Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1467 Don't Come Back

It was as if a volcano was erupting in his heart, and the fury surged for a long time, unable to settle down, and he couldn't help cursing.

"Damn it! It's all the fault of the third elder of the Kuang family. If she hadn't insisted on bringing Jiang Tian along, how could this spying operation have failed miserably? If the spying operation didn't go wrong, how could we be in a desperate situation? It's all caused by this bitch." !"

Yu Chun yelled so furiously that Kuang Yujiao, who was imprisoned in another stone prison, could hear it clearly, and her face was ashen.

"Actually, when I received the mission from the sect, I expressed strong opposition and refused to go with Jiang Tian. However, the elders of the sect categorically rejected it. If I insist on this, my objection is completely invalid!"

Zong Tienan shook his head and sighed, his face was helpless, but his heart was filled with incomparable remorse.

If he had known this would be the case, he would never agree to the elder's request anyway, even if he was accused of offending the elder, he would never bring Jiang Tian along.

But what's the point of saying this now?

As the leader of this training operation, Zong Tienan deeply felt that he had a great responsibility, but in this situation, he might not even have the chance to complain.

"Brother Zong, I can't blame you!" Ying Shuangquan shook his head and sighed. "Speaking of which, you can't blame the third elder of the Kuang family. If you want to blame, you can only blame Jiang Tian! It was him who got the limelight in the Zongmen martial arts by chance, which made the Zongmen focus so much on training! The bad thing is that he didn't Enough self-knowledge, will brazenly accept this mission, coupled with arrogance, ignorance

His lofty personality ended up breaking the big deal! "

"Hmph! That sounds good. If it wasn't for the third elder of the Kuang family's insistence, how could he be allowed to participate in this spying operation? In that case, he would have no chance to do bad things!" Yu Chun angrily reprimanded, his voice thick The repeated echoes in the stone prison made Kuang Yujiao's face not far away even more ugly.

"What's the use of talking about it now? Let's find a way to recover our spiritual power as soon as possible!" Zong Tienan shook his head and sighed, unwilling to think about these things any more.

Going to pester these things again will only make him more annoyed and angry, and his mood will be even more unsettled.

Ying Shuangquan frowned: "We are injured and our spiritual power is imprisoned. How can we recover in a short time?"

"Hmph! You don't even have one of his mother's pills, even if you're not imprisoned, there's still a bird to use?" Yu Chun's face was gloomy, and he sternly cursed, his manic voice echoed repeatedly in the stone prison, extremely ear-piercing.

"Shut up the fuck! No matter how much you dare to make noise, I want you to look good!"

"Be honest, or I will cut you off!"

The evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom who were guarding them had long since grown impatient, and they yelled at each of them angrily, showing murderous intentions all over their bodies.

After a while of scolding, Zong Tienan and the others had no choice but to keep silent.

Normally, they would be able to crush these Xuanyue realm evil people to death with a single gesture, but now, they have no strength to resist at all, and if they keep talking, they will only lose their lives in vain.

In the blink of an eye, the stone prison became quiet.

"Hehehe, this little girl is really not bad!"

"Tsk tsk! It's really good!"

The two evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom looked at Kuang Yujiao in the stone prison, looked at each other, and smiled evilly.

One of them frustrates his hands, with a ready expression on his face: "Otherwise, let's..."

"Hiss! Are you looking for death?" The companion's face darkened when he heard this, and his smile disappeared.

Although he also had this kind of thought, but thinking of the ruthless leader who killed people without blinking an eye, he couldn't help but feel terrified.

No matter how urgent he was, he didn't dare to do such a thing.

"Hey, I mean, unless the leader is not around, I wouldn't dare to do this!"

"It's good that you understand, but don't worry, after the leaders have enjoyed it, we will definitely be indispensable. Besides, with so many people in the Kuang family, are you afraid that there are not enough women?"

"Hey hey hey, this is actually..."

Listening to the unsightly dirty conversation between the two on the outside, Kuang Yujiao felt even more desperate in her heart.

"Jiang Tian, ​​I hope you don't have any accidents, as long as you are alive, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope!" Kuang Yujiao murmured to herself, there was a glimmer of hope in her heart, but most of them were incomparable despair.

After contemplating for a moment, her face suddenly changed: "No! Even if you live, don't come back! Now Kuang's family has become a hell, you must...don't come back!"

With tears in her eyes, Kuang Yujiao gritted her teeth and sighed bitterly. She had never been so desperate as she is now.

It's okay if Jiang Tian doesn't come back, once he comes back, he can only die.

Although she had been repeatedly shocked by Jiang Tian, ​​there was no doubt that it was impossible for him alone to deal with such an evil person in the Xuanyang realm.

Not to mention him, even if the other two Cangyun Sect disciples came back together, they might not be able to turn the situation around, they would just die in vain!


In a blink of an eye, it was already midnight.


A white airship flew swiftly in the night, skimmed over a mountain field, and made a rumbling sound of piercing through the sky!

This is already the border area between Heiyue Kingdom and Canglan Kingdom, only tens of miles away from Fenghe Town.

Standing on the deck of the flying boat, Jiang Tian could even see the flickering lights in the Kuang's mansion in Fenghe Town!

"Jiang Tian!"

"Brother Jiang!"

With the sound of footsteps behind them, Peng Yue and Tai Xuan walked out of the cabin and came to the deck to stand shoulder to shoulder with Jiang Tian.

At this moment, both of them had awkward smiles on their faces, and an undisguised deep apology in their eyes.

"The two senior brothers are recovering well!" Jiang Tian looked at them, nodded slowly and said, but his face looked very dignified.

The two smiled awkwardly. Seeing his expression, they thought that he had a grudge, and they were brooding over all the previous quarrels.

"Cough...Junior brother Jiang, I'm really ashamed to say it. We were all wrong before. Peng Yue hereby sincerely apologizes to you, and I hope you can forgive me!" Peng Yue took a deep breath and bowed to apologize.

"Ahem, and me! It's all because I underestimated Junior Brother Jiang with blind eyes. I hope Junior Brother Jiang doesn't care about the rude actions before!" Tai Xuan frowned and smiled bitterly, and said sincerely.

Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows, shook his head and sneered, and suddenly understood after being stunned for a moment.

"The two brothers are worrying too much, how can I never forget those trivial things?" Jiang Tian said with a look of disdain, shaking his head.

"Junior Brother Jiang has a large number of adults, Peng Yue is deeply ashamed, thank you!" Peng Yue let out a long breath, and his mood suddenly became happy.

"Junior Brother Jiang has a broad mind and amazing aptitude. I can't help myself! I can't repay you for saving my life. If you need anything in the future, just ask. Tai will do whatever he wants!" Tai Xuan nodded heavily, and bowed his hands to salute him.

"Me too!" Peng Yue's eyelids twitched, and he quickly followed.

In the cabin just now, they were worried that Jiang Tian's resentment would not give them a good face, but now their doubts have disappeared, and the stone in their hearts has completely fallen. But chewing Jiang Tian's words carefully, especially the words "small and trivial", the two of them smiled awkwardly, feeling very uncomfortable in their hearts.

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