Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1491 Cruel torture

If it is a deadly battle, of course there may be some disadvantages, but if it is just containment, the flexibility is quite large, it can be said that it can advance and retreat freely, and there is a lot of room for movement.

Kuang Yujiao is most familiar with the situation of the Kuang family, and it is her duty to protect those clansmen.

Moreover, the guards in the backyard are all ordinary clansmen, and those black moon evil people may not devote too much energy, so the task should not be difficult.

But Jiang Tian's situation is not that simple!

On the surface, his task seems to be the most flexible, but in fact, it is the most important part!

Because the head of the Kuang family has fallen into the hands of evil people, he must be "taken care of" at this time. It is undoubtedly an arduous task to keep him safe under the eyes of many evil people and Kuang Houde!

But there is another possibility, if Kuang Tianwei has already been slaughtered by the other party, Jiang Tian will be much more relaxed, and it is enough to deal with those evil people with all his strength.

But this situation, no one wants to see.

In that way, even if they drive away or even kill all the evil people, they won't have much sense of accomplishment.

Everyone knows that the situation is complicated, and they can only use their best efforts.

There is no objection to Jiang Tian's arrangement, but he is a little worried about whether he can handle all kinds of complicated situations.

"Junior Brother Jiang, are you sure?" Zong Tienan frowned slightly, not without worry.

"Of course I'm not sure, but if it's not necessary, I will never risk the life of Patriarch Kuang, just rest assured!" Jiang Tian said solemnly.

"Okay, since that's the case, it's settled!" Zong Tienan took a deep breath with a determined look on his face.

He couldn't find any fault with Jiang Tian's arrangement, and he was deeply convinced.


Fenghe Town, the residence of the Kuang family.

The meeting hall, which was originally used to discuss family affairs and control the fate of the family, has now become a hellish place, a place where Kuang Houde and Black Moon evil men torture and torture Kuang Tianwei!

Especially after learning that Jiang Tian and others had all fled, Kuang Houde and the leaders of the evil people were completely furious.

During this period, several leaders of the evil people also sent messages to the Black Moon Kingdom stronghold several times, but unexpectedly, there was no response from there!

For a well-organized stronghold, this has never happened before!

The current situation is full of unusualness, which makes them feel very uneasy.

Coupled with the safe return of Jiang Tian and others, they couldn't help but start to wonder if something really went wrong in the stronghold?

However, out of trust in the Hall Master and several deacons and elders, they still had some hope and did not believe that there was really any major change in the stronghold.

Although the communication was not smooth, it can't be ruled out that there are some special circumstances, or maybe the hall masters have no time to take care of the situation here.

After all, to the Master of the Palace and that rather large stronghold, the small Kuang family is actually not too important, and it is not worth all the energy of everyone in the stronghold.

Thinking of this, their doubts calmed down a little bit, but at the same time, their minds became tense, and they began to torture Kuang Tianwei at an accelerated pace!

"Ah...you...you...don't want to die!"

Intermittent screams sounded from the depths of the hall, it sounded miserable and sharp, extremely terrifying.

At this moment, if anyone from the Kuang family passed by, they might not be able to tell who the owner of the voice was at first glance.

Because under the torment of Kuang Houde and Hei Yue evil people, Kuang Tianwei's original voice could no longer be distinguished, only hoarse and distorted screams remained.

"Kuang Tianwei, you have been the head of the family for so many years, it's time for the Kuang family to change their master. As long as you hand over the key to the forbidden land, I will protect you for your old age!"

Kuang Houde saw that the torture was not effective, so he had to change his attitude and try to find out the result in another way.

Although he has been the great elder of the family for a long time, he has never had the opportunity to touch the key to the forbidden land, which is the deepest core secret of the Kuang family. Even so far, he has only heard about it. The appearance has never been seen before!

Every time he thinks of this incident, he feels uneasy and almost vomits blood with annoyance.

As the great elder of the family, how much credit he has made for the Kuang family and how much effort he has expended, yet Kuang Tianwei is so guarded against him, no matter how he thinks about it, he cannot balance himself.

But in fact, this is a top-secret forbidden rule handed down by the patriarchs of the past dynasties. It involves the secret of the key of the forbidden land. Except for the patriarch himself, no one has the right to interfere and know!

At the same time, there has always been an unwritten saying in the Kuang family: only those who hold the key to the forbidden land can become the true masters of the Kuang family!

This is exactly where Kuang Houde's heart disease lies. If it wasn't for this reason, he would have killed Kuang Tianwei long ago.

One of the two is the head of the family, the other is the elder of the family, and they have cooperated with each other for many years. Is it possible to say that there is no friendship at all.

But the problem is that since Kuang Houde failed to compete for the Patriarch many years ago, the seeds of distortion have been planted in his heart.

Today, under the stimulation of the black moon evil person, his psychology has gone completely crazy, and his whole person can be said to have completely deteriorated. He is no longer the great elder who dedicated himself to the family and was revered by everyone!

"Cough...cough cough!" Kuang Tianwei's breath weakened, his face was even more ugly, and there was a dead look in his gloomy eyes.

Coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood, panting with difficulty, a distorted smile appeared on the blood-stained face.

"Kuang...Hou De, even if you kill me, you won't be able to get the key to the forbidden land!"

"What did you say?" Kuang Houde was furious immediately, the eyelids that were originally squinted suddenly opened, his eyes suddenly stared like cowbells, and cold light flashed in the depths of his pupils!

"Kuang Tianwei! Don't think that I dare not kill you. If it wasn't for the key to the forbidden land, do you think I would let you live until now?" Kuang Houde gritted his teeth and shouted, murderous!

"Cough...haha...cough cough cough!" Kuang Tianwei shook his head and smiled bitterly, but a difficult but obviously mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Kuang Houde...cough...you...finally told...the truth! Haha...cough cough cough!"

Kuang Tianwei had a miserable smile on his face, but he couldn't speak at all. Almost every word he uttered required all his strength. It seemed that the situation was really bad.

In fact, if he didn't still have a sense of unwillingness in his heart, and still had certain fantasies and hopes for the future of the Kuang family, he would have died long ago without the opponent's action.

In the future, even if the Kuang family recovers from the current injury, it will be difficult for him to return to his peak state.

No! It is an unrealistic fantasy to say that he can recover to the peak state. With his current situation, it is a blessing to be able to recover half of his cultivation base. There is no possibility at all if he wants to return to the peak state!

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