"Give you a chance to apologize, and then deprive yourself of your cultivation to apologize to us, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!" The man in the middle of the green robe said sternly.

"I will also give you a chance to solemnly apologize to them, otherwise you will regret it!" Jiang Tian replied coldly.

The three people on the opposite side laughed angrily!

"Hahahaha! Frog in the well, arrogant!"

"I have seen too many arrogant people, but I have never seen you so exaggerated. With such a huge gap in cultivation before your eyes, you still dare to provoke me. Do you really not know how to write the word 'death'?"

"It's easy to cripple you!"

The green-robed man in the middle had a dark expression on his face, as if a dark cloud had covered his face.

"Miyaha, teach him a lesson!"

"Leave it to me!"

Before Gong Hai finished speaking, the green-robed man on the left, Gong Ye, took two steps forward. He didn't make much of a move, he just raised his right foot and stepped towards Jiang Tian.

While taking action, he looked at Su Wan and the others calmly, with a calm and carefree posture, as if he was showing off his powerful cultivation.

This might seem like an understatement, but it's really powerful!

Boom... Boom!

The loud noise shook the sky, and the situation changed!

Huge cyan footprints volleyed towards Jiang Tian, ​​and the terrifying pressure made the bodies of Su Wan and the three of them sink as if they had been hit hard.

But this was just a residual power from the opponent. More than 90% of the real pressure was concentrated on Jiang Tian.

This was obviously a deliberate move by Gong Ye, aiming to suppress Jiang Tian and at the same time intimidate the three women without seriously injuring them, thereby avoiding all subsequent inconveniences.

"So strong!"

"His combat power is indeed not inferior to Long Yu!"

"In this way, wouldn't Gong Hai be more terrifying?"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu were frightened by Gong Ye, and their thinking was even a little stiff.

However, Su Wan still maintained the necessary sobriety and began to judge Gong Hai's strength. The result made her extremely uneasy.

Although Jiang Tian killed Long Yu with his Star Realm cultivation, after all, it was Long Yu whose cultivation had been weakened after being injured, not Long Yu in his prime.

If it was Long Yu at his peak, the outcome of that fight might be in doubt.

Although Jiang Tian has just experienced a physical breakthrough, the opponents he faces are no longer what they used to be!

The three men in green robes are in peak condition, and their combat power is not weaker than Long Yu. Can Jiang Tianzhen be confident about dealing with such an opponent and lineup?

Su Wan and the three of them knew very well that the physical breakthrough only made up for one of Jiang Tian's shortcomings and filled up his weaknesses, but it did not significantly improve his strongest combat power.

At this moment, they all felt intense uneasiness in their hearts, thinking of all the bad possibilities, and their hearts trembled.


Jiang Tian snorted coldly, raised his fist and blasted towards the sky.


The purple light giant fist blasted out fiercely, and the terrifying power suddenly spread out, as if a cloud layer stretched across the sky.

The giant green foot was held up in the air and unable to fall. With a loud "click", it broke into two pieces!



Gong Hai and another companion were greatly surprised!

"how come?"

Gong Ye's face froze, startled.

Although he did not use all his strength with this kick, he was prepared to severely damage or even directly kill Jiang Tian. Unexpectedly, he was easily blocked by the opponent, which really made him lose face.

After a brief moment of shock, Gong Ye's face darkened and he was immediately furious!

"How dare you hide your cultivation and deceive us? You are seeking death!" Gong Hai gritted his teeth and shouted!

Even if the attack just now only hurt Jiang Tian, ​​it wouldn't be so embarrassing.

Jiang Tian was unharmed and even looked at him with contempt. This was a great provocation and humiliation to him, and it also made him lose face in front of Gong Hai.

Gong Hai's eyes were cold and his cultivation aura was rising rapidly, as if he was going to attack with all his strength.

Feeling the overwhelming killing intent, Jiang Tian's face darkened!

"You had a chance to apologize just now, but now you don't!"

"Arrogant young man, let you know how powerful I, Gong Ye, am!"

Gong Ye roared and swung both palms towards Jiang Tian in the air.


Amidst the loud noise that shook the sky, two blue hurricanes like giant mountains surged up from left to right, blasting towards Jiang Tian with terrifying power.

This time, he did not deliberately avoid Su Wan and the others. He had only one purpose, to kill Jiang Tian, ​​save his face, and let out a bad breath!

"Huh?" Gong Hai frowned slightly, seemingly displeased.

"This Gong Ye really doesn't care about the overall situation. Hai Shao, don't worry, wait until I take action to capture them!"

Gong Xin observes his words and prepares to make a move.

"No need!" Gong Hai waved his hand to stop it.

In his opinion, although the three of Su Wan couldn't withstand Gong Ye's attack, they still had the ability to protect themselves. The instinct of self-protection would allow them to escape the range of the hurricane attack immediately.

As long as you exit the core area, you will not be seriously injured, let alone die.

Gong Xin understood what he meant and agreed with his companions, so he did not take action.

But the next scene surprised them!

"They didn't hide?"

Gong Hai's face changed slightly, regretful.

Gong Ye's attack is terrifying, and the opportunity is fleeting.

If he had nodded just now, Gong Xin would have fished out the three women now, but it was too late to take action now.

"Damn it, why don't they hide?" Gong Xin cursed through gritted teeth, his face ashen.

I could have shown myself in front of Gong Hai and gained some credit, but now I have missed the opportunity.

"Hmph! It's okay not to save such a stubborn idiot!"

Gong Hai was so angry that he cursed, as if he had seen the scene of the three people being crushed by the hurricane.

Rumble... click!

The cyan hurricane pressed towards Jiang Tian at an alarming speed. Thunder and lightning flashed and roared all around, which was extremely terrifying!

"Well done!"

Facing such an offensive, Jiang Tian didn't panic at all.

Raise your arms and blast towards the left and right at the same time!

Crack... Rumble!

The purple light exploded, and the terrifying power penetrated the cyan hurricane, forcibly disintegrating Miyaha's offensive.


Before the cyan hurricane had time to merge and collide, it exploded into a ball of spiritual energy and dispersed in a fierce wind.

"Impossible!" Gong Ye's face suddenly changed!

If it was his carelessness that allowed Jiang Tian to survive by luck just now, it would be difficult to explain this time.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit the fact that Jiang Tian had indeed withstood his attack with hard power.

At least until this moment, he didn't get the slightest advantage. Strictly speaking, he was even at a disadvantage.

Because he took the initiative to attack and had the advantage of being the first mover, Jiang Tian made defensive moves both times and was originally passive.

The results of the two collisions were indifferent, which meant that the advantage was actually on Jiang Tian's side!

"Gong Ye, we all underestimated him!" Gong Hai said in a deep voice. Although he was surprised by Jiang Tian, ​​he also showed his dissatisfaction with Gong Ye.

"Whether this kid has a hidden realm or not, his combat power is no worse than yours, because he...only used the power of his body from beginning to end!" An imperceptible sneer appeared at the corner of Gong Xin's lips.

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