Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1457 The greatest honor

On the ground nearby, there were more than a dozen corpses of black-robed warriors hiding here and there, most of them seemed to have been dead for a while, and the two or three closest to them were obviously beheaded by him just now.

"Well done!"

Facing the tyrannical offensive of the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom, Zong Tienan was not surprised but delighted. He shouted sharply, the breath in his body swelled wildly, and the attack of the long sword in his hand suddenly surged.


A violent roar erupted suddenly, and a ratchet-like white sword light rolled out wildly, forcibly blocking the evil person in the Xuanyang Realm directly opposite.

Zong Tienan's eyes shined brightly, and his long sword swept across!


A violent howl of swords suddenly resounded, and two white sword intents that were thicker than a bucket rushed out, beheading two Heiyue evil people at the peak of the Xuanyue realm in a blink of an eye.

"Hahahaha! Die!"

Zong Tie Nan Yue fought more and more bravely, taking advantage of the short time when the evil people in the Xuanyang Realm were blocked, he shot and killed three people one after another like lightning, killing intent surged all over his body, and his momentum surged!

"Damn it!"

The corners of Kuang Houde's eyes shrank sharply, his face became extremely ugly.

Although he has some understanding of the deployment of the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom, and also knows that the other party's arrival is not good, but if Zong Tienan eats and consumes him like this, he will probably suffer heavy losses.

What's even more troublesome is that if he is allowed to rise again and forcefully open a gap, the other members of the Cangyun Sect and the masters of the Kuang family will surely become more and more courageous, and the situation may change unexpectedly.

This is a situation that he does not want to see anyway, and it is absolutely unacceptable!

After a moment of contemplation, he took a deep breath and immediately made a decision.

"Everyone..." Kuang Houde's lips parted slightly, and he began to use his spiritual power to transmit the sound silently, while staring at the battle ahead, his face frosty.

After the sound transmission, the leaders of the evil people on the opposite side slowed down their offensive and took the opportunity to look at him.

Several people exchanged glances, and immediately reached a tacit understanding, no more hesitation!



Several evil leaders of the Black Moon Kingdom screamed angrily and shot wildly, forcing the Cangyun Sect master to retreat a few steps, and then waved their hands, beckoning their subordinates to plunder towards the open space among several attics.

"Quick! Follow me!"

"Go over there!"


Amidst the muffled roar, the crowd descended on the open space between the attics with tyrannical auras.

"Damn evil people, you can't escape!" Yu Chun roared furiously, and chased after him wildly with his sword.

The second elder of the Kuang family also followed closely behind, rushing over with all his strength.

On the other side, Zong Tienan also did not hesitate, the sword light in his hand soared, and while everyone was in a panic, he beheaded three black moon evil people who were at the peak of the Xuanyue realm one after another.

In the blink of an eye, everyone confronted each other in an open space of tens of feet.

Kuang Houde smiled coldly and floated down from the top of the attic!

"Hold on, everyone, the old man is coming!"

"Great Elder!"

"It's the Great Elder!"

Seeing the arrival of the Great Elder, all the martial artists of the Kuang family were refreshed, their momentum rose, their eyes were burning, and their blood was boiling in their chests!

Kuang Houde is highly respected in the Kuang family, and he is the number one person under the patriarch. He has a lofty status in the hearts of all the clansmen, and he is an existence they admire and worship.

At a time when the family is in trouble, to be able to fight side by side with such characters, everyone's heart is full of enthusiasm and excitement!

"Great Elder!"

"Great Elder, the old man took action himself!"

"My fellow clansmen, with the Great Elder here, the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom will not succeed!"

"Yes! Kill them all tonight!"

"Hahahaha! It is the greatest honor in my life to be able to fight side by side with the Great Elder!"

"Happy! Fucking happy!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Many Kuang family warriors laughed wildly, their voices filled with pride and strong fighting intent.

Even the Second Elder, Zong Tienan and the others were also infected, the blood in their hearts surged wildly, and their eyes burst out with a compelling light!

Kuang Houde nodded with a sneer, his eyes flicked over Zong Tienan, and the situation in the field was clear at a glance.

"Don't worry everyone, with the old man here, none of them can escape today!" Kuang Houde scanned the crowd, his eyes flashed with deep eyes, and his words were full of meaning.

"The Great Elder is mighty!"

"Kill! Together with the Great Elder, let's fight with them!"

The blood of the Kuang family warriors was boiling with enthusiasm, and their emotions became more and more excited.

"It makes no sense!"

"Extreme arrogance!"

"It's useless just because you want to make a comeback!"


Shouting suddenly sounded, and two warriors from the Black Moon Kingdom rushed out, rushing towards Kuang Houde.

And behind these two people, the leaders of the two Xuanyang Realm evildoers subconsciously smiled at each other, a strange look faintly flashed in their eyes!

"court death!"

Kuang Houde's face darkened, the sneer at the corner of his mouth increased instead of diminishing, the aura around him burst open, and he stepped forward with a shake of his palms.


The void was violently turbulent, and two giant white palms of spiritual power suddenly formed, and they bombarded the opponent in an instant.



The screams resounded all around, and the two evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom were hit head-on by the berserk palm force, spurting blood wildly and retreating, before they fell to the ground and died in a blink of an eye.

There was silence!

In the blink of an eye, the Kuang family warriors shouted with excitement, the blood in their chests could no longer be contained.

"Good kill!"

"Anyone who dares to offend my Kuang family will be punished!"

"With the Great Elder here, why should we worry?"

"Hahahaha! Brothers, kill!"

The next moment, the warriors of the Kuang family shouted frantically and killed them. In a blink of an eye, they fought with the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom.

But the two evil leaders of the Black Moon Kingdom witnessed everything from the beginning to the end, but they didn't make a move, let alone stop them.

Zong Tienan turned his head to look at Kuang Houde, frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

At that moment just now, he seemed to be aware of a special aura mixed with the other party's spiritual power, but this feeling was only fleeting, and he could no longer capture it.

"Strange!" Zong Tienan withdrew his gaze and murmured subconsciously, thinking it was his own illusion.

There are evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom everywhere here, and the spiritual power remaining in the void is extremely mixed, and it is normal to feel strange.

Zong Tienan put aside his distracting thoughts and didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

But I have to say that the strength of the great elder of the Kuang family really made him secretly praise, just judging from the situation of the shot just now, it was much higher than expected.

After killing the two of them, Kuang Houde did not continue to attack, but retreated to Zong Tienan and the others in a flash.

"Second brother and two virtuous nephews have worked hard!" Kuang Houde took a deep breath, his expression was solemn, and there was a cold light flickering between his brows.

"Brother, what's the matter? In order to maintain the family, I will never say anything even if I risk my life!" The second elder of the Kuang family nodded his head and said sincerely. Zong Tienan shook his head and smiled: "Hehe, we are here to kill evil people and help Kuang's family. There is nothing hard work or hard work. You are welcome, Great Elder!"

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