Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6258 The listener is interested!

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And once they fight against each other, even if they can win this time, they will soon be fully retaliated by Hai Wangzong, and the final result may not be much different.

The Tyrannical Sword Sect, who just got rid of the mutation, may still not be able to escape the fate of being suppressed or even exterminated! Jiang Tian sighed secretly.

Ever since the Yun family's marriage, the Tyrannical Sword Sect's luck seems to have been unfavorable.

But in fact, the conflict between Sea King Sect and Tyrant Sword Sect should have happened earlier.

The Tyrant Sword Sect is really troubled internally and externally, and it is rare to live in peace.

Ji Tianke clenched his fists tightly, his nails sank into his flesh, and he made a rattling noise.

"Jing Haifeng, that thing is the treasure of our sect, and if we take it away, the foundation of our sect will be severely damaged. It's not that we don't give it to you, it's that we can't cede it to you!"

Ji Tianke gritted his teeth and shouted sharply. Although his tone was cold and hard, his words seemed to be begging.

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with me."

Jing Haifeng's light words almost made Ji Tianke vomit blood.

"Sect Master, stop talking!"

"Ba Dao Sect has no cowards, let's fight with her!"

"Although the Sea King Sect has some advantages, it is not invincible. Don't destroy the Sect at the same time as them!"

"Yes! We must not spoil them!"

The elders of Ba Saber Sect yelled loudly, their aura continued to rise, and they were ready to strike at any time.

Ji Tianke clenched his teeth, why didn't he want to have a big fight with the other party?

However, standing behind him is not only these elders, but also hundreds of thousands of disciples and disciples! It doesn't matter if he has an impulse, the Tyrant Sword Sect is very likely to be wiped out from now on.

So many disciples may also be massacred, and the inheritance foundation that has been in operation for more than ten or even hundreds of thousands of years will also be cut off.

Even if he died in battle, he would have no face to face the ancestors of the past.

In a word: Ba Daozong's inherited bloodline must not be broken in his hands! "Elder Jing, you are very clear about our difficulties. If your lord really wants that thing, let us think of a way, otherwise we will have to fight to the end. Today, you, Jing Haifeng and the four accompanying people, must Fall here!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Ji Tianke sternly warned.

The elders of the Tyrant Sword Sect raised their arms and shouted wildly, and their momentum surged for a while! Jing Haifeng put away her sneer, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

Although her strength is stronger than Ji Tianke's, and her skills are somewhat restrained by the Tyrannical Sword Sect, what the other party said is not false threats.

She has a group of five people, no matter how strong their combat power is, they cannot overthrow the entire Tyrannical Sword Sect.

Once they fight, she and her companions will definitely fall.

In the future, even if the Sea King Sect came to avenge and destroy the Tyrant Sword Sect, everything would have nothing to do with her.

Thinking of the journey along the way, practice is not easy, and the stubborn Jing Haifeng also had to think about it.

"Sect Master Ji, our Sea King Sect doesn't want to persecute you unless it is absolutely necessary, but that thing is of great significance to our sect. Even if I can't take it away today, our Sea King Sect will send more powerful men in the future. Come and snatch it!"

"I understand, but at least today, you won't die!"

Ji Tianke licked his lips and showed a cruel smile.

The corner of Jing Haifeng's eye twitched, obviously also shocked by his desperate attitude.

"Sect Master Ji, even if you can be strong for a while, you will regret today's decision in a short time. You should know the difficulties of my Sea King Sect. If it weren't for the change hundreds of thousands of years ago, the ancestor of this sect was demoted to the In the lower realm, the background of the Sea King Sect today is probably even higher than that of the Yun Family, the Yi Family, and the Dragon Clan's Jin Zunvein, and it may even become one of the top forces in the Central Region. It will be of great benefit to you!"

"Relegated to the lower realm, hundreds of thousands of years ago?"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, and his heart skipped a beat! He does not mean that.

What Jing Haifeng said made his thoughts surge, and he remembered some things that happened when he was in the lower realm! "Could it be such a coincidence?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his eyes fixed on Jing Haifeng.

"Elder Jing said it nicely. Once I give that thing to you, my Tyrannical Sword Sect will lose its foundation and be attacked on all sides. I'm afraid it won't last until then!"

Ji Tianke gritted his teeth and shouted, his face full of fury.

Jing Haifeng's remarks sounded moving enough, but behind the words there was still an irresistible tough stance.

As the master of the sect, Ji Tianke would not be fooled by this little trick of words.

Similarly, Jing Haifeng has a clear purpose and will not be fooled by Ji Tianke's miserable gesture.

The two sides are at a stalemate, and the war is about to break out! "Sect Master Ji, may I add a word?"

Jiang Tian said solemnly.

"Jiang Daoyou, what are you?"

Ji Tianke was deeply surprised.

Jiang Tian is not a member of the Tyrant Sword Sect, and has no grievances with the Sea King Sect, so there is no need to intervene.

To do so is to ask for trouble.

The elders of Ba Saber Sect also looked at him one after another, quite surprised by this.

They didn't understand what Jiang Tian was going to do, but they subconsciously felt that Jiang Tian seemed to be trying to save the Ba Dao Sect from the siege.

He is just an outsider, can he really play any role?

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, forgive me! Sea King Treasure is not easy to mess with. You, an outsider, don't need to get involved. Your kindness to this sect is already great, and we can no longer implicate you and your friends!"

Ji Tianke switched to using spiritual power to transmit sound to remind Jiang Tian.

Jing Haifeng was also surprised.

Why does this young warrior who obviously does not belong to the Tyrannical Sword Sect get involved in two grievances?

Faced with this situation, others can't avoid it.

As long as he is not a fool, he will not want to get involved. What exactly does this kid want to do?

Looking at the strange young man opposite, Jing Haifeng couldn't help but become more curious.

"Who are you?"

she asked coldly, with a condescending attitude.

"My name is Jiang Tian, ​​and I want to ask you a question."

Hiss! The elders of the Tyrant Sword Sect frowned, and some even gasped secretly.

Jiang Tian's face was pale, and he was not polite to Jing Haifeng, and his posture seemed a little high.

Doesn't he understand that if he offends Hai Wangzong, the consequences will be quite troublesome?

"Perhaps, this is the self-confidence of a super evildoer!"

"No way, he is not afraid of my Tyrant Sword Sect, and naturally he will not be afraid of Sea King Sect either!"

"It is said that before the ancient times, the Sea King Sect once had the same heritage as the Yun Family!"

"It's just that he doesn't understand the background and horror of Haiwangzong. If he did, he probably wouldn't do it."

The elders of Ba Dao Sect shook their heads and sighed, full of emotion.

The strength of the Sea King Sect is not only stronger than the Tyrannical Sword Sect, they also have some special means, which can cause a strong suppression of the same level of warriors.

As long as the surrounding forces understand the background of Haiwangzong, they will hardly be willing to provoke this force.

But fortunately, Haiwangzong itself is relatively low-key and restrained, and rarely provokes other forces.

Otherwise, forces like Tyrannical Sword Sect and Daxuan Island may all be trampled under its feet.

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