
"It seems that this magic circle really has some tricks!"

"The Wutou leader has worked hard!"

Everyone nodded slowly, and finally showed some joy.

Although the aura of the magic circle has fallen into the void, they can clearly feel the fluctuations of the spiritual power around them. Judging from the strength of these spiritual powers alone, this set of magic circles is indeed of high quality!

It seems that it is not much inferior to the stone prison circle, and coupled with the special effect after the sacrifice of Wutou leader, it is the best way to deal with the sneak attack of the swallowing rat.

"Don't worry everyone, this magic circle can only go out but not in. If it is forcibly destroyed or its spiritual power operation is interrupted, an alarm will be triggered immediately!"

The Wutou leader proudly said with a smile.

"Well! Although the magic circle is good, we still have to be more careful. All of you guard the outside of the hall, surround the front and back of this hall, and call the police immediately if there is any situation!"

"Yes!" Hearing his order, dozens of black-robed warriors in the hall acted immediately, rushed out of the hall gate and stood apart, surrounding the entire conference hall.

The ancient leader nodded slowly, but his expression suddenly became ferocious!

"Besides, why hasn't the damned Kuang Family Patriarch confessed?"


He disappeared from the spot in a blink of an eye, and then appeared next to Kuang Houde, pulling him away involuntarily, stepping forward to step on Kuang Tianwei's chest, which was breathing weakly, and the black spiritual power gushed out again.

Kuang Tianwei, who was on the verge of passing out under the torture of Kuang Houde, suddenly opened his eyes and his face turned blue and purple!

There was an extremely miserable scream from the mouth, the body shook violently, and the mouth continued to spurt blood.

Originally, this level of torture would definitely make him pass out, but because the ancient leader forcibly infused black spiritual power, it forcibly stimulated his mind, making him unable to fall asleep, so he could only endure this torture alive!

"Speak or not?"

The ancient leader gritted his teeth and shouted angrily, his face was extremely gloomy, and his whole body was filled with murderous aura.

At this moment, Kuang Tianwei only had a stern smile on his face, but he couldn't say a word.

Up to now, he is no longer afraid of death, and what he sticks to in his heart is only the most core secret of the Kuang family, even if he dies, he will not tell it.

"Fuck you! Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me for being cruel!"


The ancient leader shouted angrily, and the black air under his feet accelerated violently. In a blink of an eye, Kuang Tianwei's exposed skin began to turn black at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if he had turned into a humanoid monster!

"Hiss!" The corners of Kuang Houde's eyes twitched violently, and a burst of instinctive fear surged in his heart.

He has a deep understanding of the effects of those black spiritual powers. If they are slowly refined, one's strength can skyrocket, but such a crazy infusion will have unimaginable consequences!

Just looking at Kuang Tianwei's complexion that turned from white to black made him feel shocked and horrified, and thinking about the crazy torture he endured made his scalp tingle.

"Hmph! I can't blame you, old man. It's all because of your own stubbornness. You have fallen into this situation, and you still want to keep the family secrets. It's ridiculous!" Kuang Houde's eyes narrowed, and a sinister look flashed in them.

But after a short while, he suddenly woke up and hurried forward.

"The ancient leader is not allowed! Before you understand the secrets of the forbidden area, you must not kill him rashly, otherwise you may regret it!"

Kuang Houde frowned and looked annoyed.

"Hum!" The ancient leader shouted angrily, and suddenly withdrew his right foot that was on Kuang Tianwei's chest, his whole body was filled with murderous aura, making Kuang Houde's heart tremble.

In fact, he was not without concerns. After all, the forbidden area was the core secret of the Kuang family. It would be unwise to kill Kuang Tianwei rashly before finding out.

However, they really don't have much time left, and if they drag on like this, I'm afraid the elders of the Cangyun Sect will have killed them before the other party can explain.

Under such circumstances, how could he still be in the mood to torture him slowly?

"If you can't take down the forbidden land, you won't be able to sit securely as the Patriarch. The First Elder should know this better than me!" the ancient leader gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"This matter... I am naturally clear! It's just..."


Before Kuang Houde finished speaking, a dull roar suddenly came from far outside Fenghe Town.

"what's the situation?"

"somebody is coming!"

"Boss, it's a flying boat!"

While the evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom outside the hall were exclaiming everywhere, the four leaders rushed to the front of the hall with sullen faces.

Looking intently, a white flying boat pierced through the sparse clouds in the midair, and appeared above Fenghe Town, and rushed towards Kuang's mansion, with an extremely fast speed and an astonishing momentum!

"It's them! It's only been half a day, and they actually went back?"

"Hmph! That's fine, they probably won't recover much in half a day, and coming back at this time is simply looking for death!"

"It's good to come, this will save us a lot of trouble!"

Wu Touling, Yan Touling, and Ma Touling gritted their teeth and shouted angrily, their faces were extremely gloomy, their bodies were full of murderous intent, and they couldn't wait to teach them a lesson.

Gu Tou pondered for a while, and shouted angrily: "Kuang Houde, before we finish the other party, you must ask for a result, otherwise it will be useless for Kuang Tianwei to keep it!"


When Kuang Houde heard the words, his expression flickered, and a wave of spiritual power crazily poured into Kuang Tianwei's body, almost exploding all the meridians in his body.

"Kuang Tianwei! Hurry up and hand over the key of the forbidden land, I can keep your whole body!"

Kuang Houde looked ferocious and roared wildly, like a mad beast.

Kuang Tianwei was tortured so much that he couldn't bear to live, he gritted his teeth, and suddenly sprayed a mouthful of blood, which covered Kuang Houde's face.

The stench made Kuang Houde want to vomit when he heard it, he yelled violently, and tortured Kuang Tianwei cruelly again.



The white flying boat drew a long white mark in mid-air, and in a blink of an eye, it came to the front of the main hall, and descended with a tyrannical aura, knocking out more than a dozen evil people in black robes at the Xuanyue realm in one fell swoop.

"Evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom, come out and die!"

"Damn evil, I'm back!"



As soon as the flying boat landed, five figures suddenly appeared and landed in front of the hall.

Under Zong Tienan's leadership, the five of them swung their long swords and surged their spiritual power, slashing towards the hall.


A violent roar erupted suddenly, but these powerful sword lights did not hurt the main hall, but encountered a strong spiritual force a few meters in front of the hall, and they burst open one after another!

"Protection circle!"

Zong Tienan's face sank as he watched the blue-yellow aura in front of him turbulently, and the circular aura shield looming faintly, with a cold gleam between his brows.

"Damn it! He even set up a formation!"

"Brother Zong, what should we do now?" Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan gritted their teeth and shouted, full of murderous intent.

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