Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1434 Blood River Sword

As a strong person in the Xuanyang realm, if he can't even take down a junior in the Quasi-xuan realm, what face does he have to mess around in the stronghold? If something like that happens, he might as well find a place where no one is around and practice hard. Work hard to be a man.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, Deacon Jiao's aura rose again, spiritual power poured into the blade, and before the bloody blade light in front of him was completely dissipated, the long blade shook and slashed out through the air.


A huge blood light that was tens of feet long flew across the sky, instantly dissipating the remaining spiritual power, and also wiped out the wave of sword intent caused by the exploding sword in one fell swoop.

The next moment, this terrifying blood-colored sword glow had already flown above Jiang Tian, ​​and it was about to strike down wildly.

If this knife hits, it will turn Jiang Tian into a meat slag in all likelihood, and at the worst it will cause him to be severely injured, making him unable to fight anymore!

However, facing such a blow, Jiang Tian did not flinch, nor did he show any fear.

After killing Deacon Mu, his feeling towards the strong in the Xuanyang realm is completely different!

At this point, there have been great changes before Yu Yuexu.

Back then in the Zongmen martial arts meeting, under Yue Zheng's oppression, even though he tried his best, he was still extremely struggling, and in the end he was almost forced to burn his blood to resist.

At that time, the strength of the Xuanyang Realm powerhouse really made him feel awe.

But today is different from the past, after the cruel experience in the cold cave and the improvement of his cultivation level, he is no longer afraid of Xuanyang realm warriors.

The psychological barrier between him and Xuanyang Realm fighters has completely disappeared, completely gone!

Facing the terrifying sword light that was slashing down wildly, Jiang Tian hurriedly urged with his right hand, and Chi Xue's sword marrow flew back with a roar!

"Spinning Sword!"

Whoosh, whoosh... The ear-piercing sword whistling resounded through the void, and the strong sword intent was like a gust of wind born out of thin air. Driven by the sword body with alternating red and white auras, it launched an astonishing blow towards the blood-colored blade glow. shock.

Boom... Boom!

Chi Xue's sword marrow continued to slash, and let out a muffled howl of the sword. It seemed that the blood-colored sword light seemed to be covered with a layer of gorgeous light, which was extremely strange!

"Hiss! How is that possible? What kind of exercise is this?" Deacon Jiao's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help frowning.

He discovered that the red and white long sword was not just a magic weapon in Jiang Tian's hands.

The swordsmanship skills of this young junior in the quasi-xuan realm are quite impressive, and what surprised him even more was that the opponent's swordsmanship attainments were still amazing!

This is too exaggerated!

With the continuous slashing of Chi Xue's sword essence, the speed of the bloody sword light that was slashing down became more and more sluggish. In the end, it was almost impossible to move even an inch like an old cow pulling a wrecked cart!

"Impossible! This is impossible!"

Deacon Jiao shouted angrily, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Although Jiang Tian's strength surprised him, he never expected that the attack he was good at would be blocked by the opponent.

You know, his strength is much stronger than Deacon Mu, so even though Jiang Tian personally confirmed that Deacon Mu was beheaded by him, he is still not very nervous.

Instead, he was full of confidence and wanted to verify the fineness of this junior in the quasi-xuan realm, how strong could he be?

But now, he suddenly realized that he had really underestimated his opponent. Jiang Tian's strength was obviously beyond his expectation and imagination.

Whoosh, whoosh... The whirling sword slashed wildly, and the circular sword intentions were like substantial sword blades, constantly strangling against the blood-colored blade. After a while, there was a dull loud noise, which finally brought the sword to a near standstill. The bloody saber light was slashed and scattered!

However, Jiang Tian's face did not look relaxed, but became more dignified!

He used the same method when he fought against Deacon Mu, but it was not as laborious as it is now.

And the other party just slashed out with a single knife, and he was so troubled to resist, this is not a happy situation for him.

Although he wasn't afraid, it didn't mean that the gap in cultivation between the two sides would be narrowed.

No matter how you say it, a strong person in the Xuanyang realm still has a huge advantage in realm against a martial artist in the Xuanyang realm!

"Hmph! If you don't give me some color, you really don't know how powerful Jiao is!"

Deacon Jiao snorted coldly, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, the blood flowed all over his body, and the blood aura became extremely manic.

Looking from a distance, it seemed as if a blood-colored robe was suddenly covered, and a terrifying aura emanated from the whole body!

"Hiss!" The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, and a trace of vigilance was inexplicably born in his heart.

That kind of method, that Deacon Mu had never used it before, really made him dare not underestimate it.


The next moment, Deacon Jiao shook his sword and swung it fiercely through the air!

A dull roar sounded suddenly, and the blood that had covered the whole body surged out instantly, as if he had found a target to vent, and rushed straight to Jiang Tian as the long knife pointed!


The dazzling blood flew across the sky, like a violent river of blood, rolling in with an unstoppable momentum, the speed was extremely fast, and it crossed tens of feet of void almost in the blink of an eye, and reached Jiang Tian.

Although Jiang Tian was shocked, he had already reacted. As early as when the opponent made a move, he urged Chixue's sword essence!

With a flash of sword light, Chixue's sword marrow broke through the void and appeared in front of him. With a wave of his right hand, he slashed backwards without any delay, and slammed into the river of blood fiercely with a loud howl!



The momentum of Jianhong piercing the air was astonishing, and the rolling sword intent erupted wildly, tearing the front of the blood river forcibly and tilting left and right, with the tendency to scatter indiscriminately.

"Huh?" Deacon Jiao's face changed slightly, he was shocked by Jiang Tian's methods.

But in the blink of an eye, he smiled coldly again, showing a bit of contempt.

"Hmph! It's not that easy to break the 'Blood River Sword'!"

Perhaps to prove his self-confidence, the front end of the blood river that had just been torn apart was closed again in a frantic surge before he could finish his words, re-condensing into a complete blood river.

The speed did not decrease but increased, and suddenly turned around and rushed towards Jiang Tian!

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's complexion changed, and the purple light all over his body suddenly rose sharply, and he withdrew and retreated without any explanation.


Bloody red light rolled down wildly, engulfing his afterimage directly, and let out a terrifying roar!


The dull loud noise scattered in all directions, rolling up layers of spiritual power fluctuations, and the blood light that illuminated the night sky was dyed a striking crimson color!

Looking from Deacon Jiao's direction, Jiang Tian's figure seemed to have been swallowed by a river of blood, and it was inevitable that he would be severely injured.

"Hmph! A mere junior at the Quasi-Profound Realm, how dare you...huh?"

Deacon Jiao shook his head and sneered, but before he finished speaking, his face suddenly darkened, and the corners of his eyes twitched suddenly!

He suddenly discovered that in the opposite void covered by the blood river, a purple figure flashed again, and it was Jiang Tian! "How is it possible?" Deacon Jiao took a deep breath, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he was extremely shocked in his heart!

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