"Hehe, I have already said that all the disciples of Tianxu Peak are very delicate, they are only allowed to win others, and others are not allowed to win them, hum!"

Yu Chunrou took the opportunity to add fuel and vinegar to fan the flames.

Although everyone was arguing endlessly, Chu Tianhua never opened his mouth and just watched the situation on the ring calmly.

The trace of disappointment that was deeply hidden in his eyes before had disappeared without a trace, and his deep gaze became a little weird at some point.

Yun Xianghan's pretty eyes flickered, and a hint of joy faintly flashed between his brows.

As for Tang Xiao, the master of Tianxu Peak kept silent all the time, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him.

No one knew what he was thinking, because his performance was so unpredictable.


Yue Zheng's attack was not hasty this time, but with the continuous concentration of spiritual power and the terrifying aura emanating from the two eddies in front of him, it would definitely be a terrifying blow!

Jiang Tian had no way out. Although Qi Yurou and other outer disciples shouted loudly, signaling him to admit defeat and give up, he did not accept any suggestion.

After a brief period of contemplation, his eyes narrowed, he gritted his teeth and drank fiercely, purple light flashed all over his body but he restrained himself instantly!


A dull roar suddenly exploded in his body, and at the same time, an incredible breath erupted!


The spiritual power in the void above surged, and an illusory purple phantom gradually appeared!

"Then... what is that?"

"Hiss! Why is it still getting bigger?"

"Like... like a shield!"

"No...not a shield! It looks like a dragon scale!"

There were exclamations in the square, and many disciples were dumbfounded. They were amazed at the purple light and shadow floating above Jiang Tian's head.

Not only these disciples were shocked, even the elders in the spectator seats were also shocked!

"How is it possible? Could it be that this kid has two layers of blood vision?"

"No! This old man has practiced for so many years, and he has never heard of such a miracle!"

"Then what is this? Is it some kind of powerful technique he cultivated?"

"No! His spiritual power has been exhausted a long time ago, and he is already at the end of his strength. If I hadn't guessed..." An elder in white robe frowned, as if hesitating.

The corner of another elder's eyes narrowed sharply, and he blurted out: "That's right! He's going to burn his blood!"

"Hiss! That's right, it seems to be true!"

Everyone heard the words and took a deep breath, their faces extremely solemn.

But they still have doubts. Jiang Tian's strength is not as good as the opponent's. Even if he burns his blood, can he block Yue Zheng's attack?

And once he couldn't stop him, not only would he be kicked out of the ring, but he would also inevitably suffer severe injuries, and even his foundation would be greatly damaged!

"It was only at this time that he was forced to burn his blood. How strong is this kid's spiritual power?" Some people's eyes twitched, puzzled!

"Master Sovereign! Is this competition..."

The elders of several sects didn't want to see this scene, and couldn't help but want to stop it.

Chu Tianhua waved his hand lightly, interrupting them.

The corners of everyone's eyes twitched, and after looking at each other, they had to suppress the impulse in their hearts.

On the stage, Yue Zheng's face was ashen, with anger in his eyes!

"Sure enough, there are ways!"

Seeing Jiang Tian's actions, he was annoyed again.

How strong is the aptitude of this Chongyang Realm disciple?

What kind of talent can support him to make such amazing moves again and again?

In comparison, he, the dazzling top talent in the inner sect, even felt ashamed and inferior!

Jiang Tian slowly raised his head, staring intently at the phantom of the purple scales above, his eyes gleaming with brilliance!

He hadn't used this kind of power for a long time, and although he had to do it now, he didn't hesitate much.


In a corner of the viewing platform, a fair-complexioned green-robed disciple was staring deeply at the vision on the ring, his eyes flickering, and he muttered to himself.

Especially when he saw that phantom of purple scales that was both familiar and unfamiliar, his chest began to heave violently, and an endless chill appeared in his eyes!


Above the arena, the aura emanating from the phantom of the purple scale became more and more alarming, making Yue Zheng feel a little uneasy.

But what scares him the most is that this aura is still rising, with no intention of stopping at all!

He faintly felt that he couldn't wait any longer, if he waited any longer, Jiang Tian's amazing move might be fulfilled again!

"Junior Brother Jiang, I've offended you!"

Yue Zheng yelled violently, retracted his arms and pushed forward heavily.

The two eddies suddenly sped up and spun out, emitting some kind of ear-piercing strange howl.


The terrifying roar resounded throughout the audience, reverberating wantonly over the square, causing everyone in the audience to be shocked!

This time, even if someone wanted to stop it, it was too late!

Facing such a terrifying attack, Jiang Tian did not flinch. He withdrew his gaze and stared coldly at Yue Zheng opposite, purple light flashed wildly all over his body, and a trace of blood red faintly appeared in his eyes.

"Hiss!" The corners of Yue Zheng's eyes twitched wildly, looking at this gaze, he felt inexplicably creepy.

However, he firmly believed that with the powerful technique he was proud of, Jiang Tian would never be able to block it safely.

But at this moment, Jiang Tian waved his arms, and the purple scale phantom suspended above suddenly brightened, and the aura emitted also began to rise suddenly!

"No! It's impossible!" Yue Zheng's eyes twitched wildly, completely shocked.

The power of Zilin Xuying seemed to surpass his offensive, which was really hard for him to understand, and even more unacceptable.

"Brother Yue, be careful!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, and let out a deep growl, the voice didn't seem to come from his mouth, which shocked Yue Zheng's mind.

I saw him lift his right arm, clenched his fist and blasted out.

Still without any moves, just a simple punch, a purple giant fist pierced through the air facing the two vortexes on the opposite side.

Did Yue Zheng hit Jiang Tian hard, or did Jiang Tian create another miracle?

Everyone held their breath, waiting for this final contest!


Suddenly, with a cold shout, a golden light flashed from the viewing platform, and in a flash of effort, it flew across the void to the top of the ring.

Before everyone could even react, the golden light emitted a mysterious spiritual force, directly sweeping away the attack of the two.


The dull roar resounded through the air, and the deep coercion was suddenly covered. Whether it was Yue Zheng or Jiang Tian, ​​the spiritual power in his body stagnated for an instant, and fell back involuntarily the next moment.

A long-awaited collision has come to an end!

"what happened?"

"who is it……"

Everyone was stunned, they all turned their heads to look at the spectator seats, only to see the suzerain Chu Tianhua lightly withdrew his right hand and smiled calmly.

"It's ok. Although Jiang Tian's aptitude is good, his cultivation level is still low after all. Yue Zheng is a genius in the Xuanyang realm, a dazzling pearl in the inner sect. There is no need to prove his strength. This contest can be over."

Chu Tianhua smiled lightly and made a judgment for this competition.

The corners of Yue Zheng's mouth twitched, feeling dissatisfied in his heart, but he didn't dare to make mistakes in front of the majesty of the suzerain.

Jiang Tian felt relieved, but secretly rejoiced but also regretted.

But that's good too, lest he reveal too much of his family background. He subconsciously turned his head to look at the spectator seats, and he felt a deep gaze directly hitting the door, his mind was turbulent, and his heart was shocked!

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