Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1466 Evil Thoughts

"Kuang Houde! You...will die a terrible death!" Kuang Yujiao's eyes were red with incomparable rage.

At this moment, she wished to die with the other party, but she was already severely wounded and unable to make a move, and she couldn't even hold the sword.

"Even if it is as you said, the old man has no regrets, because you will die first!"

Kuang Houde's face darkened, and the cold light flickered between his brows.

This junior from the branch clan was promoted to the third elder by the Patriarch at a young age. He was almost equal to the old man of his age, and he had long held a grudge.

If it was another occasion, maybe he would save the other party's life, but in this situation, he can only send the other party on the road.

"go to hell!"


Kuang Houde raised his right palm, billowing black air gathered in his palm, and slapped Kuang Yujiao madly.

It wasn't until this moment that Kuang Yujiao really realized that Kuang Houde's spiritual power had completely changed.

Incomparably deep hatred and deep despair flashed in her eyes, as she watched the black palm print land on her head.

She never thought that the last moment of her life would be like this!


The dull roar suddenly broke out, and the berserk breath scattered in all directions, abruptly shaking the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom back ten feet away.

"Dead..." Kuang Yujiao closed her eyes tightly, a thought flashed in her mind, and a desperate smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

But in the blink of an eye, she was startled suddenly, her eyes opened suddenly, and a trace of anger and puzzlement flashed in her eyes!

At the same time, Kuang Houde's angry voice suddenly sounded.

"What are you doing, why do you want to stop the old man?"

"Don't be impatient, Great Elder, it's better to keep this bitch for now." With a sneer on his face, an evil leader appeared beside him at some point, defusing his killing blow.

"What do you mean?" Kuang Houde's mouth twitched, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

The leader of the evil people smiled sullenly and asked questions instead of answering.

"Hey hey hey, how many beautiful women like this do you have in the Kuang family?"

"You...what do you want to do?" Kuang Houde's eyes twitched violently, and he immediately understood the other party's thoughts, and his face became extremely ugly.

Although he has betrayed the Kuang family, some things are still difficult to accept.

Even though he hated this blunt third elder, he still didn't want to see this kind of thing happen, especially since he still had an inseparable relationship with him.

Instead of this, it would be more enjoyable to kill her directly.

The reason why he chose to betray was to monopolize the power of the Kuang family and taste the taste of the head of the family.

After all, he still wants to lead the whole Kuang family. If this kind of thing spreads, what will the people think of him?

Furthermore, this kind of thing, he himself is somewhat unacceptable.

Elder Kuang's family, even if they die, they must die with vigor or relative experience, and must not become a tool for these evil people to vent their joy!

"Hey hey hey, why does the Great Elder ask questions knowingly?"

"Hmph, in order to help you take down Kuang's family, we have spent so long and killed so many people, what is a mere woman?"

"Grand Elder, if you are really a sensible person, you don't need us to tell you, you should also pick out a group of outstandingly beautiful clansmen for us to enjoy!"

"We have done so many things for you, and have greatly increased your strength. Isn't this reward too much?"

The four evil leaders stepped forward one after another, their eyes swept across Kuang Yujiao's plump body, and they all showed evil smiles.

"This... this won't work! I don't care about Tiancaidibao and Lingshi elixir, but this kind of thing... I can't promise you!" Kuang Houde gritted his teeth and sighed, very annoyed.

If this kind of thing really happens, how can he lead the whole clan?

Who in the family would be willing to listen to his orders?

"No, this is absolutely not possible!" The more Kuang Houde thought about it, the more he felt that it was wrong. For his big plan, this kind of thing must not be allowed.

"Kuang Houde, kill me quickly!" Kuang Yujiao obviously knew that the situation was not good, and would rather die than suffer humiliation.

"Kuang Houde, if you are still a human being, give me a good time and kill me!" Kuang Yujiao gritted her teeth and cursed, her eyes were red.

Kuang Houde pondered for a while, the cold light in his eyes shot up, and the spiritual power was about to blast out with a flick of his right hand.

However, before he could make a move, the evil leader of the Black Moon Kingdom who was next to him rushed ahead.


Accompanied by a dull roar, Kuang Houde let out a muffled grunt, and his body was shaken backwards, retreating a full distance of several feet before regaining his footing.

"You... what are you doing?" Kuang Houde asked sharply with a gloomy face.

"Hmph! You can't even do this little request, so why should you let us help you?" The evil leader of the Black Moon Kingdom said coldly with a gloomy face.

"No! This old man must not..."

"Shut up!" The face of the evil man from the Black Moon Kingdom darkened, murderous intent flourished between his brows.

The corner of Kuang Houde's eyes twitched, and his heart couldn't help but shake!

From the eyes of the other party, he felt a strong killing intent, although it was only fleeting, it was extremely clear.

He has no doubt that if they fight against each other, these evil people will really kill them!

He is only one person, how can he have the confidence to compete with the other party?

The corners of his eyes twitched for a moment, Kuang Houde gritted his teeth and sighed, but had no choice but to give in.

"Hehe, this is what it looks like!"

"The Great Elder is a sensible person. This small request is nothing to your family business!"

"Okay, let's detain these people first, and when the Kuang family is completely pacified, let's have a good chat with this little girl!"

"Hey hey hey! Take her away first!"

The leader of the evil people waved his hand, and several subordinates immediately besieged Kuang Yujiao.

Although Kuang Houde had some concerns, but considering the situation in front of him, he didn't dare to refute, so he could only lead these people to the prison.

A moment later, the three Cangyun Sect disciples were locked in a dark and damp stone dungeon, guarded by more than a dozen evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom.

Kuang Yujiao was locked in another room alone, also guarded by special personnel.


"Brother Zong, do we... still have hope?"

In the prison built with thick Xuangang stone, Ying Shuangquan gritted his teeth and sighed bitterly, while Yu Chun had a look of resentment and despair.

The three of them lost their spiritual power and their cultivation bases were banned, and even their storage bags were forcibly taken away. Without the assistance of medicine pills, they could not recover their strength in a short period of time only by practicing their skills.

The only fortunate thing is that the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom seemed to have other plans for them, so they didn't kill them all of a sudden.

However, in their eyes, this luck is just a little bit of consolation, and it can't turn the situation around at all.

Although he saved his life for the time being, he was afraid that he was just waiting to die.

"At this time, what hope is there for the mother?" Yu Chun gritted his teeth and scolded, his face was full of fury. Thinking of the wrong decision of the spying operation, his mood became extremely manic!

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