiang!" Yue Zheng took a deep breath, feeling greatly provoked, his eyes were frighteningly cold.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows proudly.

Yue Zheng said in a deep voice: "Your strength really impresses me, but I don't know if you can catch my follow-up blow?"

Jiang Tian's face froze when he heard the words, and he secretly groaned in his heart.

He originally thought that the competition should be over here, but who knew that Yue Zheng didn't want to stop here, and the supervisor elder also frowned and didn't say a word to stop it.

The corner of Jiang Tian's mouth twitched, knowing that Yue Zheng's words were by no means a joke.

The dignified Xuanyang Realm powerhouse was so embarrassed by Jiang Tian, ​​naturally he would not end up willingly, and he had to save some face anyway.

Jiang Tian silently checked his own spiritual power, the corners of his eyes twitched, and his face became extremely ugly.

In fact, he knew his situation without investigating him, because the same attack just now had almost exhausted his spiritual power reserves, and what was left now was only part of the spiritual power fused into the blood of his body.

And these spiritual powers are nothing compared to his total spiritual power.

What's more, his cultivation base is far from what the opponent wants. If he fights again at this time, how can he resist the opponent's strong attack?

"Junior Brother Jiang, please give me some advice on this next move!"

With a sullen face, Yue Zheng swiped his palms left and right, and the two streams of spiritual power swirled accordingly, forming two eye-catching vortices of spiritual power, which quickly converged in front of him.

"Hiss!" The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched wildly, and his eyes became extremely dignified.

Before the opponent actually made a move, he already felt the terrifying power contained in this attack, and unlike the previous attack, this was obviously a more powerful technique.

With Yue Zheng's terrifying strength of Xuanyang Jingxiang, once the offensive is formed, he is bound to be seriously injured!

what to do?

Throw in the towel and beg for mercy?


Jiang Tian would never do this, it's not his character!

Fighting head-on?

What a joke!

With his current state of spiritual power, it's too late to hide, isn't it courting death if he really goes up to him?

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes couldn't jump wildly, silently weighing the pros and cons, his eyes gradually became firm.

Since the opponent refused to give up, he had no choice but to fight with all his might!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian yelled angrily, took a deep breath, wiped off the blood stains at the corner of his mouth, and silently mobilized the little spiritual power left in his body.

But after a while, he secretly smiled wryly. With this little spiritual power, he couldn't even support the Sky Swallowing Finger. How could he resist the opponent's attack?

Although he has the body protection of a tyrannical dragon, it can only be effective if he has sufficient spiritual power.

At this time, it might be enough to resist the attack of ordinary Xuanyue-level warriors, but what he was facing was a strong Xuanyang-level like Yue Zheng, and it was no different from risking his life.

"Sovereign Lord..." On the viewing platform, several elders of the sect frowned deeply, and hesitated to speak.

Chu Tianhua didn't express his opinion, and they couldn't force them to say anything.

"Lord Sovereign, can this competition be over?" Ling Xiao couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and shouted loudly. "Ling Xiao, what right do you have to shout here?" Elder Meng scolded with a cold face as he waved his silver robe.

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