Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1405 Weird Situation

Peng Yue and Tai Xuan hid in the dark, looking indifferently at the palace building directly opposite.

These palaces are built on the mountain, extending upwards layer by layer, with a total of five floors, which looks like a huge palace like a whole pyramid.

But in fact, each floor of these palaces is relatively independent.

There are seven or eight halls on the bottom floor, five or six halls in the middle, and only one hall on the top floor.

They watched the situation ahead intently, but there was no tension on their faces.

"Hmph! The Kuang family are really timid. They were always cautious at the beginning of their departure. Do you really think these evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom are monsters with three heads and six arms?" Peng Yue shook his head and sneered, and said in a low voice. Tai Xuan raised his eyebrows, and sneered in a low voice: "Of course we have nothing to be afraid of, but don't forget, there are not many Xuanyang-level masters in their entire family, and the three who came here only have the strength of Xuanyue-level, and they are timid. These are normal. But in any case, they obviously overestimated the evil spirits of the Black Moon

People, in my opinion, there is nothing special about this place except that the palace is more magnificent! "

Peng Yue chuckled: "That's right! But these palaces have been around for a long time, obviously they didn't build them themselves, but who knows which sect's family moved out and they took advantage of it?"

The two sneered at each other, their expressions calm.

Seeing that the companions on the left and right had already touched the main hall and fell into the darkness, nothing changed, and the only vigilance in their hearts began to recede.


Before the sixth and seventh elders of the Kuang family touched the lowest hall, they searched intently for a moment but didn't notice any warrior's aura, which made them feel strange.

The two looked at each other and frowned slightly!

"Why is this hall empty?" The Seventh Elder frowned and muttered to himself.

"It's a bit strange. I saw people coming in and out just now, but why are they all gone?" The sixth elder looked at the dark hall with his face full of doubts.

Just now they clearly saw a lot of warriors coming in and out. Why did those people disappear after the lights went out?

This is completely unreasonable!

"It's a little strange!" The seventh elder's eyes twitched, and a strange look flashed between his brows.

"Go to the main hall in front and have a look again!" The Sixth Elder said in a low voice after pondering for a while.

The two immediately turned into two afterimages, and swept forward under the cover of the night.

After inspecting several halls again, they couldn't help being stunned!

These halls are the same as the previous one, neither the shadow nor the aura of any warriors, which is really strange!

The two of them frowned tightly, feeling a little uneasy.

"Brother Six, going on like this is not an option!" After a brief hesitation, the Seventh Elder couldn't hold back his curiosity.

The Sixth Elder pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Go, go in and have a look!"


The two immediately flashed into a large hall in front of them, but the situation in the hall was as they expected, there were no warriors at all!

Seeing the scene in front of them, they were completely stunned!

"How could this be?" The Seventh Elder stared wide-eyed, speechless.

"Could it be that there are not as many warriors stationed here as we imagined, or even... just a sparsely populated empty shell?" The sixth elder said thoughtfully with a twitch in the corner of his eyes.

"It's really possible!" The Seventh Elder nodded thoughtfully.

Although I saw two teams of guards patrolling on the hillside, and many halls were brightly lit, and people came in and out from time to time, but it seemed that there were not many people at this time.

All the previous guesses seemed to be just an illusion of theirs!

"It's his grandma! These evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom are really cunning!" The Seventh Elder gritted his teeth and scolded, his face full of anger.

The Sixth Elder shook his head and said: "This is only the first-floor hall, there are still many halls above that I haven't seen, so don't jump to conclusions!"

"Then why hesitate, go up and have a look and you'll know?" The Seventh Elder said with a sneer and disapproval.

Compared with the cautious and tense mind at the beginning, he no longer has any fear at this time, and even the fear that he has always had has begun to recede a lot.

When he was on his way before, he secretly wondered whether the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom stationed here were all vicious and terribly high-cultivated, and he was very uncertain.

But now, his heart is full of self-mockery, and he feels that he is so naive!

Hehe, think about it too!

If there were really a large number of masters stationed in this stronghold, they would have launched a massive attack on Kuang's family long ago, and would there be a chance for them to come and spy?

It's ridiculous to think about it!

The two immediately rushed out of the main hall, and went straight to the upper floor along a staircase going up the mountain outside the hall.

As a result, the situation on the second floor was similar. After seeing several halls in succession, there was still no one there.

The Seventh Elder was completely speechless!

As soon as he walked out of an empty hall, he stood outside the hall door and shook his head loudly, sighing deeply.

"Sixth brother, what did I say, we are all scaring ourselves, in fact, there are not many people here!"

"The situation is really strange, but..." Although the sixth elder was surprised, he still had some doubts in his heart.

"But what?" The Seventh Elder shook his head and sneered, with a look of disapproval.

The Sixth Elder frowned and said, "I always feel...something is wrong!"

"What else could be wrong?" The Seventh Elder shook his head and sneered, speechless.

"Go, look up again!" The Sixth Elder pondered for a moment, then called the Seventh Elder to go to the palace on the third floor.


On the other side, Jiang Tian and the third elder Kuang Yujiao also encountered a similar situation.

After inspecting several palaces on the first and second floors, they found that they were all empty!

"Strange, I saw quite a few people just now, why is there none now?" Kuang Yujiao frowned deeply in deep thought.

"It's not right, there must be something wrong!" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, with a serious expression on his face.

The corners of Kuang Yujiao's eyes twitched, thinking of certain rumors about the traitors of the Kuang family, she felt uneasy.

"Brother Jiang, you may have heard some rumors that our Kuang family is actually not monolithic!"

"You mean... a traitor?" Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, but he didn't react too much.

Kuang Yujiao's face froze, she shook her head and smiled wryly, "It seems that you have already guessed it."

Jiang Tian frowned: "If there is really a traitor in the Kuang family, then there is no secrecy in our actions at all. As for detouring Xiangta Town, it is even more meaningless!" Kuang Yujiao sighed helplessly: "Actually , before coming here, the Patriarch once reminded me that this task is indeed extremely risky, but for the sake of the family, I am obliged and cannot back down!"

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