"Yes! Let the three of us take action together, and let Senior Brother Zong go first, that's the best way!" Tai Xuan nodded his head heavily, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

In their view, this is the most reasonable and effective way.

If the three of them add up, not only will they not suffer any losses, but if they are lucky, they may even take advantage of it!

Jiang Tian rejected their proposal without hesitation!

"It's not that simple! Both of you are not in the prime of life, but the other party has come prepared. Even if the three of us make a move together, we won't be able to take advantage of it at all. Moreover, those evil people are not fools. Even if we do this, it is difficult to guarantee Brother Zong and the others are safe!"

Hearing this, Peng Yue and Tai Xuan couldn't help frowning.

Jiang Tian's words are indeed very reasonable.

Given their current situation, facing the siege of two Xuanyang-level powerhouses and dozens of Xuanyue-level evil people, it is naturally quite difficult.

And there are so many evil people, as long as they are separated a little bit, they can still pose a threat to Zong Tienan and others.

Therefore, their proposal seems to be good, but in fact there are still obvious loopholes, and it is definitely not a feasible strategy!

"Then what to do?"

"Junior Brother Jiang, you must have a good idea, right?"

Peng Yue and Tai Xuan looked forward to it, almost blindly trusting Jiang Tian.

They believe that no matter how difficult the situation is, Jiang Tian can come up with countermeasures to solve it.

Seeing this scene, the three of Zong Tienan looked at each other, their expressions extremely embarrassing.

Peng Yue and Tai Xuan directly put them aside, following Jiang Tian's lead in everything, and were not prepared to ask for their opinions at all.

This is so embarrassing!

Jiang Tian said in a deep voice: "I've already said the solution, I'll lure them away, you go around that hill and take the opportunity to hide, don't reveal your whereabouts!"

"But you..."

"Don't be wordy! Since I'm doing this, I'm sure. You just need to hide properly and wait for me to come back!" Jiang Tian smiled lightly, his brows brimming with strong confidence.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, their expressions were quite dignified.

Jiang Tian said it lightly, but they all knew the danger.

If it were them, even if they were in their prime, they wouldn't dare to say they were safe. It was indeed too risky for Jiang Tian to do so!

"Okay! The sky is going to light up soon, there is no longer any delay, just do as I say!"


Jiang Tian's breath swayed, and a powerful wind spiritual force instantly enveloped everyone, making their escape speed a little faster.


After a while, they bypassed a dense forest-covered hill and swept into the depths of the undulating forest in front of them. After several turns, their figures quickly disappeared.

"Quick! They are going to escape!"

"Hmph! Don't worry, they can't escape!"

Hundreds of feet away, the spiritual power of the two evil leaders of the Black Moon Kingdom soared, and they turned into two blood-colored escaping lights and fled wildly through the air.

However, when they went around the hill, they found that Jiang Tian and others had all disappeared!

"Damn it! Where are people?"

"Don't worry, although the terrain here is complicated, they can't run very far!"

The two evil leaders stopped in the void and glanced intently.

At this moment, a dull roar suddenly came from the dense forest in front of them, causing the corners of their eyes to shrink and they stared intently.

In the blink of an eye, a striking silver light soared into the sky, skimmed over a mountain peak and fled towards the southwest direction, drawing a striking silver mark in the midair!

"over there!"

"Want to use a flying boat to escape? Dreaming!"

The two evil leaders looked at each other, with grim smiles on the corners of their mouths, and their respective figures jumped into the air in a flash.

One of them shook his right hand, and a pitch-black flying boat appeared under his feet. Under the urging of spiritual power, it burst out of the air with a long explosion, chasing the white flying boat.

After the other person sacrificed the black flying boat, he turned to the right to meet the dozens of Xuan Yuejing's subordinates who followed him.

"Get on the flying boat and follow me!"


Everyone was overjoyed when they heard the words, and rushed up without any hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, the black flying boat fled out through the void with a piercing bang, and chased the flying boat in front of it.


The two flying boats galloped through the air and went away quickly.

In the depths of the forest hundreds of feet away, Zong Tienan and the others stared intently under the cover of the dense forest, their faces were full of worry!

"The evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom really fell for it!"

"I hope Junior Brother Jiang can get rid of them smoothly, otherwise..."

"Stop talking! Brother Jiang will definitely do it!"

"Hehe, it's hard to say if it will work, but it must be too late to regret it now!" Someone shook his head and smiled wryly.



The silver flying boat galloped through the air, and seemed to have exerted its full speed, but it was still a little slower than the two black flying boats fleeing wildly from behind.

This also made the distance that had been extended by thousands of feet be forced to close again, and it was rapidly shrinking.

At this moment, Jiang Tian stepped on the silver flying boat and looked back at the pursuers from time to time. Although his expression was slightly dignified, his eyes remained calm, and there was even a faint sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Whoosh, whoosh... rumbling!

Hundreds of meters away, two black flying boats approached from left to right, making ear-piercing roars.

The two evil leaders planned very well, and the soldiers ran in two, so that the other party had no way to escape, no way to escape!

"You can't run away!"

"Stop obediently, maybe you can save your life, otherwise there will only be a dead end!"

The evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom continued to shout, and the roar containing spiritual power came from afar and fell into Jiang Tian's ears.

Not long after, the distance between the two sides has narrowed to about several hundred feet.

Looking back, he could even see clearly the figure standing proudly on the black flying boat on the left, and the densely packed black-robed warriors on the flying boat on the right, shouting and killing.

"Hmph! Good time!"

With a sneer on Jiang Tian's face, his expression changed suddenly, urging the Yinxiao Flying Boat to change suddenly, and flew towards the front right.


Amidst the dull roar, the Silver Night Flying Boat pulled out a huge silver arc in the dawn sky, almost staggering past the two black flying boats fleeing madly in front of each other!

"Damn! These people are so fucking cunning!"

"It's useless! You can't run away!"

The two evil leaders shouted angrily, and the murderous aura was rising all over their bodies.

The move of the silver flying boat seemed clever, but in fact it slowed down. Originally, it would take them a while to catch up, but this saved a lot of time.

"Quick, chase after me!"


Amidst the crazy roar, the black flying boat turned quickly, biting the silver flying boat and chasing after it.

Suddenly there was a huge black shadow getting closer and closer in front of him. When he looked closely, it turned out to be a tall and majestic mountain!

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes!

What he wanted was this kind of terrain, and what he was waiting for was this opportunity! The reason why he turned to the right was firstly to take the evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom far away from the hiding place of the same sect, and secondly, there was also some targeted consideration.

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