And those halls with lights out, like huge monsters sleeping with their eyes closed, are perfectly integrated with the dark mountain peaks under the cover of night, making it difficult to distinguish.

If it hadn't been illuminated by lights before, it might have been possible to hide from Jiang Tian's sight.

Everyone waited for a while, and gradually figured out the rules of guarding the stronghold.

At present, there are two teams of guards patrolling around the hall, each team has 20 guards, and they meet every half an incense stick.

In other words, if Jiang Tian and the others wanted to sneak into the opposite side to investigate, they would only have less than half a stick of incense to use.

If it exceeds this time, it will naturally be discovered by the guards of the two teams.

However, half a stick of incense is actually more than enough time for powerful warriors like them, so they are not too worried.

After observing for a while, the envoys began to sum up the details of their actions.

Although they had made plans before coming here, they actually didn't know the real situation here, and they didn't know in advance that the size of this stronghold was so impressive.

It's a pity that you can only see a general view from here, and you can't find out the real strength reserve of the other party at all. Several people sum up and feel that it is necessary to do further spying.

But for the guarding of this stronghold, several people have different opinions.

"Judging from the size of these halls and the situation of the two teams of guards, there may not be too few evil people stationed here!" Jiang Tian said slowly with a solemn expression.

"I think it's the same!" The third elder nodded slowly, deeply agreeing.

The two agreed that since the size of this stronghold is so impressive, there must be a lot of evil people stationed there.

But the sixth and seventh elders felt that although there were many halls here, there might not be so many masters.

"You two are too cautious! Even if there are more people here, it is estimated that most of them are warriors with average strength, and there are definitely not many who really have the Xuanyang realm!"

"That's natural. Since we are here, we must find out the situation here, otherwise, what are you doing here, watching the excitement?"

The Sixth Elder and Seventh Elder shook their heads and sneered, although they were already around the stronghold, they were not nervous.

Peng Yue and Tai Xuan were even more relaxed. They were in the Xuanyang realm, even if they really encountered those evil people, they would not go wrong if they asked themselves.

"What's there to discuss? Let's split up and sneak in to have a look." Peng Yue shook his head and laughed, and said with a relaxed face.

"Hehe, Senior Brother Peng is right. Instead of wasting time guessing here and there, how can it be as effective as investigating in person?" Tai Xuan said proudly.

Jiang Tian and the third elder looked at each other, frowning slightly but did not speak.

He knew very well that no matter what he said at this time, he would only provoke a burst of ridicule and squeeze from the other party.

The third elder was different. As the leader of this operation, she not only had to undertake the task of spying, but also took the overall situation into consideration for everyone's safety.

And after the previous communication, she also understood what Jiang Tian meant, and she was not as optimistic as the others.

"Everyone, don't underestimate the enemy. After all, this is the stronghold of the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom. If we are not careful, we will immediately fall into a tight siege!"

Kuang Yujiao looked solemn, and her words were not without fear.

The Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder frowned slightly. Although they were a little slanderous, they also knew that the evil people in the Black Moon Kingdom were no small matter, so they did not directly refute.

But Peng Yue and Tai Xuan didn't think so at all. Among this group of people, they were the two strongest, and they were responsible for protecting them.

In their view, Jiang Tian and the third elder were so cautious, it was a kind of contempt and insult in disguise!

"Hmph! What are we afraid of? Does the third elder think that the two of us have come all the way here as a display?" Peng Yue said coldly with an angry expression on his face. "Hehe, Third Elder, don't listen and believe just because of your own liking. How much courage can a junior in the Quasi-Profound Realm have? If you only listen to him and don't consider our opinions, then this action will be useless. And go back!" Tai declared with a gun and a stick between his words, his eyes coldly glanced at Jiang Tian, ​​revealing a strong

Strong disdain.

"Hmph!" Elder Seven and Elder Six sneered at each other. Although they didn't say much, the meaning was quite obvious. They were obviously very dissatisfied with Kuang Yujiao's actions.

"It's unreasonable! What is personal preference? Let's discuss the matter, don't be so arrogant!" Kuang Yujiao obviously heard something, her face darkened, and she said with regret.

"Everyone calm down, we're here to spy on information, not to brawl like this!"

Jiang Tian couldn't stand it anymore, frowned, and glanced at everyone coldly.

When his eyes glanced over Peng Yue and Tai Xuan, there was a hint of sharpness, implying a warning.

"Hmph! I'm almost scared out of my wits, and I still have the face to teach me?" Peng Yue reprimanded in a deep voice.

"Hehe, Junior Brother Jiang, if something happens later, don't be so scared that you pee your pants!" Tai Xuan smiled coldly.

Jiang Tian said lightly: "Don't worry, both of you, Jiang Tian has his own sense of what to do, and will never hold everyone back!"

Peng Bo and Tai Xuan looked at each other, sneered and remained silent.

With Jiang Tian's strength, can he have a sense of proportion?

However, considering the situation in front of them, they didn't refute anymore, they just kept mocking in their hearts.

Based on the opinions of several people, after a moment of weighing, Kuang Yujiao finally made a decision.

"Everyone, let's divide into three ways! Jiang Tian and I enter from the left; the Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder go on the right; and the two Cangyun Sect masters enter from the middle, responsible for guarding and waiting for opportunities to support!"

Hearing this arrangement, the Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder sneered at each other, which was not surprising at all.

From their point of view, Kuang Yujiao probably had already figured it out when she started from the family. No matter how the situation changed, she would choose to work together with Jiang Tian.

Peng Yue and Tai Xuan were also a little speechless when they heard the words, but before they could speak, Kuang Yujiao had already called Jiang Tian to swipe to the left.

"It's not too late, let's act!"

Peng Yue sneered and waved his hands, and he and Tai Xuan swept down the hillside and went straight to the opposite side.

"Hehe, this arrangement is exactly as I expected, old seven, you should give up too!" The sixth elder patted the seventh elder on the shoulder and smiled coldly.

"Okay, Brother Six! Why do you still mention these things at this time, let's finish the matter first. As for Jiang Tian's matter, hmph, I will find a chance to talk to him after I go back!" The Seventh Elder gritted his teeth and scolded.

"Do you still want to talk about it? Hehe, Lao Qi...why don't you wake up?"

The Sixth Elder shook his head and sneered, his face full of speechlessness. Seeing that the Seventh Elder had already moved to the front right, he frowned slightly, and then followed suit. The six divided into three groups, and moved forward quietly under the cover of night, avoiding the patrolling guards, and soon reached the front of the palace.

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