Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1484 The Wrathful Evil Leader

The leader of the evil people was completely enraged, and he couldn't help but clap his palms wildly at the black pot.


The blood-colored palm prints rolled past wildly, and without explanation, they set off a violent wave of spiritual power in the air!

But at the same time, a white light has already pierced out from the pot, it is the spirit swallowing mouse who forcibly escaped!

"Great!" Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and he almost cried out with excitement.

However, he still forcibly held back.

If he makes a sound to reveal his location, all plans will naturally fail.

Immediately after Tunlingshu escaped, he was frantically hunted down by the evil leader.


The violent roar resounded through the void, and dozens of blood-colored giant palms suddenly swayed in mid-air like blood-colored fireworks, blooming rapidly.

However, the Spirit Swallowing Mouse quickly evaded it with its amazing speed and flexible response, making it difficult for the opponent to succeed.

The small body was like a white lightning, circling in mid-air, and even turned to look in the direction of Jiang Tian, ​​his two small eyes sparkled, as if greeting him.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, heaving a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to call it back via sound transmission, he found that the little beast was circling in the air, skimmed past the black flying boat, fled forward madly, and disappeared under the cover of layers of clouds and mist in a blink of an eye.

"It's not that easy to run!"

The leader of the evil people was completely furious, so he urged the flying boat to turn around and chase after him regardless of whether he could catch up or not.

The black flying boat let out a rumbling roar, and dozens of corpses of black-robed warriors were thrown from above immediately, and fell in disorder into the forest below, where they were swallowed by roaring wild beasts in a blink of an eye.


And this evil leader frantically urged the flying boat into the thick clouds rising in front of him, chasing madly in the direction where the spirit-swallowing mouse disappeared.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, but felt relieved in his heart!

Despite being chased by a strong man in the Xuanyang realm, Tunlingshu still maintained a calm mind, and did not forget to lure the opponent away to cover Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, letting out a deep breath.

Glancing at the mid-air where the clouds and mist rolled, his figure flickered towards the way he came from, and he swept out of the mountain in a blink of an eye.


In front of this mountain peak is a boundless open area.

At this very moment, a black airship was speeding through the air, frantically chasing the silver airship that was flying in a straight line ahead.

"You can't escape!"

On the front deck of the flying boat stood a black-robed warrior, who was the leader of another evil person in the Xuanyang realm.

After escaping for a while, he found that the other companion was not following closely, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange.

But the silver flying boat was still fleeing through the air, and he had no time to think about it, so he could only chase after it with all his strength.

It would be better if there were mountains and forests in front of it. This area is an endless open land, and the occasional low hills below can't stop the silver flying boat from moving forward.

This made him furious, and he cursed for a while!

However, the speed of the silver flying boat was not as fast as the black flying boat under his feet. After escaping for a while, the distance had narrowed to less than two hundred feet.

At this moment, he could even clearly see the spiritual patterns engraved on the surface of the silver flying boat under the cover of the spiritual light!

However, he had completely lost his patience, and he didn't want to delay any longer. Seeing that the distance was getting closer and closer, he pushed vigorously under his feet, and the vast spiritual power poured out instantly.


The black flying boat made a violent roar and suddenly accelerated, quickly closing the distance to within a hundred feet.

And up to this moment, the silver flying boat was still moving forward, not even changing its direction.

Although he was a little puzzled, he didn't have time to think about it. At this time, he was dominated by the joy of being about to succeed, and he had no other thoughts at all.

"go to hell!"

The leader of the evil man shouted angrily, and punched out from the air.


A violent roar erupted suddenly, and a huge blood shadow burst out of the air, bombarding the silver flying boat like lightning, setting off a strong storm of spiritual power.

Amidst the dull roar, the whole body of the silver flying boat trembled, and half of the cabin was blown away.

As the speed dropped sharply, the direction also changed, and he staggered towards a low hill below.

"Hmph! See how you still run?"

The leader of the evil people gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, and then urged the ink-colored flying boat to chase after it at a turning point.

But in the blink of an eye, the silver flying boat fell straight down obliquely, slammed into a small hill with sparse grass and trees, and immediately collapsed and disintegrated after making a loud roar.

"Huh?" The leader of the evil people finally realized that something was wrong, and immediately urged the boat to land on the top of the hill.

Before the airship came to a complete stop, he swooped down and flew to the front of the disintegrated silver airship fragments.

The huge inertia of the flying boat almost flattened half of the mountain, and silvery white fragments collapsed everywhere.

But his face became more and more ugly!

Although the fragments of the flying boat were scattered in a radius of tens of feet, there was no trace of flesh and blood within the line of sight.

In other words, there is no one on this flying boat!

"It was tricked by them! Damn it!"

The evil leader gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, his face extremely gloomy.

Grabbing from the air with his right hand, he grabbed a few pieces of white spirit stones from a pile of gravel and flying boat fragments.

Looking intently, these spirit stones have already lost their spiritual power, even if they don't disintegrate, they won't last long at all.

After chasing him for such a long distance, he found nothing. Of course, he was not in a good mood.

There was a flash of blood between the palms, crushing the spiritual power that had been greatly damaged.

In a flash, he returned to the black flying boat. Without saying a word, he frantically urged the flying boat to soar into the sky with a gloomy expression, and hurriedly chased towards the way it came from.


The dull roar resounded through the void, and the flying boat fled far away in a blink of an eye, but at this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the clouds and mist ahead.


The face of the leader of the evil people changed, and he was shocked!

That group of black shadows came extremely fast, within a blink of an eye it had already flown within a hundred feet.

The distance of Baizhang is not close, nor is it far, but for the two parties walking towards each other, it is almost a distance that disappears in a flash.

What really shocked him was that the black shadow that escaped wildly from the clouds was the flying boat piloted by another companion. At this moment, it was almost colliding with each other!

"Damn it!" the evil leader gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Why...how is it you?" The other party's face also changed.


Amidst the violent roar, the two flying boats almost passed by each other. If they were half a point higher, they might collide head-on!

"Damn it! We've all been tricked, that silver boat was propelled by spirit stones, and there's no one on it!"

"What? Damn it!"

"What are you still doing in a daze, turn around and chase after me?"

"It's unreasonable! If I catch those guys, I will smash them into pieces!"


The two flying boats galloped through the air immediately, fleeing wildly towards the way they came from. And seeing the scene of blood dripping on another flying boat and dozens of subordinates disappearing without a trace, the evil leader in front suddenly had a bad feeling.

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