Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1445 Experience of Life and Death


There was a violent tremor in the void, and the whole hall master turned into a huge blood rainbow, rushing towards the opposite blue light with determination.

At this time, the woman in the blue light finally started to make a move!

Instead of retreating, she advanced, uttered a scream, and slashed across the air with the sword in her right hand, and rushed towards the bloody light impressively!

The next moment, the blue light suddenly bloomed, and the violent sword intent slashed fiercely in front of the blood light. However, such an attack did not completely stop the opponent


Amidst the terrifying roar, the bloody light blasted violently, sending the woman in the blue light violently flying.

"Huh?" The hall master, who was surrounded by blood, couldn't help being startled, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The woman in the blue light obviously had the opportunity to repeat the same trick and injure him as before, but why did she choose this extremely unwise way to confront him head-on?

All the hall masters were a little puzzled, but at the same time, they had an uncontrollable ecstasy.

Although he didn't know why the woman in the blue light did this, but if he kept fighting like this, his confidence would undoubtedly be greater.

"Bitch! Die!"


The spirit of the whole hall master was greatly lifted, and the murderous intent in his body instantly surged, and the billowing blood light illuminated the void, and once again turned into a blood rainbow and rushed out.

Tens of feet away, the woman in the blue light looked a little pale. She raised her hand to wipe off the blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth.

She screamed again, shaking the long sword in her hand, and rushed up to meet the blood rainbow.


A violent roar followed, followed by the laughter of all the hall masters.

"Hahahaha! Damn bitch...huh?"

The laughter stopped abruptly, and the smiles of the hall masters suddenly froze on their faces!

This time, the woman in blue was not sent flying, but used her sword to defuse his attack.

Not only that, but the aura of cultivation emanating from this woman is even stronger than before!

"Hiss! How is it possible?" The corners of the hall master's eyes twitched wildly, and his expression changed in shock!

In an instant, he suddenly understood something, this woman was using his attack to forcibly attack the bottleneck of her cultivation.


The hearts of all the hall masters were shocked, and there was a violent roar in their minds, and their hearts were completely shocked!

He couldn't imagine that a woman would have such a decisive heart to use this way of throwing her life at every turn to improve her cultivation and seek a breakthrough!

This kind of method is extremely rare even in the Xuansheng organization known for its cruelty and bloodthirsty.

After all, no one would take their own life as a joke even if they were such omnipotent evil people!

This not only requires the support of strong strength, but also requires great courage and self-confidence, as well as amazing courage and aptitude. In addition, there is also indispensable luck!

All kinds of conditions, even if there is a slight disconnect, will lead to unmanageable results, and it will be too late to regret.

Why does this woman in Xuanyue Realm have such decisive confidence and courage?

What is her background?

The thoughts of all the hall masters surged wildly, and a trace of horror flashed in their eyes!

But these questions, he obviously has no chance to explore.

The blue light suddenly soared and illuminated the night sky, the woman's aura surged wildly, and the billowing spiritual power poured into the spirit sword like a great river, and slashed fiercely through the air, slashing down wildly!



A terrifying roar resounded through the void, and blue light descended like lightning, completely engulfing the terrified Palace Masters.

The screams were overwhelmed by the sky-shattering roar, and after leaving a desperate look in his eyes, the Hall Master was completely silent, submerged in the surging spiritual power.


The woman in blue stood with her sword back, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and her whole body was in a turmoil.

However, there was a flash of excitement in her eyes, and she stared coldly at the front until the blue light gradually dissipated, and the berserk aura also slowly disappeared.


She waved her bare hand lightly, grabbed a black storage bag in her hand, glanced at it lightly, turned around and walked away.


In the ruins in front of the stronghold, a few surviving black-robed warriors crawled out of their struggles, slapping their chests, feeling very lucky to survive the catastrophe!

"Finally... Finally gone!"

"My lord, is it really... dead?"

"You're not blind, are you? How can it be fake?"

"Fortunately, the few of us reacted quickly, otherwise we would be dead right now!"

"Brothers, here's your chance!" One of them suddenly made an excited voice, his eyes gleaming brightly.

"Huh? I almost lost my life, what kind of bullshit chance is there!"

"Hmph! Tong Jiu, you're so fucking scared, aren't you, why are you talking nonsense?"

Everyone yelled angrily, and some even cursed.

They almost lost their lives, but this Tong Jiu was so excited, saying that the opportunity has come?

This damn is either out of his head or talking nonsense!

However, Tong Jiu shook his head and sneered, the excitement on his face increased rather than diminished.

"Hey, you elm-headed ones, you know nothing!"

"You... what did you say?"

"Did you fucking dare to say it again?"

Everyone gritted their teeth and cursed angrily, all of them showed a murderous look, and they seemed to strike at the slightest disagreement.

A trace of disdain flashed in Tong Jiu's eyes, and he said coldly: "It's nice to say that you are stupid! You don't even think about it, once the hall master and the deacons and elders die, who else is there in this stronghold?"

"Who...is there anyone else?" Everyone frowned and looked at each other, their eyes must be flickering.

"Apart from us, who else is there?"

After a brief daze, they frowned and reprimanded coldly, speechless for a while.

"That's right!" Tong Jiu slapped her thigh suddenly, and the excitement in her eyes flickered again.

Everyone stared at him in a daze, but a few who reacted quickly seemed to have guessed something vaguely, and a gleam of light flashed in their eyes.

Tong Jiu snorted coldly, and said proudly: "The hall master and the deacon elders are all dead, don't we all become old people in this stronghold? As long as we seize the opportunity, we will become the deacon elders, the head of the guards, and even the elders in the future." It is possible... to become the Palace Master!"

"Hiss! That's right!"

"Why the hell didn't I think of that!"

"Hahahaha! Tang has been struggling for so many years, and finally sees a chance to stand up!"

"Hahahaha! That's right, Fei has endured humiliation for so many years, and he can finally taste the taste of being a master!"

Everyone laughed wildly, and was ecstatic for a moment. The previous fear had completely disappeared, and there was no trace of nostalgia on their faces.

The death of those colleagues, not only will not make them feel sad, but will only let them see the hope of promotion and prosperity!

"Hahahaha! In this way, the Hall Master and the deacons and elders died so well!" "Hahaha! That's right, if the Hall Master and the deacons and elders don't die, I'm afraid we won't have a chance to succeed in this life." !"

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