This gaze naturally came from Chu Tianhua. When he looked at Jiang Tian, ​​a faint smile flashed in his eyes, and then he looked away.

"Sovereign Master!" Elder Meng gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, then stood up abruptly.

"Sect Master..." Yu Chunrou also frowned, feeling very annoyed.

Seeing that Jiang Tian was about to learn a painful lesson, everything came to an abrupt end because of Chu Tianhua's attack, which really made them feel annoyed.

The suzerain lord did not make a sound early or late, but he stopped the competition at this time. What kind of intentions did he have?

Why did he do this?

Although the two were angry in their hearts, they still had some scruples after all, and their attitudes did not dare to be too rampant.

Chu Tianhua's face darkened, he looked sideways slightly, and frowned, "What do you two elders want to say?"

Elder Meng took a deep breath, and his face was extremely gloomy: "Sovereign Lord, this competition is not over yet. Everyone is waiting to see the final result. Is it... wrong to suspend it at this time?"

"Elder Meng is right, we have already been whetted by this competition, isn't it a bit of a joke to stop suddenly at this time?"

Relying on her special status, Yu Chunrou was outspoken, with a hint of sarcasm in her words. As the saying goes, good men don't fight with women. She knew that Chu Tianhua would not be angry because of her words, at most, she just felt a little displeased. .

Chu Tianhua deepened a little, shook his head and smiled: "The two elders think that the result of this competition is more important, or the Martial Dao Conference of Canglan Country is more important?"


"Does this still need to be said?"

Elder Meng and Yu Chunrou looked at each other, their eyes became more and more gloomy, and their faces were ashen.

Although they had expected Chu Tianhua's attitude, they still felt very uncomfortable when they actually heard what the other party said.

Suspending the competition at this time, the meaning of the suzerain is quite obvious, it is nothing more than to protect Jiang Tian!

Well, even if his aptitude is rare and his combat power is amazing, he is still just an outer disciple after all. As for the master of a sect, does he care so much?

Because of jealousy and hatred, the two of them disliked Jiang Tian no matter what, so naturally they didn't think too much in their hearts, they were just dominated by resentment, how could they care about any sect's plans, how could they consider the Canglan National Martial Arts Conference?

Those things, of course, should be weighed by Chu Tianhua, the suzerain, and it is far from the two elders of the sect to worry about them.

However, when faced with Chu Tianhua's questioning, they did not dare to express their feelings directly, because they did not have the courage to do so, and it was impossible to guarantee that Chu Tianhua would not be furious if they really said that.

At that time, the loss outweighs the gain!

"Damn it! The old man wants to teach you a lesson. There are many ways to do it. Let you be proud first!" Elder Meng withdrew his gaze from looking at the suzerain, and turned his gaze to Jiang Tian on the ring, with a cold light flickering between his brows.

Yu Chunrou secretly sighed in her heart, knowing that today she could no longer suppress this outer disciple no matter what, she snorted softly and looked away bitterly, keeping her mouth shut.

Chu Tianhua smiled coldly: "Since the two of you know the importance, you are worthy of being the elders of the sect. If so, does anyone have any objection to the decision of the suzerain?"

As the words spread, there was silence in the spectator seats, and the atmosphere was even a little depressing.

As the head of the Cangyun Sect, Chu Tianhua said this in a very strong tone. If anyone dared to stand up and express dissent at this time, what he would face would be more than a simple reprimand.

Yun Xianghan shook his head and sneered, turning his eyes to look at Jiang Tian again, with inexplicable ripples in his deep eyes.

Soon, under the signal of Chu Tianhua, the supervising elder announced the result of the competition.

"The results of this Zongmen martial arts meeting are as follows: first place, Jiang Tian!"


Although this result is known to everyone, it still gives people a strong sense of shock when it is actually announced from the mouth of the elder.

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of exclamation like a heat wave in the square, and all the outer disciples were boiling. This was the first time in the history of the Cangyun Sect. With a strong posture, he won the first place and completed this unprecedented feat!

"Jiang Tian is amazing!"

"Junior brother Jiang, you are the pride of the outer disciples!"

"Seeing Jiang Tian's performance, I realized how stupid I was. I used to look down on him very much, and attacked him with cynicism. Now it seems that I was completely wrong!"

"It's okay, Junior Brother Jiang has a broad mind and doesn't care about trivial matters. Now he is our friend!"

The outer disciples raised their arms and shouted, and the atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic. Even many people who had minor grievances with Jiang Tian completely let go of their grudges at this moment, and cheered for him instead.

And those inner disciples reacted differently, some of them were very worried about this sudden suspension of the competition, they could not forget it, and they were very dissatisfied.

"Hmph! See how happy these outsiders are, they don't even know what their surname is!"

"Hehe, they have this kind of virtue, what's so strange?"

"You bastards are proud of yourself here! If the suzerain hadn't stopped the competition, Jiang Tian would have been blasted out of the ring long ago, crying for his father and mother!"

"Hmph! I'm just a minion. It's just that I was lucky enough to get some grades under the care of the sect, and I'm so arrogant that I think the world is ignorant. It's really stupid!"

Seeing the appearance of the outer disciples cheering wildly, many inner disciples couldn't stand it any longer, and sternly reprimanded them with gloomy faces, sarcastically.

But there are also many people who are deeply impressed by Jiang Tian's performance, and even have a long time of shock in their hearts, and they dare not underestimate Jiang Tian.

"Everyone calm down, although Jiang Tian is no match for Senior Brother Yue Zheng, his strength is unquestionable!"

"That's right! It's not like you haven't seen that he crushed many inner sect masters all the way, even Duanmu Yunqi was defeated by him. Isn't this enough to prove his strength?"

"Even though an inner sect disciple has to be confident, he can't be blindly arrogant. Don't you blush when you ignore his record and ridicule wantonly?"

Some people couldn't stand it any longer, and shook their heads coldly, feeling disdain for the performance of these fellow students.

"Hmph! So what? If he is capable, he will fight to the end with Senior Brother Yue to see who is stronger and who is weaker?"

"Hahahaha! After all, he won't be able to pass the hurdle of Senior Brother Yue!"

Those fanatical inner disciples had ferocious faces, and even yelled at fellow inner disciples at a disagreement, with an extremely rough attitude.

"You... you are so unreasonable!"

"It's simply deception!"

"Let me ask, which inner sect disciple can make Senior Brother Yue make such a solemn move, and still fight against him for so long?"

"Forget it, I have nothing to say to these people, they have been blinded by jealousy and hatred!"


Several sober inner disciples shook their heads and sighed with complicated expressions. It is obviously very difficult to change the minds of those people. After several attempts, they were greatly disappointed and gave up their intention of continuing to do this kind of useless work.

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