This is why he would rather die than reveal the core secrets.

He knew very well that even if he handed over the key to the forbidden area and told the relevant secrets, there would never be any good results.

It is absolutely impossible for Kuang Houde to let him, a witness, survive such a treacherous and evil thing. That would only expose his treachery and make him an eternal sinner of the Kuang family.

As far as Kuang Houde himself is concerned, after using the power of the black moon evil person to clear away all obstacles, he will still take charge of the Kuang family's great cause in an upright capacity.

Inevitably, at an appropriate time, he must make a generous statement in front of all the clansmen, and take out an indignant gesture to "mourn" the death of the Patriarch Kuang Tianwei.

At the same time, they will also unceremoniously "blame" the evil deeds of the black moon, so as to make the clansmen unite and listen to his orders.

For this matter, he had already made a comprehensive plan at the beginning of the incident, otherwise he would not dare to be so firm and decisive in acting now.

"Hmph! It's good that you understand, since this is the case, the old man will not have to go around any more detours!" Kuang Houde's face darkened, and his eyes became terrified.

But at this moment, the ancient leader suddenly turned around and walked towards the front of the hall, his face was full of anger!

"Kuang Houde! What the hell are you doing? Why haven't you found out yet?" The ancient leader had a murderous look on his face, and there was an aura of rage all over his body.

Half a day has passed, Kuang Houde has been tossing and tossing for so long, but he still hasn't figured out why, his patience has been completely exhausted.

Hearing his scolding, the corners of Kuang Houde's eyes twitched wildly, his face became very ugly, and he was both angry and annoyed!

What was angry was that Kuang Tianwei didn't explain his life and death, and what was annoyed was that the attitude of the ancient leader became more and more tough, and he didn't even save him the slightest face in front of Kuang Tianwei, which really made him, the next patriarch, feel ashamed.

This attitude is quite different from the beginning of the cooperation, even completely different!

Kuang Houde snorted coldly, and said angrily: "Chief Gu, please show some respect, this is the Kuang family, not your Black Moon stronghold!"

The ancient leader was taken aback when he heard the words, as if he didn't expect Kuang Houde to suddenly become so tough.

After being stunned for a while, the ancient leader's face darkened, and instead of being angry, he smiled, but the smile was a bit ferocious no matter how you looked at it.

"Hahahaha! Kuang Houde, have you started playing the family prestige before you have firmly secured the throne of Patriarch?"

"Of course, the old man has the final say on the affairs of the Kuang family. You outsiders, it's best not to interfere with my affairs too much!" Kuang Houde scolded angrily with a gloomy face.

The ancient leader's face darkened, and a cold light appeared between his brows: "Hmph! Kuang Houde, don't even think about it. Without our help, how could you be in the position you are in today?"

"It's true! But Kuang didn't ask you to help for nothing. Of course, the promise he made will be fulfilled in due course, but now, let me handle these matters personally, and you don't want to interfere!" Don't budge.

In his opinion, every day is bullshit!

In the territory of the Kuang family, if he can't be the master of this matter, what kind of master is he?

The ancient leader took a deep breath, no smile on his face, and his expression became ferocious and serious: "Kuang Houde, I promised you half a day last night, and now the time has passed, should just stay there!"

Kuang Houde's face changed: "How can this be..."


Before the word "Li" could be uttered, a dull roar suddenly sounded!

The black energy around the ancient leader soared, and the powerful coercion drove Kuang Hou Dezhen aside in one fell swoop, and with a big stride, he directly held the dying Kuang Tianwei.

"Damn it! Don't mess around!" Kuang Houde staggered back a few feet before barely standing still, and was immediately furious.

"Hmph! You can't help now!" Gu Tou didn't turn his head back, but stared at Kuang Tianwei with embarrassed eyes.

"Gu, let me say it again, this is the Kuang family, not you..."


Before the words fell, Gu Tou took the lead without even raising his right palm, and the violent roar directly interrupted the other party's voice.

Kuang Houde's complexion changed drastically, and he was startled and hurriedly blocked with his palm, and then barely blocked the opponent's attack. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he might have been blown away by this blow.

But even so, he still staggered backwards, barely stopping until his back bumped into a red painted temple pillar.

Looking at the furious old leader, a look of deep fear flashed in his eyes, and his face became even more ugly.

Obviously, the other party was obviously more eager than him on the matter of the key to the forbidden area.

There was a trace of uneasiness in his heart for no reason, and he faintly felt that his wishful calculation, which he thought he had no flaws in, might be in danger of collapse.

However, this thought was only fleeting.

After all, although the ancient leader shook him away, he hadn't completely turned his face. As long as the other party didn't break the previous agreement, he could still secure the position of the next Patriarch.

Kuang Houde took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and had to forcibly calm down under the dominance of the ancient leader.

He has no doubt that if he continues to entangle and stop him, the other party will definitely use more powerful means!

After all, at the very beginning of the cooperation, he knew that joining forces with these people would be like seeking skin from a tiger, licking blood with a knife, and there would definitely be great risks.

But for the long-cherished wish of his life, for the only dream left in his heart, he didn't care about so many things.

Because only by relying on the power of the black moon evil man, can he realize his dream of being the Patriarch, and there is no other way!

"Say! Where is the key to the forbidden area? Give it to me and spare your life, or... die!" The ancient leader didn't hesitate, grabbed Kuang Tianwei's neck, his palm surged with spiritual power, and threatened fiercely road.

Kuang Tianwei's breath was already weak, but at this moment, his blood flow was not working well, his face turned purple, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.

However, there was no fear in his eyes, but a look of determination instead.

What Kuang Houde couldn't ask, he naturally wouldn't reveal anything to the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom.

Once the secret of the key to the forbidden land is revealed, the Kuang family may face the danger of being destroyed, and he will become the eternal sinner of the Kuang family.

"I, Kuang Tianwei... even if... die, I won't..."


Before he finished speaking, Kuang Tianwei was thrown to the ground by the leader Gu, causing the ground to slam with a loud bang!

"Ah..." There was another scream, Kuang Tianwei's whole body was covered with blood, and the situation became more and more tragic.

But everything was far from over, the leader Gu raised his right foot, stepped heavily on his chest, and exerted force suddenly.

Ka Ka Ka!

Accompanied by a palpitating sound, Kuang Tianwei's chest suddenly collapsed, and his sternum was broken, which looked shocking.

So much so that Kuang Houde next to him couldn't help but twitched the corners of his eyes, and a trace of instinctive fear flashed in his eyes. "Say! If you don't say, you will only die!" The ancient leader gritted his teeth and threatened violently.

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