Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5431 Recovering Sanity

But if he doesn't do this, will he let the black short wood live in his body and use its demonic power and blood to strengthen himself?

Jiang Tian's heart was filled with murderous intent, and he wanted to use thunderous means to solve this problem immediately, but he finally suppressed this idea.

It was a matter of Xuan Turtle's life and death, so he couldn't act impulsively.

The current cultivation, methods, cognition, and experience cannot solve this problem, so we can only wait until later to find a solution. Taking action forcefully when the conditions are not mature is tantamount to killing the goose to obtain the egg, and it will backfire!

"It's my fault!"

Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and sighed, reluctantly withdrawing his bloodline spiritual power.

Before being completely sure, further attempts will only bring more danger to the Black Turtle and will be completely useless in solving the problem.

If he had known this, he should have kept the black turtle alone and should not have just put it in the purple mysterious world.

But the matter has come to this, and it is too late to regret. We can only find ways to solve this problem later.

At least for now, it seems that Xuan Turtle is not in danger of his life, which means that he still has a lot of time to improve his cultivation and find a solution.

But he can't take it lightly, because the black short wood hides in the black turtle's body and continuously absorbs its bloodline spiritual power and demon power essence. It continues to grow, and he cannot predict the subsequent changes.

If something happens that is beyond your control, it will be too late.

Jiang Tian withdrew his bloodline spiritual power, quickly summoned the "Three Lives Dao Wood", and urged it to hang above the black turtle.



The aura of the "Three Lives Dao Wood" rooted in the seven-story stone platform rose, and purple halos enveloped it.


The body of the mountain-devouring black turtle trembled violently and let out a horrified roar. The magic patterns on the turtle's shell trembled violently and shrank sharply as the purple halo fell.

The original magic pattern was active and almost all turned into black tortoise shells, and at one point it was about to return to its original golden appearance.


Jiang Tian was refreshed and greatly surprised.

He had known for a long time that "Sansheng Daomu" could restrain the demonic vines, and Xuangui's reaction further confirmed this.

As streaks of purple light enveloped the black turtle, the restlessness of the black turtle became more intense. However, the black magic patterns did not completely disappear, but condensed into black spots, as if solidified on the surface of the turtle's shell.

No matter how Jiang Tian urged it, there would be no change at all.

Jiang Tian frowned, knowing that he shouldn't continue to exert force.

The Black Turtle has devoured a large amount of demonic energy in the Demon Sealing Mountains. It has already been deeply demonized, and now it has merged with a short black wood that is suspected to be the young vine of the "Taichu Demonic Vine". If it continues to exert force, it is likely to become uncontrollable. situation.

He couldn't afford to take this risk!

Jiang Tian thought this and prepared to put away the "Three Lives Dao Wood" to stop testing.

At this moment, he discovered an unexpected situation!


The pupils of the swallowing mountain black turtle were originally occupied by black magic lines. However, under the continuous suppression of the "Three Lives Dao Wood", they almost returned to their original state. There was a faint golden light exuding in the pupils. It seemed that they had recovered several times. Distract your mind!

"The Mountain-Swallowing Black Turtle?"

Jiang Tian shouted in surprise. Lao Gui hesitated for a moment and nodded with difficulty.


"Very good, great!"

Jiang Tian was overjoyed and extremely excited.

The old turtle finally regained consciousness, but it still seemed to have major problems and had not fully recovered.

"Ho ho... Master... I..." The old turtle continued intermittently, his words unclear.

"What exactly happened to you in the forbidden land of the Demon Clan's wilderness, and why did you end up living in the Central Region and come to the Demon Sealing Mountains?"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath and asked anxiously.

"Master...I..." The mountain swallowing black turtle spoke intermittently, and sometimes even without logic, which made Jiang Tian frown.

After a moment of difficult description, Jiang Tian roughly captured some information. The Mountain Swallowing Black Turtle strayed into a mysterious place due to the changes in the forbidden area of ​​the wilderness. After experiencing some changes that it could not explain clearly, it came to On the territory of the Central Territory.

After that, due to some encounters that he could not recall, he escaped into the Demon-Sealing Mountains. However, before escaping into the Demon-Sealing Mountains, he encountered some powerful demonic beasts and strong human beings, and was seriously injured. In desperation, he abandoned his tortoise shell. He barely managed to save his life, and was finally forced to flee into the Demon Sealing Mountains to protect himself.

It could not explain clearly what happened next, but Jiang Tian could understand it without further explanation.

It came to the Demon-Sealing Mountains with a seriously injured body, and was possessed by the demonic energy even after a narrow escape. It was deeply demonized, and has been hiding at the bottom of the giant peaks of the Demon-Sealing Mountains ever since.

It wasn't until this time that Bai Yu summoned men to hunt and kill that he reunited with Jiang Tian.

All the changes and encounters were twists and turns, and it can be said that they were brought about by chance. If the person he met this time was not Jiang Tian but someone else, I am afraid that a disaster would be imminent.

After a moment of wakefulness, the aura of the mountain swallowing black turtle was turbulent, and the almost solidified magic patterns showed signs of activity again. The suppressive effect of the "Three Lives Dao Wood" has obviously declined.

"How could this happen?" Jiang Tian's face looked a little ugly.

In previous battles, the "Sansheng Daomu" had a strong suppressive effect on the black vine that was suspected of being the "Taichu Demon Vine", but this time, the suppressive effect was obviously not strong enough.

Jiang Tian silently thought about the reason. This situation was probably related to the fusion of the magic vine and the mountain-swallowing black turtle.

Although the "Three Lives Dao Wood" can suppress the black vine, it cannot directly suppress the mountain swallowing black turtle. Perhaps it is for this reason that the magic pattern shows signs of rebound.

As the magic patterns rebounded, the Mountain Swallowing Black Turtle lost his mind again, and the golden light in his eyes quickly dimmed. The two groups of magic patterns appeared again, and communication was no longer possible.

Gritting his teeth and sighing, Jiang Tian could only put away the "Sansheng Daomu" for now.

He originally wanted to use some special means to try to remove the demonic energy from the black turtle's body, but now the problem is not just about the demonic energy. The addition of black short wood made things extremely complicated.

If you can't take out the short black wood, even if you pull out the magic energy, it won't solve the fundamental problem.


With a wave of his right hand, Jiang Tian put the "Sansheng Dao Wood" back in place, shook his head and sighed at Xuan Gui, and turned around to come to the Taiyi Spirit Wood.

There is nothing unusual about this spiritual wood, and in the "Essence of the Wood Spirit", the blue "brocade handkerchief" that is suspected of being the "Three Lives Dao Wood" is immersed in it, without any special changes.

It looks like what Zhu Xuan from Moyun Auction said, this thing is already dead and cannot be revived.

But Jiang Tian didn't think so, because he was in a similar situation when he first became Taiyi Lingmu. After that, he tried his best and went through many twists and turns to finally show signs of recovery.

The same goes for the purple-ringed spiritual bamboo shoot rooted on the seven-story stone platform, but it is different from the "Taiyi Spiritual Wood". The former was a living thing when it was acquired, and the slight changes since then are not too abnormal.

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