Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1435 Ghost Spiritual Wind

There is absolutely no need to doubt the power of the "Blood River Sword". This is his special skill, much better than Deacon Mu's "Blood Tornado".

This trick has helped him defeat many opponents, and even allowed him to beat many strong men. How could he miss Jiang Tian?

"It makes no sense!"

Deacon Jiao gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, his heart was furious, and he was already irritated by Jiang Tian.

He thought he would be able to severely injure Jiang Tian and capture him alive within one or two rounds, but he didn't expect that the real fight would be so strenuous.


Seeing that Chixue's sword marrow attack was ineffective, Jiang Tian swung it back in front of him with a wave of his right hand, suspended it in the void, and concentrated on preparations.

"Boy! I admit that I underestimated you, but don't be too happy, even if you block this trick, you are far from my opponent!"

Deacon Jiao's face was extremely gloomy, and after a moment of pondering, he suddenly stepped out of the air and rushed towards Jiang Tian.

At the same time, the breath around him surged, and spiritual power poured into the long knife in his hand.

The blood of the red knife trembled wildly, as if the whole body was poured with blood, it looked as if it could bleed.

Whoosh whoosh!

Waves of evil wind gathered out of thin air and rolled towards the long knife in his hand. In the blink of an eye, a bloody vortex was formed, emitting bursts of strange and terrifying spiritual power fluctuations!

"Hiss! What kind of trick is this?"

Jiang Tian gasped, the corners of his eyes suddenly contracted, and he was shocked for a while.

Deacon Jiao's methods are vicious and vicious, and his tricks are strange. He is worthy of being an evil person in the Black Moon Kingdom, and his methods are indeed vicious!

And at this moment, Deacon Jiao swung his saber, and made a sudden move!

There was a violent turmoil in the void, and the bloody vortex rolled in at the speed of a person, and it enveloped Jiang Tian without any explanation!

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's face changed, and he was shocked.

Deacon Jiao is really powerful. Deacon Mu has never used such a method before, and even if he wanted to use it, he might not be able to do it.


Under the cold knife wind, Jiang Tian felt cold all over his body, and subconsciously urged the body of the tyrannical dragon to resist.

But the strange thing is that the imaginary scene of the sword body covering the body slashing wildly did not appear!

"Well! What's the matter?"

Jiang Tian frowned, and couldn't help hesitating.

This attack does not seem to be stronger than the previous "Blood River Sword", not only that, but the power is obviously much worse.

Looking at Deacon Jiao opposite, he seemed not surprised by the scene in front of him, and even had a smug sneer on his face!

What's happening here?

Jiang Tian felt more and more strange. After a short period of doubt, he suddenly found that under the cover of this cold knife wind, the blood and spiritual power around him became obviously sluggish!

"So it is!" Jiang Tian's heart was shocked, and he suddenly understood.

This is not a powerful killing move, but a strange method that can delay or even freeze the spiritual power of the blood!

The wind whistling incessantly around the ears, the void in a radius of tens of feet suddenly became icy cold and oppressive.

Even with the body of a tyrannical dragon protecting him, he still felt chills all over his body, and even his mind began to shake involuntarily, feeling drowsy!

"Hmph! Kid, feel my 'Ghost Spirit Wind' for a while!"

Deacon Jiao shook his head and sneered, with a smug smile on his face, quietly admiring the scene where Jiang Tian's spiritual power hesitated under the suppression of the "ghost spirit wind", and he was about to collapse.

The wind whistled endlessly, and Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the center of the vortex, heard bursts of strange noises like howling ghosts and wolves, which was confusing, like a dream falling into the shadows.

The intense chill struck again and again, causing his brows to wrinkle and his eyes to become extremely cold!

"Deacon Jiao must have slaughtered many innocent people before he mastered such evil methods. The evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom are really hateful!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, the aura around him suddenly changed, and the already sluggish spiritual power suddenly began to speed up!


The fluctuation of spiritual power suddenly swayed, the purple light all over his body rose, and the billowing wind was blown away in a row!

"Huh? How is it possible!"

Deacon Jiao sneered for a moment, then suddenly his expression changed and he was shocked!

His "Yin Soul Spirit Wind" was refined in a special secret place by collecting the blood essence and souls of dozens of Xuanyue realm warriors. Not only that, in order to increase the power of this secret technique, he even used tricks to kill it. A Xuanyue realm martial artist with a considerable cultivation base is used as the main soul to drive.

Supplemented by the magic weapon in hand, after seventy-seven forty-nine days of secret sacrifice in that cold place, the secret technique was just completed!

Once this kind of secret technique is used, not to mention Jiang Tian, ​​a junior in the quasi-xuan realm, even if a master of the Xuanyang realm accidentally falls into it for a while, his blood and spiritual power will be suppressed, and he will soon fall into a situation of eternal doom.

But looking at the situation in front of him, why did Jiang Tian show a reversal trend?

Can he actually resist the erosion of the "ghost spirit wind"?

How can this be!

Deacon Jiao took a deep breath, and the corners of his eyes twitched wildly. He never expected this to happen!

"It's unreasonable! I didn't expect that the 'Yin Soul Spirit Wind' would not be able to do anything to you. It seems that Jiao must do it himself!"

Deacon Jiao took a deep breath, his face became extremely gloomy.

The spiritual power in his body soared, and the long knife in his hand burst into blood again, and as he slashed suddenly, the light of the hob cut through the void, and slashed at Jiang Tian fiercely.

Even if the "Yin Soul Spiritual Wind" didn't have much effect and couldn't suppress Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power, he would be affected to some extent at the center of it.

Under the double attack, it was impossible for Jiang Tian to escape calmly, let alone resist it safely.

With this knife cut, Jiang Tian will never have any chance of getting lucky!


The bloody knife slashed madly, rushing into the range of "Yin Soul Spirit Wind" in one fell swoop, and it was about to severely injure Jiang Tian.

But at this moment, Jiang Tian yelled wildly, and swung his right hand out of nowhere!


There was a loud noise that shook the sky suddenly, and a glaring golden light suddenly rose into the air, bursting out with dazzling light, and slammed fiercely at the oncoming bloody knife light.

Amidst the violent roar, the bloody saber light collapsed in response, turning into billowing blood and dissipating!

"Hiss! What's going on?"

Deacon Jiao was startled, his expression changed drastically!

This time, he really couldn't keep calm anymore.

Originally, the strange long sword in Jiang Tian's hand had already aroused his great interest, and he was surprised when he broke the suppression of the "Ghost Spiritual Wind", but at this moment, seeing the sudden burst of golden light, he really Shocked, not even shocked!

How could a small Quasi-Profound Realm warrior have so many magic weapons?

How could there be such a powerful method?

What is his background?

Almost instantly, he subconsciously thought that this Jiang Tian was likely to be the heir of a certain family or the young master of a small and medium power.

Otherwise it is difficult to explain the situation at hand! His aptitude is so amazing at such a young age, his cultivation base is still so tyrannical, and he has a number of coveted magic weapons in his hands. Looking at the two countries of Heiyue and Canglan, even many heirs of large clans may not be able to have such wealth Bar?

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