Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1432 Go All Out

Although his whole body has undergone a special transformation, his strength is far superior to that of before, but deep down in his heart, he still has a certain instinctive fear of this extremely pure orthodox spiritual power!


The ripples of the sword intent rushed out like a slanting moon, and instantly met the huge black sword light.

A terrifying roar erupted suddenly, and strong fluctuations in spiritual power swept through again.

This time, the two sides had been prepared for a long time, and neither of them took a step back, but confronted each other coldly.

Seeing this shadow, that Palace Master Pang frowned slightly, his eyes flickered, and after a moment of hesitation, he suppressed his anger in a rare way.


"Boy, you can't run away!"

"You want to run after being targeted by Che Mou, it's just a dream!"

Boom, boom!

On a hill more than ten miles away from the stronghold, Deacon Jiao and Deacon Che, who were chasing desperately, finally caught up with Jiang Tian and the others.

The two were in front of each other, forming a double-team situation, sandwiching Jiang Tian, ​​Peng Yue and Tai Xuan in the middle, leaving them nowhere to escape.

"It's...it's over!" Peng Yue's mouth twitched, and a trace of despair flashed in his eyes.

"Junior Brother Jiang, you...you shouldn't have come back!" A trace of remorse flashed in Tai Xuan's eyes, remembering all the teasing and teasing Jiang Tian along the way, he was so ashamed of regret.

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he snorted coldly: "What's the use of saying this now, let's think about how to deal with them!"

"How to deal with it?" Peng Yue opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

"With our strength...haha!" Tai Xuan shook his head and smiled wryly, feeling helpless in his heart.

If they could really deal with these two Xuanyang-level powerhouses, would they still need to run away so desperately?

"What's wrong with our strength? At this moment and at that moment, there are only the two of them in front of you, without the presence of the Hall Master, don't you have any confidence?"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and said coldly.


"Junior Brother Jiang means..."

By this time, Peng Yue and Tai Xuan had already lost their minds.

They originally thought that they would die on the spot if they couldn't even escape from the stronghold. In fact, they were very grateful for the short time of escaping.

At this moment, facing the siege and interception of the two strong men, they hardly had any thoughts of resisting, and subconsciously felt that the situation was not good, and there was almost no other possibility except a tragic defeat.

Jiang Tian didn't take it seriously, his eyes were firm, and his heart was always full of strong will.

"There are three of us, are we still afraid that they will fail?"

"Three...three...cough cough!" Peng Yue smiled wryly, hesitant to speak.

"Junior Brother Jiang, it's true that we have three people, but together, I'm afraid we are no match for them!" Tai Xuan sighed, and after a short hesitation, he still expressed his helplessness.

Both of them in their heyday were suppressed by the opponent, and now they are both injured and their breath has been greatly damaged, so how can they still have the ability to confront each other head-on?

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and said angrily: "Let's act separately, you entangle one of them, and I will deal with the other, there may not be no possibility of escape!"

"This..." Peng Yue's face changed when he heard this, and he was horrified!

"Jiang...Junior brother Jiang, are you joking?" Tai Xuan's eyes twitched wildly, with a strange expression on his face, his eyes were simply unimaginable.

That's right, Jiang Tian did show amazing skills in helping them out just now, but that was just a coincidence, and it doesn't mean that he really has that kind of strength.

If he really fought to the death with the opponent, how could he, a junior at the Quasi-Profound Realm, be able to resist the terrifying methods of the strong at the Profound Yang Realm?

"No! This is not a joke!" Peng Yue gritted his teeth and shook his head fiercely.

"Junior Brother Jiang! Rather than we all die here, why don't we hold them both, you run away with all your strength, tell Senior Brother Zong about the situation here, and let them avenge us!"

Tai Xuan gritted his teeth fiercely and said in a deep voice.

By this time, he and Peng Yue had also figured it out. Without Jiang Tian's previous rescue, they would have died long ago.

And Jiang Tian's righteous and awe-inspiring behavior also made them extremely ashamed and ashamed.

At this moment, they knew that even if the three of them joined forces, they might not escape death, so it would be better to hold the other party and forcefully save one of them.

At least in this way, they still have a chance for revenge.

Otherwise, all three of them would die here, and in the end they would just be hollowed out into a pile of dry bones, and no one would even know how they died.

"The two senior brothers don't seem to be confused!" Jiang Tian smiled coldly and looked at each other meaningfully.

"Cough..." Peng Yue looked embarrassed.

"Junior brother Jiang, are you still trying to ridicule us at this time?" Tai Xuan shook his head and smiled wryly, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

Of course they understood what Jiang Tian meant, and what he was talking about was all the discord and unhappiness before.

But at this time, it's good to talk about it, anyway, sooner or later you will die, so as not to leave regrets.

Jiang Tian's face sank, and he shook his head and said, "Do you two brothers think that you must die?"


"Does Junior Brother Jiang think that we still have a chance?"

There seemed to be a flash of light in the eyes of Peng Yue and Tai Xuan, but then it became dim again.

How could they not want to live?

Of course they want to survive, they want to get rid of the two powerful opponents and get out of here alive.

But things will not develop according to their wishes. Given their current situation, how easy is it to get rid of the two masters of the Xuanyang realm?

No, it's almost impossible!

"It's useless to talk too much, even if you don't have hope, you have to give it your best!" Jiang Tian let out a sulky breath, slightly disappointed with the two.

They obviously believed that they must die, and they didn't hold any possibility of leaving alive.

At this time, he didn't have the time or thought to enlighten the other party.

Otherwise, before he finished speaking, two wolves and tigers at the Xuanyang Realm would have pounced on them and chopped them into pieces.

"The two senior brothers quickly swallowed the elixir to recover their spiritual power, do you really want to just die like this?"

Jiang Tian's face was deep, and he reprimanded coldly.

The minds of the two were shocked, and then they realized that they were indeed too discouraged, and even forgot the most basic self-protection strategy for warriors.

Shaking their heads and sighing, the two immediately swallowed a few pills and forcibly refined them to restore their spiritual power.

But in their view, this method is just a little psychological comfort.

How much spiritual power can they recover in such a short period of time?

And even if they can really recover to their peak condition, they are no match for Deacon Jiao and Deacon Che!

"Junior Brother Jiang..." Peng Yue sized up Deacon Jiao and Deacon Che who were facing him, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes. "We..." Tai Xuan frowned, and when he looked at the two opponents again, he already felt a certain sense of fear.

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