Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1407 The Confidence of the Strong in Xuanyang Realm

The faces of several companions also became extremely dignified.

"Damn traitor, we have been betrayed!" The Seventh Elder gritted his teeth angrily, with a cold gleam in his eyes.

"Damn it! If I find out that traitor, I will kill him alive!" The Sixth Elder took a deep breath and frowned.

But he is also very clear that in the situation in front of him, there is little hope of getting out safely.

"It's useless to think about those things now, everyone must be more careful!" Jiang Tian said in a deep voice with a dignified expression.

Following the light wave of the hall master Quan Tianheng, dozens of Xuanyue realm black-robed warriors landed in front of the fourth-floor hall one after another, surrounding Jiang Tian and others.

"The other two haven't shown up yet, do we have to wait for Quan to invite him in person?" Quan Tianheng shook his head and sneered, and said mockingly.

"Hmph! To plant a traitor in Kuang's house, the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom are really despicable and shameless!"

"Everyone don't need to be nervous, it's just four Xuanyang realm warriors, the strength of this stronghold is nothing more than that, it's not a problem for the two of us to escape!"

Peng Yue and Tai Xuan rushed out from the darkness, and landed in front of the main hall of the fourth hall in a blink of an eye.

Boom, boom!

The breath of the two swayed, directly shaking dozens of black-robed warriors to stagger and fall back, and the few in front were directly shocked to vomit blood and fly out, screaming incessantly.

"Quick!" Kuang Yujiao waved his hand and took the opportunity to retreat, and quickly stood beside Peng Yue and Tai Xuan.

Although the situation was a bit dangerous, with the presence of these two Xuanyang Realm masters, they still had a bit of confidence in their hearts.

However, Jiang Tian's face was still dignified, and he did not relax at all!

Not to mention the three Xuanyang Realm deacon elders, the entire hall master alone is enough to crush Peng Yue and Tai Xuan, the situation is extremely dangerous!

"Hehe, you are indeed an inner genius of the Cangyun Sect, and your aptitude is not weak, but it is a pity that you are all going to die here today!"

The master of the whole hall waved his hand, and dozens of Xuan Yuejing's subordinates rushed forward angrily.


"court death!"

"Go away, old man!"

Peng Yue and Tai Xuan yelled angrily, each with a tyrannical aura, and violently sent the dozen or so black-robed warriors who charged up first into the air.

The few people in the front were shaking, vomiting blood and screaming, and they were directly shocked by the coercion of Xuanyang Realm and died before they landed.

"Get rid of all the useless things!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by several dull roars, Deacon Jiao, Deacon Che and Deacon Mu jumped down at the same time and landed in front of the four-story hall.

Three tyrannical Xuanyang realm auras burst out, turning into a violent storm and sweeping out.

Kuang Yujiao and the Seventh Elder's body shook violently, and they kept retreating. The Sixth Elder's expression changed drastically, and his blood was churning violently, and he was about to be blown away.

"It makes no sense!"

"Hmph! Do you think the two of us are decorations?"

Peng Yue and Tai Xuan yelled angrily, stepped out with their chests proudly raised, and the aura around them exploded, forcefully blocking the oncoming coercion.


The coercion of the two sides collided wildly, causing the void to twist violently, and the powerful energy turned into waves visible to the naked eye and swayed towards the left and right sides.

After the two made their move, the pressure on Kuang Yujiao and the others was greatly reduced, and they relaxed and quickly stood still.

But when she turned her head to look, she found that Jiang Tian was still standing there without moving a step, and his breath was calm, as if he hadn't been affected in any way.

"Jiang Tian, ​​why are you still in a daze, come back quickly!" Kuang Yujiao frowned and signaled, full of fear for the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom.

Jiang Tian shook his head slowly, and said in a deep voice: "I, Cangyunzong, came to help Kuang's family, how can I shrink behind the two senior brothers?"

Kuang Yujiao was taken aback when she heard the words, and couldn't help being a little surprised. She didn't expect Jiang Tian to be so courageous at this time.

You know, standing opposite are three evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom who kill people without blinking an eye, and they are also Xuanyang Realm masters!

"Jiang Tian, ​​now is not the time to be brave!" Kuang Yujiao gritted her teeth.

"Jiang Tian, ​​didn't you hear what the third elder said? If you are told to retreat, you will retreat. What are you still doing?" Peng Yue's face darkened, and he looked sideways at Jiang Tian and said coldly.

"Jiang Tian, ​​we don't have any complaints if you stay behind, thank God if you don't cause us trouble!" Tai Xuan shook his head and sneered, with a look of disdain.

They also understood that the situation was tense at the moment, so they didn't talk too much, they just scolded Jiang Tian to back off.

After all, there were three Xuanyang-level experts on the opposite side, and there was a Xuanyang-level master with a deep aura sitting on top of it. Jiang Tian would not be able to help if he really tried to do it, but would get in the way, which was not helpful.

Jiang Tian still did not back down, frowning and said: "Zongmen orders and personal responsibilities cannot be evaded, the two senior brothers must not be distracted, and I will not hold you back!"

"Jiang Tian..." Kuang Yujiao's face darkened, a little annoyed, but Peng Yue's voice overshadowed her before she finished speaking.

"Hmph! Since Junior Brother Jiang is so confident, let's do it for ourselves!" Peng Yue snorted coldly, also a little annoyed.

"In case there is no help, Junior Brother Jiang can escape as much as he can, but don't stay here and get in the way!" Tai Xuan frowned and said coldly.

Although they had many disputes with Jiang Tian along the way, after all, they were just private quarrels and internal disputes. Dangerous situations that could cost lives.

As senior geniuses in the inner sect, the two can still tell the difference on this point.

Looking at the two people beside him, Jiang Tian couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

In such a dangerous situation, they didn't leave their companions and turned around, but also stepped forward with arrogance, which is quite good.

At this moment, he couldn't help but slightly reduce his negative impression of the two of them. He frowned, and suddenly used spiritual power to send a sound transmission to the other party.

"Senior brothers! We may be able to deal with the three Xuanyang realm warriors, but the strength of the master of the palace is unfathomable. Together, we may not be opponents. We must not fight with him. We should find a chance to find a way to withdraw For good!"

"What are you afraid of! With our two masters in the Xuanyang realm, they won't be so easy to succeed!" Peng Yue disapproved, and yelled out with his mouth open.

Jiang Tian's face was ashen when he heard this, and he couldn't help being a little annoyed.

His impression of Peng Yue had just changed, but the other party did such a seemingly bold but actually quite stupid thing, it was simply speechless!

Tai Xuan was still a little cautious, smiled coldly, and said via voice transmission: "Junior brother Jiang is afraid that the two of us will be useless?"

"You..." Jiang Tian's voice froze, feeling speechless.

"Hmph! Let's do our best to hold each other down later. You can run away with the three Kuang family elders!" Tai Xuan said with a sneer.

"Brother Tai is just joking, once we leave, what will you two do?" Jiang Tian said coldly.

"Junior Brother Jiang, please don't judge us by your strength. You are a Quasi-Xuan Realm martial artist, but we are experts at the Xuanyang Realm. Even if we lose to them, can't we still escape?" Tai Xuan smiled proudly, with a powerful look on his brows. confidence. Jiang Tian was extremely speechless!

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