Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1473 Worry and Disdain

"That's true. Although the elder has a strong cultivation base, if he wants to crack this protective circle in a short time, he may have to resort to violent means." Peng Yue nodded slowly, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Junior brother Jiang, what should we do?" After a moment of depression, the two looked at Jiang Tian again, frowning, waiting for his opinion.

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, he pondered for a while, and said lightly: "Don't worry, wait until they leave!"


After hearing his answer, the two realized that Jiang Tian didn't seem too anxious!

Could it be that there is really something he can't do?

"Junior brother Jiang, you...do you have any good ideas?" Tai Xuan stared at Jiang Tian expectantly.

Jiang Tian's expression was indifferent, and he was silent.

The two looked at each other subconsciously, and their eyelids twitched, feeling a little incredible!

But after thinking about it, they frowned again.

Jiang Tian didn't answer, obviously there was nothing good to do.

What can Jiang Tian do to solve the predicament that even the elders of the sect may not be able to solve?

Although his aptitude is astonishing, his combat power is superb, and his net worth is quite rich, it does not mean that he is omnipotent!

Even the elders of the sect may not be able to do things, what can he do as a quasi-xuan realm warrior?

Thinking of this, the two couldn't help but sigh silently.

In addition to being disappointed, there was an inexplicable sense of comfort and balance in my heart!

After all, Jiang Tian is not omnipotent, his strength and means still have a certain limit, it is impossible to be proficient in everything, and he can do everything.

Otherwise, they would really be ashamed to the point of embarrassment, and depressed enough to vomit blood!

But then again, such a sinister and complicated situation, such a heavy burden fell on Jiang Tian who was in the Zhunxuan Realm, it really made things difficult for him!

After the thought flashed through their minds, the two couldn't help feeling very ashamed.

The two of them are strong at the Xuanyang realm at any rate, but now they can't even come up with any ideas, and they are completely helpless, and even rely on Jiang Tianlai, who is at the Quasi-xuan realm, to make up his mind, which is really ashamed!

Although they were very convinced of this junior, the annoyance that followed was unavoidable.

If they were more capable, how could things have come to this point?

If their methods were more powerful, how could they be helpless?

All kinds of thoughts flashed through their minds, and the two felt more and more ashamed and depressed.

However, Jiang Tian always looked calm, his eyes deep yet calm.

The sharp eyes are always fixed on the movement in the stone prison.

Although the shining white semi-circular protective circle can prevent warriors from entering and leaving, it does not isolate the sound inside.

In a blink of an eye, the voices of that ancient leader and Kuang Houde came out again.

It sounds like the two are arguing about something again, even arguing.

At the same time, there was also the piercing scolding of the third elder of the Kuang family.

But after a while, the ancient leader seemed to make some kind of concession.

After a short silence, the two started talking again.

"Hmph! I'll give you some face today, but I won't be an example next time! If you still dare to stop me next time, don't blame Gu for being rude!" Chief Gu was obviously still brooding over the previous incident, and there was a certain kind of insincerity in his voice. Depressed and angry.

Kuang Houde said in a deep voice: "Leader Gu, let's talk about business. These...cough, these insignificant things can't be done until the Kuang family is settled down!"

"Huh!" The ancient leader snorted coldly, obviously still a little unwilling, but he didn't continue to entangle this matter.

"Chief Gu, don't you think it's a little strange that she can escape from the stronghold?"

"Strange? It's not like that, it just made Gu feel a little bit surprised." Leader Gu didn't take it seriously, and there was obvious disdain in his voice.

"Kuang was summoned in advance, so she can escape back. I don't think it's that simple. We'd better be more cautious!"

"Hmph! There is no need for the Great Elder to be suspicious. There are all the hall masters sitting in the stronghold, plus the deacons and elders of Xuanyang Realm and a large number of masters. Those people will only have a dead end!" The ancient leader said confidently without hesitation.

Kuang Houde frowned: "No, no, she said earlier that after that Jiang Tian saved her, he turned around to look for the other two fellow disciples. What if something goes wrong with the Master Quan's subordinates?"

"What could go wrong?" The ancient leader was a little annoyed when he heard this, how could this old guy be so cautious?

"Huh! So what if this woman escaped by chance, didn't she just send it to my door as a plaything for me? Speaking of the situation at the stronghold, I think you are just eating carrots and worrying about it! With the whole palace master and so many experts sitting in the town, Can the three Cangyun Sect disciples turn the world upside down?"

The ancient leader scolded angrily.

"I hope so!" Kuang Houde sighed helplessly with his eyes twitching.

"Why do you wish so? Let me tell you, even if there is a problem with the Kuang family's side, there will be nothing wrong with the stronghold. The strength of the whole palace master is beyond your imagination!" The reverberation in the stone prison was endless, and even spread far outside.

"The Kuang family...cough cough!" Kuang Houde's eyes twitched violently, his face turned ashen, and he kept cursing inwardly.

His ideas are completely different from those of the other party!

As far as he is concerned, no matter how big things happen to the stronghold, the Kuang family will never change again.

It was with great difficulty that he won the throne of Patriarch, and his buttocks have not yet sat firmly, so he can't afford any accidents at this time.

However, he could only ponder these words in secret, but he didn't dare to say them in person, otherwise the ancient leader would definitely be furious on the spot.

But then again, he really didn't want something to go wrong at the stronghold, because this was definitely not good news for him!

"Chief Gu, I think it would be safer for you to send a message to the masters of the whole hall..."

"Okay! Don't be so wordy! Gu promises you that there will be no problems at the stronghold. You should quickly find a way to pry Kuang Tianwei's mouth open. Don't forget, you only have half a day!"

The ancient leader interrupted the opponent with a cold shout, stepped out of the gap in the light curtain just opened, flicked his sleeves, and left angrily.

Kuang Houde then walked out, and the gap in the light curtain was closed as before.

Looking at the back of the leader Gu who was leaving in a hurry, he looked up at the sky and muttered something, but his voice was extremely low, and he didn't know what he was muttering.

However, judging from his complex expression with a slight sigh, it was obvious that he was not in a good mood.

But even so, he still remained vigilant, looked around for a while to confirm that there was nothing unusual, and then walked away.

For the Kuang family right now, the number of people imprisoned in this stone prison is one of the variables that may arise, and it is also the focus of his worries. However, judging from the situation just now, these people have obviously reached the end of the road and are unable to stand up again.

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