"Great! With these talismans, we will be more confident in making gestures!"

"Hmph! Even if we encounter evil people in the Xuanyang realm, we still have enough power to protect ourselves! Brother Jiang, thank you very much!"

The two were very excited, as if they had found a treasure.

You know, the things on their bodies are almost exhausted, and at this moment they suddenly get a few magic talismans, which can really come in handy.

"Senior brothers, you are welcome. Although the talisman has been given to you, we still have to plan carefully for the next actions, and we must not act impulsively!" Jiang Tian said solemnly with a gloomy face.

"That's natural! I have to say, the previous plan is indeed not safe!"

"Junior Brother Jiang...Huh? Look over there!"

Tai Xuan suddenly showed vigilance. At the same time, Jiang Tian had already noticed something strange and turned his head to look over.

I saw two people suddenly approaching from the west side of the conference hall, a man in a black robe with a fierce aura, he was the leader of the evil people in the Xuanyang Realm!

The other person, Jiang Tian and the others were very familiar, it was Kuang Houde, the great elder of the Kuang family in a white robe!

The two walked side by side, walking towards the stone prison at a fast pace, but judging from their appearance, they seemed to be arguing about something.

"...What's the use of saying this? Who would have thought that Kuang Tianwei's mouth would be so hard!" Kuang Houde frowned coldly, his eyes were gloomy, and his face was full of anger.

"Hmph! I told the Great Elder a long time ago that women's benevolence is not desirable. If you still can't ask the result before dawn, leave this matter to Gu to deal with it!" Hou De was even more eager, and when he spoke, there was a strong murderous look between his brows.

"Before dawn?" Kuang Houde's eyes twitched, and he looked up at the sky.

In the far east, the night seems to be receding faintly. Although the belly is not yet pale, the originally bright and abnormally bright stars have begun to dim.

"No way! Kuang Tianwei is also the former head of the family. It is not easy to get the news out of his mouth. The ancient leader is too impatient to do this!" Kuang Houde frowned and shook his head in denial, seeming to be quite worried look.

The ancient leader's face darkened, and a cold light flickered between his brows: "What's wrong? If you follow your method, I'm afraid you won't be able to find out why in a few days! Since you can't be cruel, let us do it! "

Gu Tou pondered for a while, then suddenly shook his head and sneered: "Hmph, I'm a little curious, the Great Elder has already done this, so what kind of concerns do you have?"

The corners of Kuang Houde's eyes twitched for a while, his face was very stiff, he shook his head and sighed, looking distressed. "The ancient leader doesn't know. That matter is the most important secret of the Kuang family. If he insists on it, it may not have any results, and it may even anger Kuang Tianwei. Once he kills himself on the spot, we will be completely defeated!" Kuang Hou De shook his head and sighed, but a faint flash of light flashed deep in his pupils.

Observe the strange color.

"What are you afraid of? If he really wants to die, let him be fulfilled. I don't believe that without this person, we can't do that thing?" The ancient leader had a gloomy face, pondered for a moment, and snorted disapprovingly.

Hearing the other party's words, the corners of Kuang Houde's eyes twitched wildly, and he shook his head without hesitation.

"No! This will not work at all. That matter is not unusual. Using force will not solve the problem at all, and will make things more complicated!"

"It's unreasonable!" Hearing the words, the ancient leader was furious, and his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

"This doesn't work and that doesn't work. You don't have a good solution, so when will you wait? I'll give you half a day. If there is still no result, Gu will take full power to deal with it!"

"Half a day?" Kuang Houde frowned, with an angry look on his face.

"Hmph! To tell you the truth, Gu's patience is limited. Don't think that you can't do this without you!"

The ancient leader shouted coldly, his eyes full of threats.

Kuang Houde's complexion became very ugly, and the corners of his eyes twitched, but he had to endure it due to the tyrannical power of the opponent.

"Okay! Half a day... I'll try my best!" Kuang Houde said helplessly, shaking his head and sighing.

"It's not about doing your best, it's about having to! If there is no result after half a day, you don't need to take care of the rest!" Leader Gu gave Kuang Houde a hard look, and strode forward with a cold gaze.

"Damn the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom, they are really getting more and more rampant!" Kuang Houde cursed in his heart, and clenched his fists tightly.

After struggling for a moment, he sighed helplessly, and slowly let go of his fists to follow.

Right now, he still needs the support of these evil people, and the other party is powerful, so he doesn't dare to offend him for the time being, so he can only continue to condescend and obey.

But I have to say that the attitude of these evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom seems to have changed a lot from when they first approached him to cooperate.

No, it should be said that it is completely different!

These evil people have changed their original style of seductive and seductive with rhetoric, and turned into fierce and arrogant, tyrannical and rude, full of domineering and unquestionable.

The two came first to the other, and soon came to the stone prison where Zong Tienan and others were imprisoned.

The ancient leader stood still for a while, and Kuang Houde quickly stepped forward, took out a token and poured it with spiritual power and shook it forward slightly.

Immediately, an aura shot out from the token and hit the semicircular protective circle.


There was a muffled hum in the night, and a gap the size of Zhang Xu appeared in the semicircular white light array covering the stone prison, and the two walked in immediately.

That gap, with the entry of the two, was instantly closed as before with a flash of inspiration.


"Hiss! Why is there so much movement in this protective circle?" Peng Yue frowned, his face extremely serious.

"If that's the case, even if we get that token, I'm afraid it will alarm the other party!" Tai Xuan also frowned urgently, shaking his head and sighing.

They were going to save people, but because of the arrival of Kuang Houde and the leader Gu, they could only lurk temporarily.

And the rumbling sound of the protective circle gave them even more headaches!

It seems that when the Kuang family designed this magic circle, they had already considered it, and it had a certain anti-sabotage function.

With the token in hand, such an obvious movement can be made, if it is cracked violently, the movement will definitely be even bigger!

In this way, it is impossible not to alarm the other party.

At that time, I'm afraid they haven't been rescued yet, they have already been surrounded by the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom.

And under the heavy siege of four or five Xuanyang realm experts and more than a hundred Xuanyue realm masters, their ending can be imagined!

"What should we do now?" Peng Yue frowned, feeling helpless. "What else can we do? In such a situation, we can only be sure of saving people unless the elders come in person, but even if the elders do come, they may not be able to break the magic circle quietly." Tai Xuan frowned and sighed, his expression solemn.

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