Zong Tienan smiled coldly, as if he wasn't worried.

Sure enough, those evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom were even more impatient than them. They didn't intend to stay in the palace at all, and rushed out screaming in a blink of an eye.

Boom boom boom!

Four roars resounded all around, and four black shadows flashed out in an instant, they were the four leaders of the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom.

At this moment, each of them exuded a domineering aura, and looked at the five people facing them with disdain.

Although these Cangyun Sect disciples had a slight advantage in number, there was one more than them, but all of them were injured, and it was obvious that their aura was not at its peak.

However, their recovery speed was also greatly unexpected. After only half a day, they seemed to have recovered as much as eight or nine floors!

"Hiss! How is it possible?" Leader Yan's eyes narrowed, thinking of Zong Tienan who was seriously injured half a day ago, he couldn't help being shocked!

"The disciples of the Cangyun Sect are really capable, but it's useless. Since you dare to send them to your door, you should die here today!"

"Stop rambling, kill them!"

Boom boom boom!

Three roars sounded, and Yan Touling, Ma Touling, and Wu Touling all fled out, each with wild aura, swung their knives and slashed fiercely to fight with each other.

Leader Gu dragged his head back for a while, without turning his head, he said: "Give me a good look at the main hall, it's enough for us to deal with these people!"

"Subordinates understand!"

Ten Xiang's subordinates guarding in front of the hall originally wanted to step forward to help, but after hearing the order from the ancient leader, they stopped acting rashly and stood firmly in front of the hall.

Before the words fell, the ancient leader had already rushed out and rushed towards Zong Tienan.

"Hmph! Since you want to seek death, Gu will help you all!"

The ancient leader shook his fists violently, and two huge blood-colored fist marks instantly appeared in the void.


A violent roar erupted suddenly, like two groups of huge bloody flames bursting suddenly, each of which was more than ten feet in size, and they could not help but roll towards Zong Tienan, threatening to engulf him in one fell swoop!

"Hmph! It's not that easy to kill me!"

Zong Tienan arrogantly reprimanded him coldly, showing the domineering arrogance of a genius in the Cangyun Sect, the long sword in his hand trembled wildly, bursting out with amazing sword intent!

bang bang!

A dazzling sword light shot up across the sky, and it slashed down like lightning. Accompanied by two loud bangs, the two blood-colored fist marks instantly collapsed!

"Huh? How unreasonable!"

The ancient leader's face darkened, and his murderous aura surged.

Although he was injured and his aura was not at its peak, Zong Tienan's strength still surprised him.

This Cangyun Sect inner genius is stronger than he imagined.

The last time he succeeded in plotting, but this time the head-to-head confrontation was not as easy as he imagined.

"Hmph! No matter how strong you are, you will still die today!"


Amidst the roar of anger, the ancient leader held his right hand in the air, and a half-foot long knife exuding a bloody light appeared in his hand instantly.

Under the crazily pouring of spiritual energy, the blood-colored saber light soared into the sky, as if avoiding the blood-colored lightning in the void, and slashed at Zong Tienan!


The violent roar exploded in an instant, and the billowing blood-colored aura swept across the Kuang family hall like a sea of ​​blood!

The ground trembled wildly, and the confrontation between the two sides was murderous from the very beginning, and the crisis was rife.

In front of the Kuang family hall, it seemed as if it had instantly turned into a bloody sea of ​​Shura field!


On the other side, under the containment and cover of everyone, Kuang Yujiao had already sneaked into the backyard, and found the place where the clansmen were detained with little effort.

In an old and dark hall full of dust and cobwebs, she saw a large number of imprisoned clansmen

"Three elders!"

"Third Elder! Why are you back?"

"The third elder... the family is in trouble, please save us!"

"Third Elder, save us!"

Kuang Yujiao sneaked in secretly, who would have thought that these people were so frightened that when the people saw her, it was as if they saw a savior Bodhisattva, and immediately knelt down and shouted wildly.

"Hiss!" Kuang Yujiao frowned, but she didn't want to get angry.

She is very clear about the situation of Kuang's family, seeing it in her eyes hurts in her heart, and she can't bear to hurt these overly frightened clansmen any more.

"Hush! Everyone, calm down, no one can hurt you with me around!"

"Third Elder, hurry...save me!"

"Third Elder, I don't want to die!"

"Third Elder, my whole family is here, please save us!"

Hearing her voice, instead of calming down, the crowd burst into crying, which alarmed the evil Hei Yue outside in a blink of an eye.


"Damn it!"


The dilapidated palace gate was instantly blasted open by a huge force, and pieces of wood and rocks were splashed.

Clap clap!

Seeing that these fragments containing spiritual power were about to turn into pieces of sharp blades to kill the clansmen, Kuang Yujiao let out angrily, turned around and slapped out several palms suddenly.

The powerful spiritual power immediately blocked the terrifying murderous intent, and also stunned the two black moon evil men who rushed into the hall!

"Huh? It's you, the third elder of the Kuang family!"

"What? Court death!"

The faces of the two Heiyue evil men darkened, and they immediately swung their knives and slashed wildly, making wild moves.

At this time, Kuang Yujiao felt relieved, instead of being surprised, she was happy.

The prisoners here are all ordinary clansmen, and there are not many warriors, so the black moon evil people only sent two Xuanyuejing men with mediocre cultivation to guard them.

For her, it was stress-free at all.

"You are the ones who died!"

Kuang Yujiao's face darkened, and murderous intent flourished between her brows.


Two white palm prints rolled out wildly, and the tyrannical spiritual power could not help but engulf the two of them, shaking them out of the already dilapidated palace gate with a burst of screams.


Without any hesitation, Kuang Yujiao turned into an afterimage and rushed out of the palace gate. With a flick of the long sword, two dazzling sword lights suddenly flew up.

There were two abnormal noises, and the two black moon evil men died tragically on the spot immediately!

"Huh? Strange!"

Kuang Yujiao put away her sword and stood, frowning, focusing on the direction of the main hall.

Fortunately, the Kuang family occupies a large area. This dilapidated hall is nearly hundreds of feet away from the meeting hall. The small changes here do not seem to have disturbed the evil people over there.

Not only that, but at this moment, there were constant explosions and roars in the main meeting hall. It was obvious that Zong Tienan and others were fighting fiercely with evil people.

Kuang Yujiao pondered for a moment, nodded her head heavily, and immediately darted into the hall after she settled down.

"Quick, come with me!"

There was a chaotic noise, and hundreds of clansmen rushed out of the hall, and rushed towards the family forbidden area under Kuang Yujiao's command.

"Why are there only these people, and where are the others?" Kuang Yujiao couldn't help frowning as she watched the crowd pour out of the hall.

"Third Elder, they are imprisoned in another old family courtyard, and the children are over there, I beg the Third Elder to save them!" A middle-aged man with a dark complexion said anxiously.

"Understood, you go to the family forbidden area, I will find them and save them!"

Kuang Yujiao left without saying a word, heading towards another old family courtyard.


"You're looking for death!" "It's you who are looking for death!" Angry screams resounded in the air, and two dazzling sword lights slashed down like lightning, killing the two evil men in an instant.

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