
The voices of the two were like two thunderbolts breaking through the void and descending on the stronghold.

The spirits of many black-robed warriors were lifted, and there was a burst of ecstasy for the rest of their lives.


"The two palace masters are back, we are saved!"

"Hurry up, we can't wait like this!"

I don't know who greeted them, and everyone immediately took out magic weapons and weapons, and each frantically urged their spiritual power to attack the blue light in midair.

Although up to now, they have never seen the true face of the person who came, but the two palace masters returned with anger so that they did not dare to neglect at all.


In an instant, dozens of auras shot up into the sky, of which the blood-colored aura was the main one, and there were also some blue-black auras, but without exception, all of them were mixed with some kind of violent and bloodthirsty aura.

The number of cultivation methods of these people has obviously undergone some kind of weird transformation, and almost none of them can see the original essence.

"The evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom deserve to die!"

The owner of the blue light looked coldly at the two palace masters who had fled back wildly, and spit out a cold reprimand, but his hands didn't stop, his right arm shook slightly, and several blue sword lights blasted down towards the palace. The black-robed warriors gathered in the open space in front cut off.

"Ah... not good!"

"Damn it!"

"Get out of the way!"

Boom... Boom!

Before the sword light fell, there were already exclamations below, but after a short while, these exclamations were drowned out by the sharp and piercing howling of the sword and the violent roar.


The shrill screams were mixed with bursts of violent roars, which kept ringing one after another.

The black-robed warriors who had just felt lucky for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe fell into panic again, and they were killed and injured in the blink of an eye.

And after this moment of delay, Hallmaster Pang and Hallmaster Quan rushed back frantically.

Nearly a hundred feet away, Palace Master Pang waved a fat palm and slapped towards the opposite blue light.


Amidst the dull roar, a beam of blood crossed the void, blasting towards the owner of the blue light with the mighty power of Xuanyang Realm.

However, the opponent just flicked his long sword, drew a dazzling sword light in the air, and chopped off the palm print.

However, the master of the whole hall who followed behind was even more furious, roaring and clapping his palms involuntarily.

Boom boom boom... Intensive roars resounded through the void, and blood-colored palm prints descended from the sky like blood clouds, and they roared towards the blue light without any explanation.

After a few palm strikes, he swung his right hand again, and then he released a strange black long knife, and the spiritual power poured out from his body, and the whole body of the long knife suddenly lit up with blood-colored lines as thick as fingers, which looked distorted and strange, and emitted a An astonishingly evil killing intent!

Whoosh! With a swipe of the long knife, a huge black knife light with a length of tens of feet slashed out wildly.

And in the middle of this knife light, there are also twisted and wriggling bloody lines, but compared to the original lines on the knife, these are thicker than a bucket, and exude a strong killing atmosphere, manic, violent, and evil!


There was a cold screech in the blue light, followed by a lightning-like swing of the long sword.

Whoosh whoosh!

More than a dozen sword lights slashed out wildly, without any explanation, they messed up those bloody palms.

Immediately afterwards, the spiritual power of the long sword suddenly soared, and with a heavy swing from the air, a blue sword rainbow with a length of several tens of feet descended from the sky, meeting that strange black giant blade impartially!


The dull explosion shook the void, and the black giant blade and the blue sword rainbow crazily devoured each other, launching an astonishing contest.

However, this contest didn't last too long, that is, within a few breaths, both of them burst apart, turning into an astonishing storm of spiritual power and exploding in the air.

At the same time, the terrifying fluctuations of spiritual power suddenly scattered, setting off a frightening wave of spiritual power in the void.


The powerful fluctuation of spiritual power suddenly rolled away, which stopped the approach of Palace Master Pang and Quan Palace Master. At the same time, it also made the master of Lan Guang retreat a few steps in the air.

The owner of the blue light frowned slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Taking advantage of the time when the two of them were blocked, the spiritual power of the whole body rose, and the long sword in his hand slashed down again.


The blue sword rainbow showed its power again, and chopped down on the stone palace below one after another.

Amidst the violent roar, more than a dozen halls below collapsed immediately, turning into countless remnants of rocks and splashing crazily. After the ground shook for a moment, almost none of these halls were spared.

But the dozen or so black-robed warriors who had escaped by chance just now were unable to avoid it at this time. They were hit by a large amount of rubble wrapped in violent spiritual power, and they screamed in despair again.

The owner of the blue light made several shots, almost annihilating nearly a hundred evildoers in this stronghold. His strength is really amazing!

"Hiss! Who is Your Excellency?"

Witnessing all this, Palace Master Pang paused and stopped several tens of feet away.

Looking at the chaotic scene below, although he was extremely furious in his heart, after all, this stronghold was not dominated by him, and the biggest loss at this time was the death of dozens of subordinates.

But for the whole palace master, everything in front of him has a very different meaning!

This stronghold can be said to be won by him with great difficulty. Originally, he wanted to expand rapidly, gain a firm foothold along the border of the Black Moon Country, and start devouring it step by step, bringing all the towns on the border of the Canglan Country into his sphere of influence. within.

Everything before that is also steadily advancing in the direction he planned, and the Kuang family in Fenghe Town, which is thousands of miles away, is about to be acquired, and everything can be said to be smooth and well controlled.

But who would have thought that tonight, the situation was disrupted by Kuang's family first, and now such an astonishing change happened, which really made him feel furious, and he was so annoyed that he could almost vomit blood.

"Whoever he is, if he dares to come here to make trouble, he will definitely die today!"

The figure of the whole hall master flickered, passing by the fat side of the hall master Pang, and with a wave of terrifying spiritual power fluctuations, he crazily rushed towards the blue light on the opposite side.



The spiritual power of the whole hall master skyrocketed, and the long knife slashed down crazily, and the strange black knife light that was tens of feet long flashed again, and the terrifying knife intent erupted seemed to be able to tear the void!

Looking at the huge sword glow that fell head-on, the master of the blue light remained unmoved, his blood and spiritual power surged, and the long sword in his hand volleyed in the air, and a ripple of sword intent like a slanting moon burst out of the air instantly.

"This is... hiss!" Seeing this ripple of sword intent, the corners of the hall master's eyes shrank sharply, and his heart shook!

Based on his experience and cultivation, he naturally understood that in order to display such a level of attack, he must have a profound realm as a foundation, coupled with extremely powerful spiritual support.

What is the origin of the owner of this blue light? Not only that, but the blue ripples of the sword intent, which were as pure as the water of the mysterious sea, made him feel a little jealous subconsciously!

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