Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6257 shit marriage

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The four people on the left and right are all at the level of the Starry Sky Realm, but their aura is slightly weaker than that.

But compared to the starry sky realm powerhouses of Ba Dao Sect, it seems to be slightly higher.

"You guys are bullying too much. Do you really think that I, Ba Dao Zong, are easy to bully? I'm in a hurry, and you will never return!"

Ji Tianke glared and scolded loudly! The senior master craftsman with golden robe and white hair lowered his voice and took the opportunity to introduce Jiang Tian about the other party.

"Today is very unlucky, and I made Jiang Daoyou laugh. This is the powerhouse of the Sea King Sect. For many years, they have been plotting for the treasure of my Overlord Sword Sect. In the past, I have been chased away by my sect. I didn't expect to come directly this time. The five starry sky experts seem to be going for real!"

"Sea King Treasure!"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly.

He had heard about this faction, and its background was not under Ba Dao Sect, and it was only a little worse than Yun and Yi in the vicinity.

But in his impression, this force has always been relatively low-key, and rarely provokes others.

The scene in front of him somewhat surprised him.

It seems that the news he heard before is not completely accurate.

"There are only six of them, no matter how strong they are, they won't be able to overwhelm your entire sect, right?"

Jiang Tian asked with a frown.

"That's what I said, but what fellow Daoist Jiang doesn't know is that the Sea King Sect's water system skills are extremely miraculous, and they often take advantage of it in the process of fighting against the same level of this sect, otherwise we wouldn't swallow them."

Jiang Tian shook his head and said: "Even so, five people are nothing. It seems that there should be someone you are more afraid of in Haiwangzong."

"Jiang Daoyou is indeed a smart man!"

The golden-robed white-haired old man nodded and said: "Among the six people, the leader is Jing Haifeng, the tenth elder of the Sea King Sect, and the other four are just worshipers of the Sea King Sect. You can imagine their backgrounds!"

"I see!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help being a little surprised! Haiwangzong came to provoke him, and even sent only the ten lowest-ranked elders in the Presbyterian Church, plus four other priests.

Such a lineup is obviously not enough to suppress Tyrant Sword Sect.

But the posture he put on made the Tyrant Sword Sect fearful, and he was extremely angry.

"It seems that Haiwangzong didn't take you seriously from the beginning to the end. Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so big and send only one ten elders and four guest officials."

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, secretly sighing that his strength crushes people to death.

If there is no strong background support, Hai Wangzong would not dare to do so.

It is precisely because they have enough strength to support them that they dare to support them so much.

It is not difficult to guess how strong Haiwangzong is by looking at the leopard in the pipe.

Rumble! A dull roar sounded! Jing Haifeng, the tenth elder of Haiwangzong, unleashed a deep pressure of water spirit power to directly cover everyone including Ji Tianke.

When this coercion permeated the air, Jiang Tian, ​​Wei Feng, and Wei Yu were enveloped in it without any surprise.

"Hey, there are still outsiders?"

Jing Haifeng, the tenth elder of Haiwangzong, glanced coldly at Jiang Tian, ​​but a look of surprise flashed across his brows.

She frowned slightly, and couldn't help but looked at Jiang Tian carefully, not knowing what she was thinking.

But then he shook his head and turned his gaze to Ji Tianke.

"Sect Master Ji, this sect has given you enough time to prepare, and it has been extended for half a year. If you don't hand over that thing today, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Shut up!"

Ji Tianke sternly reprimanded, holding back his fury.

As the head of a sect, how could he have been bossed around like this?

At this moment, the anger in his heart was surging, and he was almost about to explode.

He wished he could rush up immediately and fight this woman to death.

But he didn't dare to do that considering the background of Haiwangzong.

Because if he is impulsive, the entire Tyrannical Sword Sect will face huge troubles, and there is even a risk of extinction! "Hey! You say it hard, but you understand it very well in your heart. I will give you the last half of incense time. If you don't hand it over, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

"It's a good one at your own risk, do you really think I'm afraid of you?

The big deal is that if the fish dies and the net breaks, the Tyrannical Sword Sect may not lose to you! "

"You can try it!"

Jing Haifeng sneered coldly, with a bit of playfulness in his eyes.

It was as if a strong man with a strong face was despising a mediocre man with mediocre strength.

Such a look and gesture made Ji Tianke furious, and made all the elders of the Tyrant Sword Sect clench their fists.

The air is full of tension, and the war seems to be imminent! Ji Tianke's breath rose and fell wildly, as if he might strike at any time.

But he did not take action after all, but threatened with words.

"Hahahaha! Jing Haifeng, you are so crazy. Although our Tyrannical Sword Sect's background is not as good as yours, but today is different from the past. We have nothing to fear. Do you know why?"

"Oh, tell me."

Jing Haifeng smiled contemptuously, clearly disdainful.

Ji Tianke suppressed his anger and said: "To tell you the truth, our Ba Dao Sect has reached a marriage agreement with the Yun family. If you dare to offend this sect, it is equivalent to offending the Yun family. Have you thought about the final consequences?"

"The Yun family?"

The corners of Jing Haifeng's eyes shrunk slightly, and a trace of solemnity appeared on his face.

But then he shook his head and sneered, his face full of disdain.

"Hey! Ji Tianke, the patriarch of the Domineering Saber Sect, wants to scare me with the Yun family. Do you really think I, Jing Haifeng, is a fool, and my Sea King Sect is blind?"

"What do you mean?"

Ji Tianke's face darkened, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Jiang Tian couldn't help sighing secretly.

The huge Tyrannical Sword Sect actually needs to use the Yun family as a cover to scare the opponent.

As the master of this sect, Ji Tianke is really sympathetic.

Using this kind of excuse to fool the other party, even if it can scare off for a while, it won't last long.

Because he knew very well that the Tyrannical Sword Sect and the Yun family had never reached an agreement on marriage.

Ji Tianke had no choice but to forcibly remove the prestige of the Yun family, in order to make the other party fearful! "What do I mean, don't you understand yourself?"

Jing Haifeng was full of contempt.

"Ge Yongsheng, the number one genius of the Tyrannical Sword Sect, did participate in the Yun family's marriage contest, but unfortunately fell into it after entering the dusty secret realm, and he disappeared. Where did the so-called bullshit marriage come from?"

"How do you know?"

Ji Tianke's face turned red, which was extremely ugly.

"Although my Sea King Sect has always kept a low profile, I am not blind or deaf. We have been paying close attention to what is happening outside. We want to scare me with the Yun family. Hurry up and put away your schemes!"

Click! Ji Tianke's heart sank! The elders of the Ba Saber Sect present all had pale faces, and the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Jiang Tian looked at the scene in front of him quietly, realizing that the situation was hard to recover.

Either Ba Dao Zong succumbed and handed over what the other party asked for.

Or fight recklessly with the opponent.

But obviously, that thing is also very important to Ba Dao Zong, and it cannot be easily ceded.

Otherwise, Tyrannical Sword Sect would not be able to hold on to it all the time.

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