Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5432 Three Meridians Gather

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After a while, Jiang Tian withdrew from the Zixuan Realm and returned to the boulder in the valley where he was retreating.

Recalling the process of refining the essence of demonic energy, and recalling the process of devouring the mysterious black energy in the "Star Abyss", he faintly noticed something strange.

Although these two things are obviously different, they also have some similarities.

Its color is almost exactly the same, is this really just a coincidence?

Furthermore, the feeling he felt after refining the black devil energy was not as terrifying as the rumors in the martial arts world, and it could even be said that there was nothing unusual about it.

He even had a bold guess, maybe the mysterious black energy in the "Star Abyss" really has some origins with the black energy in the Fengmo Mountain Range?

Obviously, there was no clear answer to this question, and even he himself felt that it might just be a weird conjecture on the spur of the moment.

But one thing is for sure, no matter whether this conjecture is true or not, the "black magic energy" in the Fengmo Mountain Range is a more pure and higher-level existence than the mysterious black energy in the "Star Abyss"!

There are less than three days before the competition of the "Strongest Son" of the Yun family's three veins, and Jiang Tian is already ready.

He originally wanted to push his cultivation to the astral realm, or at least to the quasi-star realm during this period of time, but now it seems that he is a little eager, even naive.

He has just entered the late stage of Shattering Void Realm, and it is obviously unrealistic to enter Star Realm through two or three small realms.

After all, his combat power is comparable to that of the Star River Realm, and he is no longer the shallow junior of the Fate Realm or the Samsara Realm.

At that relatively low level, if there is enough opportunity and assistance, it may be possible to break through several levels in a row, but with the current combat power and level, it is too difficult to break through in succession!

Fortunately, his current combat power is not weak, at least most of the early stages of the Star River Realm in the Central Territory have no pressure on him.

At this level, the difficulty of going further is beyond imagination.

Fortunately, he also had brief contact with some of the "strongest sons" of the Yun family preparing for the battle and some of the elders of the Yun family, and he already had quite a lot of confidence in his heart.


With a wave of Jiang Tian's right hand, a batch of cultivation resources such as elixirs, spiritual fruits, and spiritual crystals appeared on the boulder of his wealth.

He silently refined these cultivation resources, and his blood and spiritual power slowly advanced.

One day later!

"Su Wan, Wei Feng, Wei Yu, let's go!"

Hum rumble!

When the purple light suddenly appeared, Jiang Tian and his three companions left the valley, and fled towards the Yun family's territory at the fastest speed.

According to the information obtained before, the "Strongest Son" duel will be held in turn by the three chakras in accordance with the rules set by the ancestors of the Yun family.

The last duel was in Chiyunzhou, this time it was Yunlingchuan's turn, and the next one will be hosted by the Moyunling lineage.

The destination of Jiang Tian and others is naturally Yunlingchuan!

Unlike the last time he came, Jiang Tian had a clear goal this time, and he came here to observe the final duel of the "Strongest Son" of the three branches of the Yun family.

Not surprisingly, the genius of Yun Lingchuan's lineage to fight is Yun Ling, that is, "Leng Yan" from the same lower realm as him.

He still doesn't know who will fight in the two veins of Moyunling and Chiyunzhou. After he arrives at Yunlingchuan, he will be able to understand this question at a glance.


Yun Lingchuan, the Yun Family Mansion has become extremely popular recently.

Flying boats came from all directions, and many guests stayed in the guest hall of the Yun Family. The forces of all sizes from the surrounding martial arts world gathered in the surrounding cities and inns, waiting for the final showdown of the "Strongest Son".

For the Yun family in Yunlingchuan, the most important guests are of course the guests from the other two lines, namely Hongyunzhou and Moyunling.

The guests of these two parties are led by the heavyweight elders of the family, but this time the protagonists are not them, but the young people who followed them, who are the "strongest saint sons" selected by the three veins through layers of selection. "!"

But in addition, there are other guests, the weight is no less than them, these people are from the powerful forces in the surrounding area, the most eye-catching ones are the Dragon Clan, the Peng Clan, and the Grand Uncle's Family. According to rumors, There will even be strong people from the Feng and Kun tribes coming to watch!

For the warriors around Yunlingchuan, there is no need to say much about the strength of the Yun family, but the Dragon, Peng, Taishu and even Feng and Kun families are more mysterious existences. A superpower stronger than the Yun family's three veins.

The purpose of many warriors from the surrounding areas coming to Yunlingchuan is not so much to observe the confrontation of the "strongest sons" of the Yun family's three lines, but rather to take the opportunity to get in touch with those superpowers.

The reason is very simple, the Yun family is located in Yunlingchuan, Hongyunzhou and Moyunling, even if the journey is far away, you can always see it if you want to, it is not unusual for local warriors.

But super powers like the Dragon Clan, Peng Clan, Taishu Family, Phoenix Clan, and Kun Clan are not something they can see as soon as they want. These forces are both powerful and mysterious, and they have always been legends for many people. !

Being able to take this opportunity to have close contact with these forces, even if it is just a few glances, can satisfy their strong curiosity.

And many people came here with the mentality of hitting the big luck, wishing to take the opportunity of this grand meeting of the Yun family to let themselves enter the eyes of those super powers, if they can get lucky and be favored by the elders of those powers, then It can be described as a step forward.

At this time, a secret meeting is going on in the Yun family hall in Yunlingchuan!

Present here are not only the Patriarchs and elders of the Yunlingchuan lineage, but also the Patriarchs and elders of the Chiyuncheng lineage and Moyunling lineage of Hongyunzhou!

The atmosphere in Yunling Hall was gloomy and depressing, even giving people a mysterious and weird feeling.

"Two Patriarchs, elders, I won't talk nonsense, I want to know, what are the plans of your two families?"

Yun Tianmu, the patriarch of Yunlingchuan's lineage, asked in a deep voice, with an unusually solemn expression.

"I didn't expect things to be so timely. This completely disrupted our plans and arrangements!" An old man in the VIP seat frowned, wearing a scarlet cloud-patterned robe. fire!

"These forces, in the name of observing the confrontation between the three veins, are actually seeking opportunities in the 'Star Market'. If we can't respond effectively, we will have to tie our hands and suffer from being dumb!" Mo Yunling's lineage Patriarch Yun Yihai frowned, and there was a chill in his eyes.

The "Strongest Son" competition of the three veins is important, but it also depends on the current situation.

Under normal circumstances, of course there is nothing more important than this, because it determines the strength comparison and fortune of the three veins in the next hundred or even thousands of years, and it is the top priority of the three veins.

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