"Hiss! This is a little troublesome!"

Hearing this, the expressions of Gu Touling and Wu Touling completely changed!

Although they have never seen a real spirit swallowing mouse, they have seen related descriptions in ancient books.

In ancient times, there were occasions when the Spirit-Tuning Rat massacred monsters and human fighters by virtue of its amazing talent, and the records are simply appalling.

Judging from various records, it is as easy as pie for a spirit-swallowing mouse at the peak of level four to kill level five monsters!

Especially when dealing with those slow-moving monsters, they have innate restraint ability, and they are like natural enemies.

The opponent has this kind of means, once they turn back, it will definitely pose a huge threat to them!

The four of them looked at each other, the corners of their eyes twitched, and they all felt very uneasy.

Originally, they didn't pay much attention to this description, they just thought it was a mythical legend, but after hearing Ma Touling's personal experience, they realized that this is not a legend at all, but a fact!

Especially thinking of the horrific scene where the Spirit Swallowing Rat slaughtered dozens of people in an instant, their hearts felt chills for no reason, and their spines felt a little chilled.

"Damn it! How did they subdue this terrifying beast?" The ancient leader gritted his teeth and cursed, his face extremely ugly.

"I'm also very surprised, and the owner of that strange beast is likely to be the disciple of the Cangyun Sect in the Quasi-Profound Realm!" Ma Touling frowned and sighed, his face full of confusion.


"A quasi...quasi Profound Realm disciple!"

Gu TouLing and Wu TouLing were shocked again!

The fourth-level peak monster beast is equivalent to the human warrior realm at the peak of Xuanyue Realm, and it is only one step away from entering the fifth-level level.

It's too exaggerated for such a powerful existence to be willing to be controlled by a human warrior in the Quasi-Profound Realm?

"Ma Touling, are you... sure you read it right?" Gu Touling's eyes twitched violently, with a look of fear on his face.

"I can't be 100% sure, but before the change happened, I did see that young martial artist in the Quasi-Profound Realm on that spaceship, and he seemed to be the only one!"

Ma Touling said somewhat unconfidently.


"This... this is too exaggerated!"

The two gasped, and the corners of their eyes twitched wildly.

"Hmph! It's a good thing that the other party is only at the Quasi-Xuan Realm. If a master at the Xuanyang Realm controls the Spirit-Tuning Mouse, the situation will only be worse!" Leader Yan smiled coldly, and his brows that had been tightly frowned couldn't help but relax a little. Come.

"Huh... that's right!" Ma Touling wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead, the corners of his eyes still twitching uncontrollably.

Every time he thought of the terrible scene at that time, he felt chills down his spine.

"Speaking of which, I'm not afraid of the jokes of the two of you, even the black pot that I used to feed the spirit insects... was destroyed by that damn monster!"



Gu Touling and Wu Touling's expressions changed, and the corners of their eyes twitched wildly.

Matou Ling's Wusang Pot is a very powerful magic weapon. Even those highly poisonous spirit insects have been invading all year round and can't destroy it. It is really surprising that it was forcibly destroyed by the spirit swallowing rat!

"I didn't expect that the Spirit-Tuning Mouse would have such an amazing talent! I understand that they can break through the protective magic circle of the stone prison without a sound. Now it seems that they must be able to do it with the help of the Spirit-Tuning Mouse!"

The ancient leader's eyes suddenly brightened, and all kinds of mysteries suddenly became clear!

Wu Tou-ling took a deep breath, showing a worried look on his face: "It seems that the people of Cangyun Sect really have some amazing skills!"

"Don't talk about it, let's think about what to do next?" Leader Yan frowned coldly, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

After all, these things have already happened, and it is useless to discuss more. The plan for now is to focus on the follow-up and focus on the main goal.

"Yes! I'm afraid we can't control those things. The best policy is to find out the secrets of Kuang's forbidden area as soon as possible!" Ma Touling let out a sigh of relief and frowned.

The ancient leader looked back at Kuang Tianwei who was still struggling, and couldn't help feeling depressed again!

"This matter must not be delayed any longer, otherwise it is very likely to be suppressed by the elders of the Cangyun Sect, and it will be very difficult for us to resist by then!"

"That's right! They've been escaping for such a long time, and nine out of ten have sent a message to the Cangyun Sect!" Wutou leader nodded and said.

Yan Toulu pondered for a while, and said with a sneer, "Don't worry too much, Cangyun Sect is several days away, even if the elders come in person, it is impossible to come too soon, we still have at least two to three days!"

The ancient leader shook his head and said: "No! We must not wait until that time, otherwise there will be too many variables! Among other things, the most important thing is to find a way to prevent the sneak attack of the spirit-swallowing rat, otherwise that strange beast alone is enough to make us In a hurry, I lost sight of the other!"

"Hehe, when it comes to this matter, Wu is not talented, maybe he can deal with it!" Wutou pondered for a moment, then suddenly showed a proud smile, and a hint of arrogance flashed between his brows!


"What's the best way for the Wutou leader?"

"Tell me about it!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words, and they looked forward to it.

The leader of Wutou glanced at his colleagues and smiled proudly: "Hehe, everyone should know that Wu is usually very interested in magic circles. Although he can't talk about any great accomplishments, he still has some experience in asking himself."

As he flipped his right hand, a set of bluish-black formation boards appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and at the same time, more than ten triangular yellow formation flags emerged out of it.

"This is……"

"Array array!"

Everyone's eyes moved, and their eyes lit up.

"That's right! It's exactly a set of magic weapons that Wu got in his early years!" Wu Tou-ling looked at the crowd proudly, revealing a bit of complacency.

However, when the three people on the opposite side looked at each other, they frowned and sighed, shaking their heads endlessly.

"it's useless!"

"Even the stone prison array carefully arranged by the Kuang family can't trap the opponent, let alone a mere set of array magic tools?"

"Elder Wu has a good idea, but it's a pity that it won't have any effect on people with such strange beasts as the spirit-swallowing rat."

The three shook their heads and sighed, the surprise on their faces had faded, replaced by regret and disappointment.

Although they don't know much about the magic circle, judging from the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by this set of array equipment, it is obvious that the rank is not too high. can't reach it.

Just imagine, even that kind of magic circle can't stop the opponent, so what effect can such a set of array equipment have?

What's more, it is still a temporary arrangement, and the effect may have to be discounted.

Wu Tou-ling obviously didn't think so, even though everyone reacted like this, he still looked confident.

"Hehe! You leaders are wrong!"


"It seems that the Wutou leader is very confident in this set of formation tools?" The three of them looked at each other, their eyebrows raised, and their eyes flickered thoughtfully.

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