Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 5569 Blue Thunder Sword

Although he and Gong Ye are brothers of the same race, they still have to fight over Gong Hai, who has a higher status.

If given the chance, he certainly wouldn't mind stepping on Miyaha in order to increase his weight and status.

"What?" Gong Ye was shocked when he heard this, and subconsciously wanted to refute the other party.

But he soon realized that what Gong Xin said was not false!

"The physical body is so strong, could it be..."

Gongye suddenly remembered some secrets in the martial arts world.

It is said that there are some special inheritances that do not have high requirements on the blood and spiritual power of warriors. They specialize in physical training, and their combat power is not inferior to that of ordinary warriors when they reach advanced levels.

In his opinion, Jiang Tian was obviously this way!

"I didn't expect that this kind of inheritance really existed in the world, and I encountered it. In that case..." Gong Ye licked the corners of his mouth, greed quickly taking over his heart.

Although he has strong qualifications, his physical body is obviously inferior to that of warriors who specialize in this way.

If he can obtain the other party's secret cultivation method and achieve success in it, his status in the family will also rise in the future, and he may one day be able to be on an equal footing with Gong Hai, or even leave him behind.

"Boy, die!"

Gong Ye's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he turned his right hand and took out a long sword with a dazzling green light!


The sword body shook, and a dazzling green rainbow slashed out at a speed as fast as thunder!


"Jiang Tian, ​​be careful!"

Su Wan and Wei Feng exclaimed loudly, and Wei Yu was even so shocked that she couldn't scream.

Gong Ye's attack was quite sudden, and the speed of the sword light was extremely fast. They were extremely worried about whether Jiang Tian could dodge this attack.

That azure light sword is obviously not ordinary. If you carry it forcefully, you will have to pay a considerable price!

The next scene confirmed their worries!

Crack... Rumble!

There was a terrifying loud noise, and the green sword light struck Jiang Tian instantly, causing a green sword wave to explode!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the green sword light shrouded Jiang Tianning without dissipating. The slightest sword intent was like countless poisonous dragons attacking Jiang Tian's body crazily.

"Oh my God!"


"Jiang Tian!"

Su Wan and the other two people exclaimed, extremely frightened!

This is a method they have never seen before, it is also the scene they least want to see, and it is a result they cannot face.

Jiang Tian didn't even have time to dodge before he was struck by the green sword light. No matter how strong his body was, the outcome would be disastrous.

"Hahahaha! Do you really think that I, Gong Ye, can't do anything to you? You are just a nobody, but you are nothing more than an ant in front of me!"

Gong Ye holds the sword and laughs wildly, full of arrogance!

"The Green Thunder Sword is powerful enough to cut through many immortal-level treasures. It is tailor-made to deal with warriors who specialize in physical training!" Gong Hai smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, the Green Thunder Sword is indeed very powerful. Without this magic weapon, you might not be able to defeat your opponent in a short while." Gong Xin said with a solemn face.

"If it were you, it might be even harder!"

Gong Ye smiled coldly in response to Gong Xin's ridicule.

Then he turned to look at Jiang Tian with disdain on his face.

"I thought it would take a lot of effort, but I didn't expect that you couldn't withstand my sword. It seems that you warriors who specialize in physical training are just in vain."

Miyaha shook his head in disappointment, feeling that the physical inheritance was not as powerful as he imagined, and the greed in his heart receded a bit.

The Green Thunder Sword was made from an immortal-level remnant treasure that had been transformed and sacrificed by a senior weapon-refining master. Such a treasure was not uncommon among geniuses of their level.

If you can't withstand this level of treasure attack, what's the use of having a physical inheritance?

After all, warriors who specialize in cultivating the physical body still need to use magic weapons to protect their bodies, otherwise they are asking for embarrassment.

After this sword strike, Jiang Tian was seriously injured without dying, and was unable to fight anymore.

Although he is slightly less interested in physical inheritance, it does not prevent him from picking up the other party's stored magic weapon. If there are other rare treasures in it, it will be a harvest.

Miyaha held the sword in his right hand and raised it slightly with his left hand, preparing to grab it from the air.

However, no one, including the three of them, Su Wan, Wei Feng, and Wei Yu, saw the details in front of Jiang Tian!

The moment the Green Thunder Sword struck, a faint black curtain appeared in front of Jiang Tian.

To be precise, it is a black sword curtain, a curtain of sword intent!

This sword curtain circled and swept around Jiang Tian. It seemed weak, but it consumed the offensive of the Qinglei Sword's sword light layer by layer, making it stagnant and fruitless.

This is the powerful talent that awakens the "Star Sword Body" after advancing to the Star Realm. To be precise, it has already had some inklings before the advancement, but it is only truly awakened after the advancement.

"The Star Sword Body really has infinite uses!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

Although the Blue Thunder Sword was extremely powerful, he had several ways to defend and resist it, and even dodge it directly.

But he did not dodge, but used the powerful talent of "Star Sword Body" to resist head-on and easily resolve it.

At this moment, the green sword light has not faded away, and the green silk-like sword intent is moving rapidly. To Gong Ye and others, it seems like it is running inside and outside Jiang Tian's body, but in fact it is struggling, advancing and retreating in front of the black sword curtain. no.

Jiang Tian silently sensed these sword intentions and couldn't help but admire them secretly.

The Blue Thunder Sword is obviously an immortal-level remnant treasure, and the sword intent it emits is pure and mysterious, which is quite valuable to sword cultivators.


Jiang Tian activated the "Star Sword Body" and swallowed it gently, and the sword intent instantly disappeared into his body and quickly merged with his own black sword intent.

"Immortal-level remnant treasure, but it's different from anything I've seen before!"

He silently felt the essence of these swords, his eyes lit up slightly, and then he became deeply interested in the Blue Thunder Sword.

The blue sword's meaning is simple and ancient, but it also has a sharp and raw feeling. Has it undergone repair or some kind of sacrifice?

Jiang Tian's eyes moved and fell on the green thunder sword in Gong Ye's hand, and his eyes suddenly shone!

"not good!"

"Watch out!"


Gong Hai and Gong Xin noticed something was wrong and shouted a warning!

"Huh?" Miyaha was stunned and immediately realized that something was wrong.

Before he could react, a burst of space spiritual power covered the Blue Thunder Sword in his hand!

Gong Ye was shocked and horrified, but he didn't bother to wonder why Jiang Tian hadn't died yet.

He only knew that the other party was trying to use some kind of space spiritual power secret technique to seize the Blue Thunder Sword in his hand.

How could the other party succeed with such a valuable treasure?


Miyaha shouted loudly, holding the Blue Thunder Sword in his hand and preparing to strike the opponent again.

At this moment, the figure in front of him flashed, and a fist wrapped in purple light struck violently!

"you dare?"

Kacha... Boom, ah!

At the same time as the exclamation sounded, Jiang Tian's fist hit Gong Ye's chest.

The sound of flesh tearing, shrill screams and terrifying roars sounded at the same time, and Gong Ye vomited blood and flew into the air.

Before the Blue Thunder Sword could be slashed out, Jiang Tian snatched it away and threw it directly into the Zixuan Realm!

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