Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1458 Can't Run Away

"Hehe, Great Elder, don't worry, with us here, there is nothing to be afraid of just a few Black Moon evildoers!" Yu Chun shook his head and sneered, with deep contempt flashing in his eyes.

"Oh, really?" Kuang Houde suddenly frowned, staring at Yu Chun with doubts in his eyes.

Yu Chun didn't notice any difference, he still shook his head and sneered, his face was full of contempt for the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom.

But his face quickly became embarrassing!

Because Kuang Houde has not looked away for a long time, and has been staring at him with questioning eyes.

"Why, is the Great Elder questioning my strength?"

Yu Chun's smile froze on his face, his expression was very embarrassed, and he felt inexplicably annoyed.

"Junior brother Yu!" Zong Tienan also frowned, but didn't think too much, but raised his hand and patted Yu Chun's shoulder to press him down.

Of course he was aware of Yu Chun's annoyance, and he was also a little displeased with Kuang Houde's questioning, but at this juncture, it was not the time to fight for power.

It's very easy to prove yourself, just work hard and kill a few more evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom, isn't it enough?

Having said that, he was actually secretly slandering, why is this elder of the Kuang family so weird?

Could it be true that the saying, the older a person is, the more stubborn he becomes?

Zong Tienan shook his head and sighed softly: "Junior Brother Yu, the enemy is at hand, don't be distracted!"

Yu Chun shook his head and sighed, realizing that something was wrong with his reaction.

Anyway, the elder of the Kuang family can be regarded as an elder, so a casual question cannot be taken seriously.

"Brother Zong is right, let's deal with these evil people with all our strength!" Yu Chun glanced at Kuang Houde, then looked away depressed.

But out of the corner of his eye, he faintly saw a strange sneer suddenly appearing from the corner of the other party's mouth!

"Huh?" Yu Chun's gaze paused, and he couldn't help but turn back again, frowning at Kuang Houde.

"Elder, you..."

Kuang Houde smiled darkly: "Nephew Yu Xian, didn't I just say that you can't run away with this old man around!"

Yu Chun shook his head and sighed: "Hehe, you should have confidence. With us... Huh? No!"

Zong Tienan was also taken aback for a while, thinking he had heard wrong!

What did the old guy say?

Is this a slip of the tongue or is he really confused?

You know, the difference between this word is a thousand miles away!

What big joke are you talking about?

Yu Chun frowned: "You...what did you say?"

Kuang Houde shook his head and sighed, and said with a gloomy smile, "Why, didn't Nephew Yu Xian hear you clearly? Hehe, I will say it again: With this old man here, none of you... can escape!"

"What... what do you mean 'none of us can escape'?" Yu Chun's eyelids twitched wildly, and his face became very ugly.

Zong Tienan obviously also realized that this was not as simple as a slip of the tongue.

This old guy is either out of his head, or just joking!

But, at this moment, why is he still in this mood?

Zong Tienan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Big..."


As soon as he spoke, he was overwhelmed by a dull roar!

Kuang Houde yelled violently, his body swayed rapidly, and his palms slapped out like lightning, and the violent palm force fell on the three people beside him in an instant!

"Ah!" Yu Chun exclaimed in horror.

"Damn it!" Zong Tienan's body shook violently, and he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Facing the attack that was close at hand, Yu Chun and Zong Tienan had no time to defend, they were severely injured in an instant, and their aura declined sharply.

"Brother...what are you doing...poof!"

The face of the second elder of the Kuang family changed in shock, and blood spurted out, his face was full of shock and horror!

He only had the peak of Xuanyue Realm, and his strength was far inferior to that of Kuang Houde. After suffering such a violent blow, his spiritual power was almost slackened.

But compared to the horror in his heart, the physical injuries were far from nothing.

He never thought that his deeply trusted elder, the respected elder Kuang Houde, would do such a thing!

"Well, do you believe it now?"

Kuang Houde put his hands back and stood there, his face completely turned ferocious!

"Damn it! Great Elder, are you fucking crazy?" Yu Chun yelled angrily, struggling to stand up, but was directly caught by several evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom who rushed forward.

"So you are the traitor lurking in Kuang's family!" Zong Tienan took a deep breath, and just after he swallowed two pills, he was restrained by several other evil men from the Black Moon Kingdom.

Both of them were seriously injured, and their combat strength is not even as good as that of a late-stage Xuanyue realm warrior, and they were completely powerless to resist for a while.

However, their situation is not the worst.

The second elder of the Kuang family is the worst!

After being severely injured by Kuang Houde's palm, he flew tens of feet away, and happened to land at the feet of the evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom.

Whoosh whoosh!

A few evil men from the Black Moon Kingdom immediately surrounded him, ready to cut him off with the long saber in their hands.

"Wait a minute!" Kuang Houde frowned, shook his head and sighed.

"Huh?" The faces of the evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom darkened, a little annoyed, but seeing the weird situation in front of them, they naturally understood Kuang Houde's identity.

However, they still had doubts, and it was impossible for them to obey the command of the "traitor" of the Kuang family, frowning at the two leaders.

One of them pondered for a while, then waved his hand lightly: "Be safe and don't be impatient!"

"Your subordinates obey!" Several evil people nodded heavily, then put away their knives and stood up.

"Why, does the Great Elder still care about the feelings of the same clan?" The evil leader of the Black Moon Kingdom asked with a sneer.

Kuang Houde shook his head and sighed, his expression was very complicated: "It must be a lie to say that I don't care about it. After all, I have been the elder of the Kuang family for decades, and I am still the Kuang family after all!"

"Hmph, what does the Great Elder mean to spare his life?" The leader of the evil man frowned and smiled coldly.

"Hmm! He's so seriously injured that he's unable to make a move in a short period of time, and there's no threat at all. Let's keep it." Kuang Houde frowned and sighed, and said in a deep voice.

"Hmph! What's the use of keeping a person who is useless to you and me?" The leader of the evil person's face suddenly darkened, and he waved his big hand suddenly.

A few of the subordinates understood, and immediately shouted and shot, swiping their long sabers and slashed at the second elder of the Kuang family.

"No!" Kuang Houde's complexion changed, and he exclaimed loudly, but it was too late.

Whoosh whoosh!


Amidst the shrill screams, the second elder of the Kuang family was beheaded by random knives, which was a terrible sight.

"That's unreasonable! You..." Kuang Houde gritted his teeth and shouted angrily.

However, the leader of the evil person on the opposite side shook his head and sneered with disdain on his face.

"Great elder calm down, don't be so impulsive, this person is too injured, he won't heal for a while, and he has witnessed all your actions of betraying Kuang's family, keeping it is just a disaster, I will help you take care of it, don't you want to Thank me?"

"You..." Kuang Houde's mouth twitched, his face livid. The evil leader's face darkened: "Okay! Don't talk about this now, hurry up and solve the trouble on the other side!"

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