Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1403 Do you still have this kind of friend?

"Hmph, Jiang Tian, ​​are you exaggerating? Have you ever been to the Black Moon Kingdom before? Do you know what happened to them in the past few years?" Peng Yue sneered, deeply disdainful. "Junior Brother Jiang seems to know the Black Moon Kingdom very well? I keep arguing about the situation of the Black Moon Kingdom. How can you judge their overall strength based on just one stronghold? How can you say that their strength can Threatening Canglan Nation, aren't you a little too bragging about it?


Tai Xuan shook his head with a sneer on his face, looking at Jiang Tian with contempt.

Kuang Yujiao frowned and looked annoyed. She really didn't expect that Jiang Tian's simple words could attract so much ridicule and rejection.

It almost made her angry! Jiang Tian was not surprised, shook his head and smiled, and said coldly: "Although it is my first time to come to Heiyue Country, I have heard of some things here before, so I know a little bit about the situation here. ;The Profound Sage and Evil People can destroy the entire Black Moon Kingdom in a short period of time, will their strength be very poor? Besides,

, There is such a large-scale stronghold in the border area alone. Do you think that the power in the hinterland of the Black Moon Kingdom will be weaker or less than this? "

"Hmph! After talking so much, everything is just your guesswork!" Peng Yue shook his head and sneered, still disapproving.

"Jiang Tian, ​​how long have you been in the Cangyun Sect, maybe less than a year? I'm really a little surprised. Before this, where did you hear about the situation in the Black Moon Kingdom?"

Tai Xuan frowned and smiled strangely, mocking coldly.

"I heard these news from a wandering dancer friend, isn't that strange?" Jiang Tian was a little speechless, and said casually without thinking much.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, the two people on the opposite side were all stunned!

The corner of Peng Yue's eyes twitched: "What... what friend?"

"Dancing girl? Your friend...is actually a dancing girl!" Tai Xuan's eyes flashed with astonishment.

The two seemed to have heard some big joke, shook their heads and sneered, showing extreme contempt and disdain.

"It's ridiculous to believe a showgirl's words!" Peng Da shook his head with a speechless expression on his face. "Hmph, even a low-class person like a dancer can be your friend, haha! I have to say, Junior Brother Jiang's acquaintances are so wide that it is 'remarkable'!" Tai Xuan let out a sullen breath slowly, his face He actually showed a condescending expression, and there was a little extra in his eyes looking at Jiang Tian.

Contempt and contempt.

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he couldn't help being a little annoyed: "Huh! It's just selling dance and singing, not selling yourself, just asking for a living. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Peng Yue and Tai Xuan stared at Jiang Tian, ​​shaking their heads and sighing.

"Hehe, Junior Brother Jiang is really broad-minded. On this point, what Peng can say is far beyond his reach!" Peng Yue's words seemed to be fine, but coupled with his mocking look, it was obvious that he had malicious intentions .

"Junior brother Jiang, the so-called knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing your heart, I think you are still too young! How do you know that your dancer friend has never sold herself? Could it be that your friendship with her has reached the point where you can talk about anything and everything? Is it beyond the unknown?"

"It's unreasonable!" Jiang Tian's face darkened, very annoyed.

These two people just sneered at him, but they also mocked his friends, it's unbearable!

However, Peng Yue seems to have more to say!

"Hehe, I really can't offend Junior Brother Jiang to be friends with that kind of person. From now on, I think it's better for us to stay away from him, so as not to be tainted with bad luck!"

"Hmph! That's right, you can be friends with even a lowly dancer, Junior Brother Jiang's taste is really extraordinary!"

The two shook their heads and sneered, trying their best to ridicule, they almost pointed to Jiang Tian's nose and uttered all kinds of obscenities.

"Have you two said enough?" Jiang Tian's face darkened, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

If these two people just teased him, he might be able to bear it, but now they are not only targeting him, but also abducting his friends to slander him, it is really unbearable!

"Ouch!" Peng Yue's eyes twitched, pretending to be terrified, "Junior Brother Jiang is actually angry because of a dancing girl, so be good!"

Tai Xuan smiled deeply: "Senior Brother Peng, didn't you realize that, when it comes to the dancer Junior Brother Jiang, he seems to have endless aftertaste? Very unusual! Hahahaha!"

Peng Yue had a strange smile on his face, and added embellishments: "What's so unusual? I think it's a superficial relationship, or even 'unfathomable', hahaha! I'm curious, how beautiful is that dancing girl, how can she Let Junior Brother Jiang treat him like a treasure?"

Tai Xuan nodded and said with a strange smile: "I may have said something wrong!"

"Oh?" Peng Yue frowned slightly, revealing a beating smile.

Tai Xuan chuckled: "I'm afraid that dancer is not as simple as being beautiful, but because of her ecstasy and extraordinary taste!"

"Oh? Hahahaha, well said, hahahaha!"

Peng Yue was slightly taken aback, then nodded and laughed with the other party, his expression was quite rampant.

"Shut up! My Jiang Tian's friends, I will never allow you to slander like this wantonly!" Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he sternly reprimanded!

The voices of the two were slightly restrained, but they still wore a provocative smile.

"What's the matter, a lowly stinky dancer, can't someone say a few words?" Peng Yue gritted his teeth and sneered, a domineering look flashed in his eyes.

"Hehe, since she is going to sell, she must have enough awareness. If she can become a dancer, does she still care about other people's advice?" Tai Xuan was full of disdain, and his expression was extremely mocking.

"Or, the relationship between Junior Brother Jiang and her is so good that we don't distinguish between you and me. Are we not even qualified to comment?"

At the end, Tai Xuan's face darkened suddenly, and the breath around him swayed slightly. It was obvious that he wanted to rely on the advantage of his cultivation to force Jiang Tian to give in.

"You two are too deceitful!"

"What? So what if you bully people too much!" Peng Yue sneered coldly, his face full of disdain.

"Hehe, does Junior Brother Jiang want to compete with us?" Tai Xuan raised his eyebrows, confident.

"Stop talking, just look over there!"

Suddenly, with a low shout, Kuang Yujiao interrupted the dispute between the three of them!

Everyone's complexion changed slightly and they immediately stopped talking. They turned their heads and saw that the lights in the halls opposite them began to go out gradually.

"Huh? It seems that these evil people are going to rest!" The Sixth Elder nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

"Hmph, no matter how strong they are, they can't stay awake day and night!" The Seventh Elder said with a sneer and disapproval. After a while, there was only one hall on the opposite side that was still lit, and several guards came in and out to patrol there.

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