Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1497 Countermeasures

"Everyone, don't underestimate this set of formation magic tools! This is a set of formation magic tools that I got from the largest Fangshi Xuanyue firm here when I attacked the capital of the Black Moon Kingdom a few years ago. It has also been improved by some kind of secret technique sacrifice, and its power is only higher than its original power!"


"What's so special about it? Don't be fooled by the Wutou leader. Tell us quickly, and see if it can really have the effect of defending against spirit-swallowing rats?"

Although everyone looked at him like a treasure, they still had no idea in their hearts.

They have already experienced the talent of the spirit-swallowing rat, especially Ma Tou-ling, who experienced the terrifying scene where he killed dozens of people instantly, and they already have a deep fear of this strange beast in their hearts.

Therefore, they didn't think that this improved formation equipment would have any surprising effects. The leader of Wutou smiled slightly, and said with concentration: "As you all know, Wu has a lot of research on the way of magic circles. In his early years, he accidentally obtained an incomplete ancient book of magic circles, which recorded many lost secrets. One of them is This kind can come in handy. After getting this set of array equipment, I closed the

After several researches, Guan Yuexu finally re-sacrificed and improved it. Now its power is much stronger than before, and it also has some kind of side effects! "

"A side effect?"

"What exactly is it?"

Everyone's eyes moved, and there was a little expectation again.

They have long heard that Wutou leader is obsessed with the magic circle, but in private, he has never taken it seriously, only thinking that it is just a hobby of his.

However, judging from what he said, it seems that he is really accomplished!

"Hehe, after I improved and sacrificed this formation, it has already been integrated into one body. As long as there is a slight flaw, the spiritual light will roar and warn. Even though the power of confinement is not as strong as that of the stone prison formation, it is just enough to send it to you right now. Useful, it can even be said that it has a targeted effect!"

"It has such an effect?"

"If this is the case, then this set of formation equipment is really amazing!"

"Hehe, do you think Wu can still deceive everyone at this time?" Leader Wu smiled leisurely, his face full of arrogance.

The three looked at each other and quickly reached an agreement.

The ancient leader nodded heavily, and said solemnly: "Then why hesitate? Set up the formation quickly, covering the entire Kuang family, and see how they will attack?" "Hmph, those few injured Xuanyang realm warriors are not enough Fear, what really makes us feel a little tricky now is actually just the spirit swallowing mouse. As long as we keep it out of the formation, we can use it calmly! Even if the strange beast can break through the formation by luck, we can still fight in the first place. time

I found that at that time, it is better to respond in time than to rush around! "

"Huh? By the way, Wutouling! How many sets of this array equipment do you have?"

"How many... How many sets?" Wu Tou-ling's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

Just this one, he found it with great difficulty in the ruins of the Xuanyue Trading Company's treasure house in the capital of the Black Moon Kingdom, and it has always been regarded as a treasure.

"Hmph! I dare not say anything else. There is absolutely no other semicolon for this kind of formation equipment except Wu Mou. Leader Yan is really loud!" Wu Touling glanced at him with a frown, obviously a little dissatisfied.

"Only one set?" Leader Yan frowned, disappointed.

If there were a few more sets, he could use these formation equipment to cover the Kuang family with three layers inside and three layers outside. Then even if the opponent had the help of the Spirit Swallowing Mouse, he might not be able to enter the hall in a short time.

And once the outermost restriction is touched, they will definitely be able to detect and respond immediately, so it can be said to be foolproof!

But after learning that there is only one set, they still feel regretful.

"Okay! If this set of formation magic weapon really has the sensitive effect as Wu Tou-ling said, it can be regarded as a defensive weapon! Elder Wu, don't hesitate, quickly set up the formation, and cover the entire Kuang family! !” The ancient leader nodded heavily and said in a deep voice.

"The entire Kuang family...cough cough!" Wutou leader's eyes twitched again when he heard the words, his face was speechless.

"Huh?" Including the leader Gu, the three of them were taken aback.

"Why..." Before they finished speaking, Wutouling shook his head and sighed: "To tell you the truth, although this magic circle is very effective, it can only cover within a hundred feet. If you want to use it to its fullest The effect, it is best to limit it within the range of tens of feet, otherwise even if it can be expanded, the effect will be great

discounted. "

"What?" Chief Yan twitched his eyes.

"Such a small area... is there a bird for it?" Matou was astonished, his face livid.

"How could this be?" Chief Gu was also quite disappointed and depressed.

Wutou leader let out a sigh of relief, glanced around and said, "Everyone, don't worry, the Kuang family is so big, it's not realistic to think of covering the whole hall, but it's not a problem to protect this hall."

"This... How useful is this? Do you want to wait for the other party to rush to the front of the hall?"

"The Wutou leader has been blowing for a long time, but this set of instruments doesn't seem to be of much use!"

"No! As long as we can cover the main hall, we will have an extra layer of defense. It is better than nothing, Wu Tou-ling, don't hesitate, let's quickly set up the formation!" Gu Tou-ling said solemnly.

"Don't worry, everyone, this magic circle will definitely not disappoint everyone!" Wutou leader was full of confidence, smiled proudly, and then stepped out of the hall and began to plant the formation flag.

As for the bluish-black circular array shaped like a compass, he still holds it in his hands. As the control center of the magic circle, it can only be controlled by him.

It didn't take a while for the formation to be set up, and Wu Tou led back to the main hall, and injected spiritual power to activate the formation in front of everyone.


Accompanied by a strange buzzing sound, a cyan beam of light suddenly appeared on the surface of the array!



Everyone's eyes brightened, and they were looking forward to it.

The next moment, I saw this arm-thick cyan beam of light rising into the sky, heading straight to the top of the hall, passing through without any delay.

Hum rumble!

Accompanied by a strange sound, there was a burst of blue light around the hall, and a round blue light cover suddenly exploded, expanding at an extremely fast speed and falling down, covering the entire hall.

Before the light cover touched the ground, the more than ten yellow formation flags below each had a flash of inspiration, bursting out with dazzling yellow light beams, jumping up!

The next moment, the cyan light cover that fell rapidly and turned into an upside-down giant bowl exchanged with these yellow auras, merging into one body without delay.

The buzzing sound began to recede and disappeared quickly, and the aura covering the entire hall also began to fade rapidly, and disappeared completely in a blink of an eye. But when everyone looked up, the roof of the palace, which was pierced by the blue beam of light just now, was not damaged at all!

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