"That's all! After all, we are also a cooperative relationship. The two leaders give me a little bit, so don't worry about it with the elder."

After the two of them had vented their anger enough, Chief Gu smiled coldly, and suddenly stood up and became a good person.

The two leaders on the opposite side couldn't help but sneer at each other when they saw what their companions said, and reluctantly gave up.

"Hehe, since Chief Gu said so, why should we save face, right?" One of them said with a sneer.

"Hmph! I didn't suppress my anger for the next moment. Please don't mind the elder. After all, we have so many people working for your Kuang family. Even if there is something offended, you should be patient!"

The other person spoke even more bluntly, his words were full of toughness, and there was an undisguised disdain on his face.

The corners of Kuang Houde's eyes twitched, his face turned livid, but there was nothing he could do, he hadn't completely controlled the Kuang family yet, and he needed to cooperate with these people.

What's more, no matter how annoyed he was, he didn't dare to turn his face at this time.

If you offend the other party, there will be absolutely no good fruit to eat!

Kuang Houde took a deep breath, a gloomy light flashed in the depths of his pupils, but he forced a smile, as if he had no grudges.

"Cough... I have to say, the old man was too anxious just now, and his words were a little impulsive, so let's talk now!"

Kuang Houde endured the humiliation and said with an embarrassed smile.

"Hehe! Those who know the current affairs are outstanding, and the Great Elder is indeed the first choice for the next generation of the Kuang family!" The ancient leader nodded with "appreciation" and showed a mocking smile.

"Hmph!" The other two leaders smiled at each other, but they did not hide their inner ridicule.

"Okay! Hurry up and pry his mouth open, we can't wait any longer! If we still don't explain, even if we take some risks, we can only forcibly break into the forbidden area!" The ancient leader frowned and sighed, greeting his subordinates. Kuang Houde signaled, the cold light in his eyes flashed away.

The corners of Kuang Houde's eyes twitched, his face was embarrassed, but he didn't have enough confidence to refute.

As for what the other party said, it is naturally not unreasonable.

If Kuang Tianwei didn't talk about life and death, they certainly couldn't keep procrastinating.

If there was no other way, they would have no choice but to kill Kuang Tianwei and find a way to forcibly unlock the secret of the forbidden area by themselves.

Kuang Houde took a deep breath, strode forward, and walked towards Kuang Tianwei, whose breath was weak.

"Kuang Tianwei, this is your last chance, if you don't explain, you will understand the consequences!" Kuang Houde said coldly, his eyes were extremely cold.

Kuang Tianwei still had a miserable smile on his face, his eyes were full of contempt and contempt!

"Kuang Houde...you...have to die!"



Kuang Houde's face darkened, and he stepped on Kuang Tianwei.


The ancient leader smiled coldly, turned and walked towards the two colleagues.

Half a day ago, the two of them drove back in a flying boat. Before he had time to ask in detail, he suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

It's too exaggerated that two Xuanyang-level powerhouses and dozens of Xuanyue-level subordinates can't even catch up with six injured warriors!

"Captain Yan, Leader Ma, what's going on? With your strength, how could you chase them away?" Leader Gu asked with a frown.

At the same time, the fourth leader, Wutou, also came from the front of Kuang's mansion and landed in front of everyone.

He patrolled around Fenghe Town and found no suspicious signs. He just returned to Kuang's house and heard the words of the ancient leader. He was also very strange about what happened half a day ago, and felt a little incredible.

Two majestic Xuanyang-level strong men, with dozens of Xuanyue-level subordinates, can almost destroy a small and medium-sized family. How can they not even catch up with six injured warriors?

The two on the opposite side frowned and sighed, they were very annoyed!

"Gu Touling, Wu Touling, things are not what you imagined!" Yan Touling shook his head and said.

The Matou leader next to him frowned and said: "We were about to catch up, but they suddenly disappeared into the mountains and forests, and then flew away in a flying boat."

"Oh?" Gu Touling and Wu Touling frowned and looked at each other, with a trace of doubt flashing in their eyes.

Before they could ask, Fang Fang gritted his teeth and cursed.

"It's okay if it's just like this. Of course we immediately drove the boat to catch up with all our strength, but no one expected that the flying boat flew into another mountain and tried to throw us away under the cover of the mountain!" "Cough Leader Yan continued, "So we split up into two groups and tried to pinch left and right, but the flying boat came straight towards us, as if we were going to die together! After we dodged hastily, the flying boat went straight ahead without looking back. And go, Yan Mou went to chase after him. As for the following things, we still have

Let Ma Tou-ling talk! "

Hearing this, the corner of Ma Touling's mouth twitched, his face was embarrassed, but a look of fear flashed between his brows!

"Huh?" Gu Touling and Wu Touling were keenly aware of his reaction, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

One must know that the six opponents were all injured, and the best situation was that Quasi-Profound Realm martial artist Jiang Tian. Under such circumstances, what else could make them fear and dread?

The two couldn't help but looked at each other, both of them were very puzzled.

Matouling took a deep breath, frowned and sighed: "At the same time as Yantouling left, my flying boat almost crashed into the mountain. After stabilizing, I wanted to chase after it with all my strength, but who would have thought that the other party would release a spirit swallowing mouse on my flying boat? Let’s go on a killing spree..."


"What did you say? Spirit-swallowing rat!"

Before he finished speaking, Gu Touling and Wu Touling's expressions changed, their eyes narrowed, and they questioned in surprise.

At this moment, their interest was no longer in how to chase and lose the target, but quickly shifted to the swallowing mouse.

The corner of Ma Touling's eyes twitched, and he nodded heavily: "That's right! It's the kind of spirit-eating rat recorded in ancient books!"

"Hiss! How is it possible?" The ancient leader's face changed slightly, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

"That kind of strange beast... Hasn't it been extinct for many years? Isn't Ma Touling joking?" Wu Touling's eyes narrowed, and he was even a little disbelieving.

The two looked at each other, and even felt that this was a lie made up by the other party after discussion, in order to cover up their fault of ineffective tracking.

"You don't have to be like this! At first I also doubted Matouling's statement, but his dozens of subordinates died miserably. In such a short period of time, he simply killed dozens of Xuanyue realm warriors. Other than those in the Profound Yang Realm, only the Spirit Swallowing Rat can do it!"

Gu Tou-ling and Wu-tou-ling frowned upon hearing this.

Although the other party's statement is not without flaws, it has to be said that if there is really a spirit swallowing mouse doing the trick, it can indeed be explained.

"What grade is that spirit-swallowing mouse?" The ancient leader asked with a frown.

The corner of Ma Touling's eyes twitched: "Level four..."

"Level four?" The two frowned.

"No! It's not the fourth level, but the peak of the fourth level!" "What?"

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