Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1436 Powerful Offensive

Deacon Jiao was shocked, and the greed in his eyes became more intense!

At this moment, what he was thinking in his mind was no longer how to make a mission to the master of the whole palace, nor how to share the secrets of Jiang Tian with the deacon Che... but a strong idea came up.

He wants to do his best to swallow all the treasures in Jiang Tian and see through all the secrets in him!

"Boy! Let me show you the true strength of a strong person in the Xuanyang realm!"


Before he finished speaking, Deacon Jiao shook his arms, and the blood all over his body surged wildly.

The dull roar went straight to the sky, and the void above trembled wildly, and a huge red Xuanyang was instantly transformed into a round!


The terrifying Xuanyang Realm Martial Dao will blooms wantonly, covering the void of hundreds of feet in an instant, and the fluctuation of spiritual power it emits covers a range of more than two hundred feet, which is extremely shocking!


"what's the situation?"

On the other side, Deacon Che's eyes twitched violently, and his expression changed slightly.

Sensing the strange movement on the other side, he subconsciously looked back and couldn't help but be surprised!

In order to deal with a junior in the quasi-xuan realm, Deacon Jiao did not hesitate to use the blood vision of the Xuanyang realm?

This is too exaggerated!

Is it really necessary?

Deacon Che was puzzled for a while, subconsciously frowning and thinking.

But when he was distracted, Peng Yue and Tai Xuan on the opposite side seized a rare opportunity, their spiritual power soared and their long swords swung wildly, bursts of intensive attacks came crazily.

Boom... Boom!

The dull roar resounded through the void. The power of the two's cooperation should not be underestimated. Just now it was not obvious that the two sides were coming and going. Now that Deacon Che lost his defense, he was immediately swept by the two's offensive.

The sword intent raged in the void, and a wave of violent force knocked Deacon Che back more than ten feet, almost severely injuring him.

"Damn it! How dare you sneak up on me, I'll tear you apart!"

Deacon Che gritted his teeth and cursed, and suddenly fell into a rage.

Although Peng Yue and Tai Xuan teamed up, he has always been firmly suppressed by him. Although he has not won it for a while, it is a matter of time before they win.

Coupled with the fact that both of them were injured, Deacon Che didn't feel any pressure, so he watched the situation on the other side suspiciously.

But he didn't want to be attacked by the two of them when he lost his mind for a moment, and almost suffered a big loss, which really made him furious.


Deacon Che suppressed his distracting thoughts and didn't bother to pay attention to the matter over there, but he was still very surprised. What was the reason that Deacon Jiao, who should have been a sure winner, did not hesitate to use the blood vision?

This idea flashed in his mind, and he felt more and more strange, and decided to get rid of these two as soon as possible, and go over to see what happened.

The next moment, Che Shishi's expression darkened, his eyes grew cold, and his offensive suddenly escalated!



Under the blessing of Xuanyang Realm Martial Dao will, Deacon Jiao slashed fiercely with his sword, bursting out with astonishing power!

A blood-colored giant blade tens of feet long flew above Jiang Tian like lightning, and instantly slashed down. Bloody light flashed wildly in the void, and a terrifying roar erupted.

Just as Jiang Tian recalled the giant monster's hand bones to block him, he was struck by this terrifying knife power, and his expression changed drastically!

"Ah!" Jiang Tian screamed, his body shook violently, vomiting blood and flew back, even the man and the magic weapon flew out of the sky.


After the bloody giant blade slashed through, there was still a striking knife mark more than ten feet long in the void, which looked extremely terrifying!

Seeing that Jiang Tian was severely injured with one knife, Deacon Jiao couldn't help laughing wildly.

After all, Jiang Tian is only a junior in the quasi-xuan realm, no matter how good his aptitude is, and no matter how powerful a magic weapon is in his hands, he cannot display a truly heaven-defying combat power.

The knife in front of him is proof that it is impossible for Jiang Tian to create any miracles!

He had just aroused the vision of the blood in the Xuanyang Realm, and with just one slash, the opponent was powerless to stop and was severely injured. Obviously, there was no suspense in the next fight.


It should be said that there was no suspense at all from the very beginning!

Deacon Jiao laughed wildly, his eyes were filled with contempt and sarcasm in addition to the deep complacency.

A mere junior in the Profound Realm, who dares to fight against a strong person in the Profound Yang Realm with only a few magic weapons, is looking for death!


The bloody knife marks remaining in the void gradually dissipated, and the messy fluctuations in spiritual power gradually disappeared. Deacon Jiao looked at the other party with disdain, ready to see how tragic Jiang Tian's injury was?

However, after he fixed his eyes, his face was stunned, and then the corners of his eyes shrank suddenly, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes!

"Huh? How could this happen!"

Deacon Jiao took a deep breath, and the smile froze on his face.

There is no other reason, but Jiang Tian at this moment has not been severely injured as he imagined, and he is unable to protect himself.

After this young junior in the quasi-xuan realm was slashed away by his knife that was blessed with the vision of blood in the Xuanyang realm, except for the torn clothes, there were no missing arms or legs, and there were no obvious scars on his body. !

"How is it possible? No...it's impossible!" The corners of Deacon Jiao's eyes twitched wildly, and he was horrified in his heart, and couldn't believe the scene before him.

Not only did Jiang Tian not die, nor was he seriously injured, it seemed that apart from his torn clothes, his face was paler!

Of course, apart from these, his blood aura also fluctuated somewhat.

But it shouldn't be!

This is completely different from the expected result of his strong shot!

Deacon Jiao felt extremely annoyed, his eyes flickered coldly, and the anger in his heart surged wildly.

At this time, Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his chest was heaving and unsteady, his face was pale, and the breath in his body was even more turbulent.

Although there is a trace of happiness in his heart for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, there is still a trace of shock and horror deep in his pupils!

Deacon Jiao's strength is much stronger than he imagined. Originally, he thought that the opponent was only slightly stronger than Deacon Mu, but judging from the actual situation of the fight, this opponent is more than just stronger than Deacon Mu.

It is no exaggeration to say that this person is far stronger than Deacon Mu!

Fortunately, there was a giant monster's hand bone to block the fatal blow for him, otherwise the result of this moment of effort would be really unpredictable.

After being blessed with the blood vision of the Xuanyang Realm, Deacon Jiao's strikes were as fast as lightning, and their power was astonishing, which was completely different from the previous strikes.

In the current state, even if the opponent just stabs casually, it still has a huge power beyond the "Blood River Sword" and "Ghost Spiritual Wind". Coupled with the astonishing attack speed, it is really difficult for him to deal with it.

This made him wake up quickly, and clearly understood the cruel reality in front of him!

Although he killed Deacon Mu in Xuanyang Realm, it didn't mean that he could calmly deal with Deacon Jiao's strong attack. After all, there is more than a big realm between the quasi-xuan realm warrior and the Xuanyang realm powerhouse, and this cannot be made up by simply relying on aptitude and combat power!

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