Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1500 Breaking the Formation


Kuang Yujiao directly shook open the dilapidated palace door with a powerful aura. Hundreds of clansmen inside were trembling.

"Quick, follow me!"

There was a loud noise, and everyone rushed out of the old courtyard, crying and shouting, and rushed towards the family forbidden area.


At the back of the main hall, Jiang Tian stood proudly, gazing coldly at the dozen or so black-robed warriors surrounded by the magic circle on the opposite side.

As soon as Fang landed just now, he felt the fluctuation of spiritual power here, and as a result of the bombardment by Zong Tienan and others, he even saw the aura of the magic circle protecting the temple.

However, he was not worried. With the help of the Spirit Swallowing Mouse, it would not be a problem at all to break through the magic circle.

"Spirit Swallowing Rat, go!"


A piercing scream suddenly sounded, and a white light flashed away.


With a flash of white light, a hole appeared in the seemingly intact restraining light curtain, and the spiritual light at the edge flowed erratically, which kept the magic circle in a harmonious state for a while, and there was no abnormality for the time being.


"What is this?"

A dozen or so evil people changed their expressions when they first saw Jiang Tian, ​​but they saw this astonishing scene before they could sound a warning!

The light curtain of the protective magic circle was cut apart by a white light in an instant!

This is too scary!

"Kill!" The cold voice suddenly sounded, revealing a strong murderous intent.

Following Jiang Tian's order, the Spirit-Tuning Mouse turned suddenly, turning into a flash of lightning-like white light and carrying out a crushing killing.

Bang bang bang bang... After a strange noise, before a dozen evil people had time to shout, they were pierced through the chest and died instantly!


The Spirit Swallowing Mouse flew back and landed on his shoulder.

Jiang Tian was about to step into the light curtain as soon as he moved, but suddenly he frowned slightly, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

On the edge of the light curtain that was cut open by the Spirit Swallowing Mouse just now, the white aura is being eroded by the sudden blue and yellow aura. It seems that it can't last for a while!


Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

From the looks of it, the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom had obviously been prepared for a long time, and had put in a lot of effort to guard against the Spirit Swallowing Rat, but this had no effect at all, and could not stop him from breaking into the formation at all.

Seeing that the hole on the light curtain was about to collapse, Jiang Tian no longer hesitated, and swept past in a flash.

And at the same time he stood still, the spiritual power released by the Spirit-Tuning Mouse was finally exhausted, and the hole about the size of Zhang Xu suddenly closed.

At the same time, the entire magic circle was full of spiritual light, making a dull roar!

Hum rumble!

The sound immediately alarmed the guards next to him. They sensed something wrong and quickly rushed towards the back of the palace. After seeing Jiang Tian, ​​they couldn't help but attack.

However, their actions can only court death.


With a cold command from Jiang Tian, ​​the Soul-Tuning Mouse turned into a bolt of lightning and flew out of the air.

Before the ear-piercing screams dissipated, strange explosions followed.

Bang bang bang bang... After a burst of noise like firecrackers, more than a dozen evil people were instantly killed!

At the same time, the four leaders who were fighting with Zong Tienan and others in the main hall also noticed the change in the magic circle, and they were shocked and furious!

"Someone broke the formation!"

"Damn it!"

"The three of you block them, I'll go and have a look!" The ancient leader gritted his teeth and shouted, ready to retreat and go to block the people who broke the formation.


The three companions nodded in response, and the blood knife in their hands suddenly slashed violently, covering him.

"Quick! Stop him!"

Zong Tienan's face darkened, and the aura around him couldn't help but surge. The long sword in his hand trembled like lightning, and suddenly burst into dazzling sword wheels several feet in size!

These glaring sword wheels seem to be condensed by countless sword blades. The whole body is crazy and contains extremely astonishing sword intent. They exude a terrifying murderous intent, and they can't help but roll towards the ancient leader who pulled back. It is not only powerful but also It's amazingly fast.

"This is how you want to hold Gu, dreaming!" Leader Gu shouted sternly with a gloomy face, slashing the blood knife in his hand to forcibly resist the impact of the silver sword wheel.

At the same time, his left hand flicked suddenly, and blood-colored palm prints slapped out wildly under the surge of spiritual power.


After a violent bang, the blood-colored knife light and the blood-colored palm print cooperated with each other to forcibly suppress Zong Tienan's sword wheels.

But at this moment, Peng Yue, who heard Zong Tienan's greeting, forcibly bypassed the other three people to block him, his long sword trembled wildly, and involuntarily swept to the back of the ancient leader, forming a pincer attack with Zong Tienan and the other two!

"Brother Zong, don't worry, I will never let him pass, I want to buy enough time for Brother Jiang, kill him!"

There was a tinge of blood in Peng Yue's eyes, and he screamed with murderous intent surging all over his body. He did not hesitate to trigger the vision of bleeding veins, and slashed out with the long sword in his hand.

"Evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom, die!"


The violent sword intent swept out, and enveloped the ancient leader without any explanation.

At the same time, Zong Tienan on the opposite side was also in high spirits, blasting out several huge silver sword wheels again under the frenzy of spiritual force!


Terrible roar resounded through the void, and the ancient leader gritted his teeth and cursed angrily, and his rage reached the extreme for a while.

If it is about fighting alone, even if these two are in their prime, they cannot be his opponents, let alone only eight or nine levels of strength now.

But with the two of them working together, they were able to hold him steady, not to mention that the two were still in front of each other, so the situation was naturally very different!

Faced with such a situation, although the ancient leader was furious, he felt helpless for a while.

He wanted to get away but couldn't retreat for a while, so he had to grit his teeth and curse frantically to block the attacks of the two.

"It's unreasonable! Damn it! You three, find a way!"

The ancient leader saw that he couldn't get away, but he didn't dare to delay, lest there would be some changes in the palace that would disrupt their plan.

On the other side, the three were equally furious.

There were five disciples of the Cangyun Sect. At this time, two of them were besieging the ancient leader, and the remaining three were entangled with them.

How easy is it to get away?

"Hmph! Evil people from the Black Moon Kingdom, it's not that easy to escape!"

Tai Xuan gritted his teeth and drank violently, sweeping out the long sword in his hand.

The violent sword intent was like a huge tide, sweeping towards the chest of the three with violent murderous intent.

At the same time, Yu Chun and Ying Shuangquan also shot with all their strength without reservation. The offensive of the three of them made it difficult for their opponents to parry and fell into a passive state.


The violent roar resounded throughout the Kuang family's mansion, and the fluctuations of various spiritual powers were like colorful raging sea tides, rolling wildly in all directions.

Almost all the buildings of the Kuang family within a radius of 100 zhang were damaged to varying degrees, except for the main meeting hall shrouded in the protective magic circle. In particular, the attics of the halls near the front were directly destroyed by the violent spiritual power, turning into piles of chaotic rubble, smoke and dust billowing wildly, and stone chips flying everywhere!

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