On the airship on the left, there is only one leader of evil people, while on the airship on the right, besides the leader, there are dozens of evil people in Xuanyue realm.

His purpose lies in this!


The Yinxiao flying boat galloped through the air and plunged into the huge mountain peaks shrouded in mist in front of it.

The two black flying boats followed closely, and they were less than a hundred meters away from him.

"it's time!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he pointed his right hand together towards the void behind him.


Amidst the violent roar, purple halos suddenly lit up, and instantly turned into several purple giants, pointing at the two black spaceships and slamming them away.

"Hmph! A little trick!"

The evil leader of the Black Moon Kingdom gave a ferocious smile, and slapped his right palm in the air, blocking the attack of the Sky Swallowing Finger.


The flying boat passed through the air, instantly dispelling the remaining fluctuations.

The next moment, they saw the silver flying boat whirling and rushing into the huge mountain peaks!

"It's useless, you can't run away!"

"Quick! Let's outflank and stop him!"


The two flying boats split left and right, bypassing the huge mountain, forming a double-team situation.

As long as there is no accident, they will be able to meet up in front after a while and intercept the silver flying boat head-on.

And it is true!

After a while, the two flying boats quickly broke through the air, bypassing the tall mountain, just in front of the silver flying boat.

But to their surprise, the silver flying boat didn't stop, as if unaware of their existence, it still ran forward persistently, almost colliding with them!

At the beginning, the silver flying boat was heading straight for the black flying boat on the left, but it suddenly changed direction midway and crashed into the right flying boat full of dozens of people, which shocked the other side!

"Damn it!"



The two ink-colored flying boats moved left and right without any explanation, and dodged.

The two evil leaders broke out in a cold sweat. If the flying boat collided head-on, even with their strength, they would be severely injured.

But that silver airship has already seized this opportunity and fled wildly away!

"Damn it, hurry up!"

The evil leader on the left didn't have time to wait any longer, so he yelled at the flying boat on the right and sped up to chase after it.

The flying boat on the right was eager to dodge, and almost collided with the mountain next to it. At this time, it was barely stable, and after a pause, it turned around again to catch up.

However, in the chaos of this moment, dozens of evil people could hardly take care of themselves, and no one noticed that a slender white light had quietly flown to the flying boat at their feet.

At the same time, in a dense forest halfway up the mountain, a young warrior stared at the black flying boat in mid-air, and spoke faintly through spiritual power transmission.



The ear-piercing scream resounded through the air!

The ink-colored flying boat, which was about to speed up to chase, suddenly fell into chaos, followed by shrill screams, which spread in mid-air.

Puff puff puff... bang bang bang!

Strange explosions sounded non-stop, and a slender white light shuttled through the crowd like lightning, and the black-robed warriors in the Xuanyue realm shook and screamed and spurted blood, and died instantly.

"Damn! What's going on?"

In front of the flying boat, the evil leader of the Black Moon Kingdom stared wide-eyed and let out a furious roar!

However, it was useless at all, no matter how much he scolded and scolded, he couldn't stop the strange situation of these subordinates.

These people trembled violently at first, then screamed in horror and screams, and then spewed blood and fell to the ground convulsing and dying in the next moment!

The evil leader of the Black Moon Kingdom was terrified, completely unaware of what was going on.

Dozens of his subordinates fell down like mowing grass, their deaths were extremely tragic and identical, and there was a big hole as thick as a bowl piercing through their chests!

"Damn it! Damn... how could this happen?" the leader of the evil people screamed fiercely, his mind filled with horror.

With his Xuanyang realm cultivation and experience, he has never seen such a strange and terrifying situation, as if he fell into a nightmare in an instant, and his mind was full of panic.

"Leader save me... ah!"

"Help... poof!"


There was a chorus of shrill screams, and the Spirit Swallowing Rat shuttled through the crowd like lightning, killing dozens of evil men in black robes in the blink of an eye!

"Hiss! This... what is this thing!" The leader of the evil people finally saw the situation in front of him clearly.

That white light that was as fast as lightning was a small monster!

The leader of the evil people was shocked, and his heart was extremely shocked!

There was a flash of lightning and thunder in my mind, and I suddenly remembered the record I saw in a certain ancient book!

"Tun... Spirit-swallowing rat! Hiss!"

The leader of the evil people couldn't help but gasped, and deep horror flashed in his eyes.

He had only seen this kind of strange beast in ancient books. He thought it was extinct, but he didn't expect that there were living creatures in the world!

After killing dozens of evil people in the Xuanyue Realm, rivers of blood flowed on the ink-colored flying boat, streams of sticky blood flowed down the edge of the flying boat's deck, and were blown by the mountain wind, turning into bloody flowers and floating away .

It caused a strong bloody smell in the void, so that some monsters in the deep forest were agitated by it and let out a dull low roar!

The Spirit Swallowing Rat hovered in the void and stared at the other party coldly, two murderous cold lights burst out from its small rice grain-sized eyes, making the leader of the evil person on the opposite side feel cold all over his body, and his face showed fear!

"Level five monster? No...it's not even level five!"

After observing intently, the corners of the evil leader's eyes contracted, and he let out a long, sullen breath.

The rare spirit-swallowing mouse in front of him did not reach the level of a fifth-level monster, but a fourth-level monster.

However, judging from its monster power fluctuations and the threatening aura it exudes, it seems that it has reached the peak level of the fourth level, and it is not far from the realm of the fifth level monster!

But even so, the leader of the evil people still didn't dare to underestimate him, he took a deep breath and looked extremely solemn.

This kind of monster has an amazing talent. It can even leapfrog the level to kill the enemy without any precautions. It should not be underestimated!

If this is really a fifth-level monster, he might run away without saying a word.

Because of the same level of warriors, almost no one can resist the attack of the swallowing rat.

But since it was a level four monster, he might not be unable to deal with it.

A thought flashed in his mind, and the eyes of the leader of the evil people suddenly became fanatical!

If he could control this talented monster and use it for his own use, it would undoubtedly be equivalent to having an extra powerful helper, and the overall strength would not be far off if not multiplied.

However, he also understands that it is definitely not that easy to subdue this monster!

"Hmph! I must never miss such an opportunity!"

The leader of the evil man smiled ferociously, stretched out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, shook his right hand, and a blood-red red short blade suddenly appeared in his hand, and after a tight grip, he swung it out involuntarily.

Whoosh whoosh!

The ear-piercing howl of knives resounded through the void, and glaring blood glows intertwined into dense knives nets and slammed down towards the Spirit Swallowing Rat. However, the next scene made the corners of his eyes twitch wildly, his face changed drastically, and he was shocked!

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