Not only him, but also Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan. It felt like Jiang Tian went out for a trip, and when he came back, he seemed to be a different person.

Of course Jiang Tian was still that Jiang Tian, ​​what really changed was their thoughts and feelings.

When they heard the abnormal behavior of those evil people in the stone prison, they thought it was Peng Yue, Tai Xuan, and even the elders of the sect who came in time to save them from the fire.

But no one thought that when the prison door opened, what appeared in front of them was... Jiang Tian, ​​whom they had always dismissed and ridiculed!

Although time was tight at the time, and they had no time to ask and explain, but after experiencing all kinds of dream-like experiences, they already realized that Jiang not that simple!

This also made Zong Tienan, the leader of the experience operation, inexplicably weaker when facing Jiang Tian.

Seeing Jiang Tian's attitude, Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan couldn't help being a little annoyed, but due to some subtle psychological changes, the scolding and sarcasm that they used to blurt out without even thinking about it, now they can't say it up!

The two looked at each other, frowning.

In front of Zong Tienan, the leader, Jiang Tian's attitude was a bit too high-pitched, even too strong!

Jiang Tian looked back and saw the evil leader of the Black Moon Kingdom who was getting closer and closer. He didn't give Zong Tienan and others too much time to think.

Frowning, he said coldly: "With your current situation, you can't stop one of them at all, they don't even need to pay attention to you, it's enough to just dump you to those subordinates, staying is just dying in vain, it's meaningless at all! "

"You..." Zong Tienan frowned and opened his mouth, but he was powerless to refute.

Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan quit, frowning at Jiang Tian coldly!

"Junior brother Jiang, you rescued us, we owe you a great favor, but if you are arrogant and despise brother Zong because of this, Yu will never accept it!"

"That's right! Although you saved us, it doesn't mean that you can be arrogant and disobey orders!"

Jiang Tian glanced at them lightly, but didn't answer, but turned to Zong Tienan and smiled coldly.

"Brother Zong, you know your situation best yourself. If you are sure to hold them back, I certainly won't stop you, but do you think it's really useful?"

The corner of Zong Tienan's mouth twitched, he was silent for a moment, then he shook his head and sighed.

"Junior brother are right. With my current situation, even if I try my best, I can only stop them for a while!" Zong Tienan was helpless in his heart, but he was still brave in his mouth.

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, speechless: "Humph! Now even a Xuanyue realm warrior can easily injure or even kill you, how dare you speak such big words? Well, if you really have this kind of confidence, Then stay here!"

"How unreasonable! Jiang Tian, ​​don't be so arrogant and rude!" Yu Chun frowned and scolded.

"You think we are slowing down, don't you? Don't worry, we will never stop you if you want to run for your life. We will stay with Senior Brother Zong and fight them to the death!" Ying Shuangquan gritted his teeth and scolded, his face full of anger.

Contrary to their expectations, Jiang Tian didn't get angry, instead he raised his eyebrows, just glanced at them with disdainful eyes, and then looked at Zong Tienan again.

"Oh, really?" Jiang Tian looked at Zong Tienan with a half-smile, and ignored Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan.

Enveloped by Jiang Tian's gaze, Zong Tienan's eyes twitched violently, revealing a look of guilt and shame!

"Cough! Junior Brother Jiang...that's right!" Zong Tienan shook his head and sighed, and finally stopped being aggressive.



Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan were taken aback when they heard the words, and their expressions changed.

They really did not expect that Zong Tienan would give in and show cowardice in front of this Junior Profound Realm!

Although they are very aware of their own situation, as dignified Xuanyang realm geniuses, even if they are injured, they cannot lose confidence.

But judging by Zong Tienan's attitude, it is obvious that he has no confidence.

This made them feel very uncomfortable, and even their faces collapsed.

"We finally escaped, are we going to be happy for nothing?"

"Could it be that we are doomed today?"

Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan shook their heads and sighed, their expressions became extremely ugly.

If they had been locked in the stone prison, they would have died, but they had clearly escaped from the devil's lair and saw great hope, but they were faced with a dangerous situation in the blink of an eye. This feeling was really uncomfortable.

The three of them were silent for a while, and the atmosphere became tense.

But in the blink of an eye, this silence was quickly broken again!

"Brother Jiang, what can you do?"

"Tell me, Junior Brother Jiang, I know, you must have a way!"

Peng Yue and Tai Xuan looked at Jiang Tian solemnly, with hope shining in their eyes. At the same time, they glanced at Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan from the corner of their eyes, clearly showing some kind of annoyance and disdain.



The two people on the opposite side couldn't help being startled!

Why did Peng Yue and Tai Xuan, who had always been scornful and sarcastic towards Jiang Tian, ​​have changed their attitudes?

At this time, instead of discussing with Zong Tienan, they didn't hesitate to ask Jiang Tian for advice, and they looked like he was the only one who followed suit. What's the reason for this?

Even Zong Tienan's face froze slightly. Although he thought it was weird, he didn't have the nerve to say it out loud.


Peng Yue and Tai Xuan glanced at them coldly, looked at Jiang Tian solemnly, and waited for his instructions.

Jiang Tian said in a deep voice: "Time is running out, we must find a way to get rid of them, otherwise we will not be able to leave at all!"

"Junior Brother Jiang just say it straight, we will listen to you!"

"Yes! We listen to you!"

The two nodded heavily, and said with cupped hands, looking at the three people beside them in shock.

Zong Tienan was embarrassed and speechless, with a face of shame, Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan were stunned and lost their minds for a while.

Why is it that in a trance, it seems that Jiang Tian has become their leader?

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and he raised his finger and pointed to a hill covered with dense forests in front of him!

"After bypassing that hill, you use the cover of the terrain to hide, and I will lure them away!"

"What?" Peng Yue's face changed when he heard this!

"No! It's too dangerous!" Tai Xuan shook his head violently, and bluntly refused.

What are you kidding?

There are two strong Xuanyang realms behind, plus dozens of evil people at the Xuanyue realm, how can Jiang Tian be distracted by himself?

In case he is caught up by the opponent, how can he save his life?

Once caught in the siege, I am afraid there is only one dead end!

Although they believed in Jiang Tian and admired his aptitude, strength and means, it didn't mean they would lose their minds.

Jiang Tian's approach is indeed good, it can save them from danger, but in this way, he will face the crazy siege of a group of evil people, and the consequences are simply unimaginable! "Junior brother Jiang, the two of us have almost recovered, and together with you, we must be able to stop those evil people!" Peng Yue pondered for a moment, nodded and said.

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