Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1446 Who will take over?

"So what do we have to thank...Jiang Tian, ​​and that woman in blue?"

"That's natural! If they didn't take action, how could the hall master and deacon elders die so quickly?"

Everyone laughed wildly again, each with excited faces and full of longing in their hearts.

Not to mention the hall master and deacon elders, they have never even sat in the position of head of the guards or even a small team leader!

Just a little fantasies at the moment made them extremely excited, and they even couldn't wait to taste the taste of power in their hands.

"Hallmaster, deacons and elders, and several leaders, I have to say, we really want to thank you for your death!"

"Yes, yes, yes! You all died well, but it's a pity that your treasures were not left behind, otherwise it would have been even better!"

"Hey, it's a pity that the main hall of the stronghold was destroyed, otherwise we would be able to enjoy the addiction of the palace master immediately!"

"Don't worry, as far as I know, there is an abandoned family mansion hundreds of miles away. We occupied it in the past and it will become a new stronghold immediately!"

"Great! Then why hesitate, let's go now!"

"What's the hurry? So many people can't die in vain!" Tong Jiu smiled deeply, with a slightly weird expression.


"What do you mean? Don't tell me... you still want to collect their corpses and bury them?"

Everyone frowned and looked at Tong Jiu suspiciously.

But Tong Jiu smiled coldly, with contempt on her face: "Hmph! You are said to be Yulin's heads, but you are really Yulin's heads. These dead guys have storage bags on them, and at the very least, they have a few item bags. Isn't it in vain? Is it thrown here?"

"Oh, yes!"

"Why didn't I think of it!"

"Then why hesitate? Let's do it!"

Everyone laughed and began to search the bodies of their dead colleagues, finding storage bags and item bags one after another.

But Tong Jiu did not rush to act, but cast a cold glance at everyone, smiled contemptuously, and stepped straight out, heading towards a ruin dozens of meters away.

If he remembered correctly, it should be where a guard leader died.

And the net worth of a guard leader far exceeds that of ordinary colleagues!

Sure enough, after raising his hand to blast away a pile of rocks, he successfully found the leader's storage bag.

But what surprised him was that the leader of the guards in the Xuanyue realm hadn't completely died yet!

"Hiss! Chief Gan...you, are you alive?"

Tong Jiu's face changed, and he was shocked.

One is the surprise that this person is not dead, and the other is the awe and fear that have been cultivated for a long time.

Although he is also a martial artist of the Xuanyue realm, he only has the strength of the early stage of the Xuanyue realm. This leader Gan has a powerful cultivation base at the peak of the Xuanyue realm, but one finger can crush his existence!

In front of such a strong man, he did not dare to make any rash moves.

"Quick... save... save me!" Chief Gan hoarsely raised his hand with difficulty, but then fell down weakly, looking like he was only breathing heavily.

Seeing this scene, Tong Jiu suddenly became less panicked and quickly calmed down. While nodding her head piously, she rolled her eyes and silently looked at the leader's situation.

In the end, it didn't matter if you didn't look at it, the corners of your eyes twitched, and your face changed!

Half of the leader Gan's body was firmly pressed down by a huge boulder several feet in size. The breath in his body was already extremely weak, and his cultivation base was almost completely crippled.

Tong Jiu's pupils contracted, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and his heart burst into ecstasy!

"Hey, don't worry, Chief Gan, Tong Jiu will rescue you right away!"

Leader Gan forced out a grateful smile, but the blood-stained expression looked extremely ferocious.



Suddenly a cold light flashed, and Gan's neck suddenly felt cold, and then he saw Tong Jiu holding a white short knife in his hand, and a stream of blood was slowly dripping from the blade.

"You..." Leader Gan suddenly understood that instead of saving him, Tong Jiu took his life while he was seriously injured.

"Hehe! Leader Gan's injury is so serious, Tong Jiu really can't bear it, but even if you are rescued from this situation, you can only linger on your last breath, so it's better to send you on the road with pain!"

"Uh..." Leader Gan gritted his teeth and roared, but he couldn't speak at all. There was a strange hissing sound from the wind leaking in his throat, and blood foamed continuously from his neck and mouth, which was extremely tragic.

Tong Jiu shook his head and sighed, raised his hand to close his eyes for him: "Helping others is the foundation of happiness, and sending you on your way is just a matter of lifting your hands. You don't have to thank me, Chief Gan!"

Seeing that leader Gan was completely dead, Tong Jiu let out a long breath of sullen breath, grabbed the storage bag with a face of relief, turned and walked towards another ruin.

In his impression, the counselor in the hands of the master of the whole hall should have died there.

Sure enough, as he expected, he soon found the storage bag of the counselor.

With the treasures of these two people, he is really a blessing in disguise. With the help of various elixir, this injury on his body will soon recover, and then he will be able to flex his muscles and be alone!

After searching for a while, Tong Jiu left the ruins with an unconcealable excitement on his face.

In addition to the storage bags of Chief Gan and the counselor, he also found several high-level wealth treasures in the stronghold, which can be said to be very rewarding.

Returning to the open space in front of the hall, looking at his colleagues who were still busy searching without thinking, and who were still giggling excitedly, he smiled coldly, his eyes full of contempt.

"Everyone!" Tong Jiu paused and spoke suddenly.


Everyone was startled by him suddenly, and they couldn't help shrinking their eyes when they looked intently!

In Tong Jiu's hand, he held the token that originally belonged to Chief Gan!

"Tong Jiu, what do you mean?"

"What are you doing with Chief Gan's token?"

"By the way, Chief Gan led him... what about the others?"

Everyone looked at each other and frowned.

But they were not really stupid. At this moment, they had already guessed, but they were afraid of the majesty of Leader Yu Gan in the past and dared not speak out.

Tong Jiu snorted, and said with a sneer: "Everyone! Leader Gan and all the elders in the stronghold have died. Next...hehe, who do you think is more appropriate to take over?"


"Who will take over?"

Everyone stared wide-eyed when they heard the words, their brows were full of light, and their eyes became fiery as they looked at each other.

Didn't they hang around with the whole hall master and several deacons and leaders for so long because it was just a chance to get ahead?

At this time, if there is no idea, it is naturally impossible.

After a short thought, everyone cheered up and spoke proudly, not showing weakness to each other!

"Hmph! Since we are talking about taking over, Tang will certainly not shirk this burden!" "Hehe, Fei has been following the Hall Masters for many years. The Lord, the deacons, and the leaders were brutally murdered, and Fei feels that he must take up this burden no matter what, and avenge them!"

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