Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1483 Black Pot


The Spirit-Tuning Mouse let out a scream, and the whole body radiated white light. Its small body twisted in the void for a while, and then dodged most of the blood blade's attack.

The few last ones were bitten off by his amazing speed, and collapsed one after another!

"It makes no sense!"

The evil leader took a deep breath, his eyes were shining brightly, and his face was extremely ferocious!

After this short fight, he found that the talent and supernatural powers of the Soul Swallowing Mouse were stronger than he had imagined. Not only did he not want to give up, but his mood became even hotter.

Whoosh whoosh!

Another dense blood blade slashed out, sweeping towards the spirit swallowing mouse.

But this time, he didn't wait any longer.

Because he knew that such an attack would not be able to do anything against the Spirit Swallowing Mouse, even if he used the powerful cultivation of Xuanyang Realm, it might not be useful.

Because in terms of speed, he couldn't catch up with such a talented monster.

Unless some special magic weapon can be used to restrain it!

And the Spirit Swallowing Mouse didn't run away in a hurry, and the cold light in its small eyes bloomed, obviously it wanted to kill this Xuanyang realm warrior on the spot without doing anything else.

You know, although it is only a level four monster, it has killed many level five monsters before!

In particular, some fifth-level monsters with powerful monster power but slow movements regard them as natural enemies and avoid them.

Bang, bang, bang... Accompanied by a burst of dense explosions, the bloody saber light collapsed again and disappeared into the void.

The Spirit Swallowing Mouse twisted its small body, and was about to launch a fierce attack on the opponent.

But at this moment, the leader of the evil man shook his right hand, and took out a pitch-black magic weapon about a few inches high, poured spiritual power into it, and threw it at the spirit-swallowing mouse!


Accompanied by a dull humming, the flagon's black light flashed and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, the void in front of the Spirit Swallowing Mouse suddenly mutated, and strange waves suddenly rippled out!

The moment he heard the buzzing, Jiang Tian in the dense forest below couldn't help but shake his mind!

Across such a long distance, he was affected by accident, but the reaction of the spirit swallowing rat who was close at hand was even more predictable.

"Hiss!" The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and his face suddenly changed.

Judging from the current situation, this magic weapon is obviously not an ordinary item. If he really restrains the Spirit Swallowing Mouse, he will lose more than he gains.

The next moment, the thing that worried him still happened!

The moment the humming sounded, the small body of the Tunling Mouse couldn't help shaking, and a trace of confusion flashed in its two small eyes, the size of rice grains.

And just at this moment of confusion, the magic weapon of the jet-black jug appeared a few feet above it, and the mouth of the bottle hung upside down, releasing an astonishing devouring power, enveloping the spirit-swallowing rat!


The Spirit Swallowing Mouse came back to its senses in an instant, the cold light in its small eyes shone brightly, and the ear-piercing scream resounded through the void!

The corners of the evil leader's eyes twitched violently, apparently extremely uncomfortable with the cry, but he still forcibly endured, his eyes became more and more fiery when he was about to succeed.

However, after all, the Spirit Swallowing Mouse was endowed with extraordinary talent and extremely fast speed. At this time, the whole body was full of inspiration, and an amazing demon power was released from its small body, ready to forcibly break free from the confinement power of the wine pot magic weapon.

"Hmph! Want to run while being covered by my 'black pot'? Dreaming!"

The leader of the evil person reacted very quickly, his face darkened, and he waved his right hand across the air, and the jug magic weapon turned into a black light and fell down madly, and he took the spirit swallowing mouse into it without any explanation!


There was another strange buzzing sound, and the mouth of the pot burst into black light, and it was instantly sealed.

It took only a few breaths before and after, and the spirit swallowing mouse was restrained by this magic weapon!

The leader of the evil man relaxed his heart, a sneer of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his face was full of complacency.

"Hmph! You should be proud to let me use the 'Black Pot'!"

Xie Rentou smiled coldly, and raised his hand to call back the magic weapon of the flagon.

"not good!"

Seeing that the spirit swallowing mouse was restrained, Jiang Tian's eyes twitched wildly in the forest below, and his face changed drastically.

He felt very remorseful, and secretly scolded himself for being too careless.

Although the spirit-swallowing mouse is very talented, it is still quite disadvantaged in front of powerful Xuanyang realm warriors who possess mysterious magic weapons.

And once this magic weapon is returned to the hands of the leader of the evil people, the situation of the spirit swallowing rat will be absolutely unimaginable!

Thoughts flashed through his mind, Jiang Tian didn't have time to hesitate any longer, and he was about to soar into the sky in a flash.

But at this moment, there was another change in midair!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's body that was about to lift up suddenly paused, his eyes lit up, and he looked up intently.

At this moment, the magic weapon of the flagon pot that was flying back suddenly stopped moving, and suddenly stopped in mid-air!

"Huh?" The face of the leader of the evil people changed, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

Under the confinement of the Wunang Pot, Tunlingshu is still struggling. The strength of this little monster really surprised him!

However, he didn't think that the Spirit Swallowing Mouse could really escape.

The Wunang Pot is a special magic weapon that he acquired at a great price, and it possesses powerful confinement power.

Previously, it was mainly used to raise all kinds of highly poisonous spirit insects. Although the space is not large, it is extremely hard and can withstand the spiritual attacks of the strong in the Xuanyang realm.

In this emergency attack, he didn't even bother to remove the poisonous insects that had been kept inside for many years, in order to take down the beast as soon as possible, he directly threw it out.

Thinking about those extremely poisonous spirit insects that can't corrode and damage this thing day and night, the spirit swallowing rat is naturally powerless, at least it is impossible to break out of the wall in a short period of time.

At best, it can only struggle a little with the support of the monster power. When it struggles enough and its spiritual power is almost exhausted, it will naturally calm down.

"Hmph! You want to break free from being imprisoned by the Wunang Pot, stop dreaming!"

The leader of the evil people smiled ferociously, but he didn't dare to be too careless. After a brief hesitation, he raised his right hand to forcibly recall him, and suppressed it with spiritual power to prevent any accidents.

But at this moment, the Wunang Pot, which was in mid-air, suddenly began to vibrate violently throughout its body, and eye-catching black lights appeared on the surface, rising and falling wildly, ups and downs!

At the same time, it also spread in the air accompanied by fluctuations of spiritual power.

"It's unreasonable! Is the little evil animal still trying to turn the world upside down?" The leader of the evil man gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, his face extremely gloomy.

"Okay, since you are not convinced, let you suffer a little bit first!"

A hint of ferocity flashed in the eyes of the leader of the evil man, and before the Wunang Pot returned, he strode towards it, ready to use his means to teach the Spirit-Tuning Mouse a lesson.

But at this moment, the Wunang Pot suddenly let out a strange roar!


After the roar, the Wunang Pot, which was shaking all over its body, instantly quieted down, and the black light covering the surface disappeared instantly, and even the fluctuation of spiritual power completely disappeared!

"Huh?" A trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of the leader of the evil people, thinking that the spirit swallowing mouse had given up struggling.

But the next moment, his face changed, and he was furious instantly!

A slender opening was suddenly cracked on the surface of the Wunang pot, and the whole body lost its spirituality and turned into a piece of waste! "Damn it! It's unreasonable... I killed you!"

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