Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1406 The Evil Man Appears

Jiang Tian thoughtfully, shook his head and sighed: "It's useless to say these things now, if you come, you can rest easy, go up and have a look, and then play it by ear if the situation changes!"

The two immediately rushed out of the main hall and towards the third floor.


"Not even on the third floor!"

After a while, Jiang Tian and Kuang Yujiao fled out of the third-floor hall, pondered for a while, and then fled to the fourth floor.

The situation in front of them did not make them much easier, but their expressions became more solemn.

Sure enough, as they expected, the fourth floor hall was also empty!

However, with his extraordinary perception ability, Jiang Tian still noticed some faint warrior breaths, but these breaths were suddenly interrupted in the depths of the hall, and then disappeared!

This made him feel even more weird!

"No! These halls must be weird!"

In front of a certain gate of the four-story hall, Jiang Tian frowned, his expression becoming more serious.

Although Kuang Yujiao was also very disturbed, she didn't find anything abnormal, she just looked at Jiang Tian with a puzzled expression.

"Brother Jiang, what did you find?"

"If I'm not mistaken, these evil people must have hidden themselves through some kind of mechanism or magic circle!"

"Organ formation?" Kuang Yujiao was taken aback when he heard the words, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, "Then now..."

Before the words fell, a sneer suddenly sounded!

"Hmph! How are you doing now?"

A figure flew over from the front of the main hall on the right, and landed in front of it in a blink of an eye. Although the sound was not loud, it still surprised the two of them in the silent night.

Jiang Tian frowned, and looked coldly at the seventh elder opposite.

Kuang Yujiao's face darkened, and she said angrily, "Lao Qi, what are you doing?"

The seventh elder shook his head and sneered: "Why are you so nervous? I don't know where those evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom are hiding. There is no one here!"

"How do you know that there is no one there, and there is a hall above?" Kuang Yujiao pointed to the top hall and said coldly.

The Seventh Elder sneered and said: "Don't worry, the Sixth Elder has already gone up to look, but I guess it's useless to look, and there is probably no one up there, and he will come down soon."

"What?" Kuang Yujiao frowned.

"It's broken!" Jiang Tian's expression darkened suddenly, and he suddenly looked up.


At this moment, there was a sudden flash of blood above, and there was a dull roar.

"Not good... ah!" A figure flew down in surprise and landed in front of the fourth-floor hall. It was the sixth elder of the Kuang family.

But at this moment, the Sixth Elder's face was pale, and the breath around him was turbulent, obviously injured.

"Sixth brother!" The corners of the seventh elder's eyes shrank sharply, startled.

"Sixth Elder, how are you?" Kuang Yujiao's expression changed drastically.

The Sixth Elder couldn't help but quickly swallowed two pills, waved his hands again and again and said, "Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough, fortunately there is no serious problem!"

Although he said so, his face was extremely ugly.

Perhaps his injury was really not serious, but for everyone, the real trouble had already arrived.

"Here we come!" Jiang Tian took a deep breath and looked up.

In an instant, the five-story hall was brightly lit!

Dozens of warriors rushed out of it, stood in front of the thick stone railing in front of the hall and looked down, all showing ferocious smiles.

"Why did you come here now? It really made Quan wait for a long time!"

The leading black-robed old man had his hands behind his back, with a sneer on his face and very gloomy eyes.

"Hiss! Xuanyang Realm powerhouse!" Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, greatly surprised.

From the old man in black, he felt a deep and terrifying aura of cultivation. There is no doubt that this is a strong man in the Xuanyang realm whose strength far surpasses that of Peng Yue and Tai Xuan!

And on his left and right sides, there are three other men in black robes with strong aura, who are also at the Xuanyang realm!

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and his face became extremely solemn!

As for the other companions, whether it was Kuang Yujiao, the seventh elder, or the sixth elder who had just fallen and suffered a loss, their expressions became extremely ugly.

"Hiss! Four... Xuanyang Realm powerhouses!" The Seventh Elder gasped, and the corners of his eyes twitched wildly.

"There are dozens more... Profound Moon Realm masters!" The sixth elder's mouth twitched violently, his expression extremely fearful.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, their hearts sank suddenly!

"Hmph, it's not too slow to be able to dodge my random blow!" On the right side of the black-robed old man, a black-robed warrior who looked about forty or so shook his head and sighed.

Looking at the sixth elder of the Kuang family below, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, but there was a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Deacon Mu's words are wrong!"

"Hmph, it's not that he reacted quickly, but that you shot too early!"

On the left side of the black-robed old man, two Xuanyang-level masters smiled at each other, and looked at the Xuanyang-level black-robed warrior on the right side in unison, with mocking expressions on their faces.

"Hmph! Deacon Jiao, Deacon Che, are you laughing at Mu's incompetence?" Elder Mu's expression darkened, feeling very annoyed.

"Hehe, dare not dare, Jiao is just telling the truth." Deacon Jiao blinked his triangular eyes, hehe smiled, but the sarcasm on his face did not decrease but increased.

Deacon Che's face turned cold, and his already slightly dark face suddenly became more serious: "Hmph! It's not that Che was talking big, if you hadn't rushed ahead of me just now, the sixth elder of the Kuang family would have been a dead man !"

"It makes no sense!"

The corners of Deacon Mu's mouth twitched, his face turned ashen for a while.

The three of them are the deacons and elders under Quan Tianheng's subordinates, but they have a lot of quarrels with each other, and they often suppress and exclude each other, and often the other two will seize the opportunity to squeeze each other out if there is a slight omission in one party.

Now, in front of all the hall masters, they will not miss this opportunity even more.

Just now they hid in the five-story hall, ready to kill the sixth elder of the Kuang family who came forward to spy.

But on the issue of who made the first move, there were some small disputes.

Originally, the slightly superior Elder Che was ready to make a move, but Deacon Mu was eager to take credit, and made a sudden move while the two colleagues were discussing.

But his luck was really not good enough. When he met the sixth elder, who was suspicious and quick-witted, the opponent dodged the blow he thought he was sure of.

In the end, the sixth elder of the Kuang family was only slightly injured, but not seriously injured.

And being belittled and provoked by two colleagues in front of the hall master Quan Tianheng, he was of course extremely upset, he snorted coldly and wanted to attack again, taking down the few people below to vent his anger severely.

"Stop arguing!" Quan Tianheng's face darkened, "There are six of them, isn't it enough for you?"

"Hall Master is right!" The three of them looked at each other without any hesitation.

Deacon Mu had no choice but to suppress the urge to act, and waited for the order from the Lord Palace Master.

"Six!" Kuang Yujiao's face darkened, feeling very angry. Obviously, these evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom have already grasped their actions. They spread their nets here and dug a hole to wait for them to come to their door. They even know the number of people.

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