Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"No one has seen the real process of his shots, but one thing is certain, he made two shots back and forth, and the sum of them is less than half a breath!"


"Half a breath!"

"How can it be?"

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't believe their ears.

"Isn't it?" Jin Pao shook his head slowly, his face even a bit ferocious: "It's even a bit exaggerated to say half a breath, the old man even felt that it didn't take the slightest time for him to make two shots!"

"How can it be?"

"No matter how strong he is, it will take time to kill someone, right?"

"Unless he can freeze time, how can he not consume time?"

The great powers of the central region exclaimed in amazement, and couldn't believe this judgment for a while.

But when they recalled the scene just now, they couldn't find any sign of Jiang Tian's move at all.

"After all, we are watching from more than a thousand feet away, and it is still a bit far away after all!"

"That's right, some special means can indeed cover up the marks of the attack. If you get closer, you can naturally see it!"

"Closer? Hehe, do you guys think if we are close enough, can we still stand now?"


Everyone felt a chill on their necks, and their hearts trembled!

That's right, that person instantly killed more than a dozen local powers. Although there are a large number of dozens of them, what's the use?

After putting away more than a dozen storage rings, Jiang Tian was still full of thoughts and emotions.

"Time magic weapon?"

He sighed silently, unable to express the regret in his heart.

Why doesn't he want to regain control of the original heavenly bell?

But that treasure has disappeared after all.

Although there is some mysterious time power hidden deep in his body, that power cannot be mobilized at will like other spiritual powers.

Only in some extremely special cases will it be activated by itself.

To put it bluntly, it wasn't a power completely under his control. Even he himself couldn't figure out why there was still some power hidden in his body when a magic weapon that had already exploded itself.

The situation of this battle proved that the development of the Void Hegemony made his spatial spiritual power reach an unprecedentedly powerful level.

So much so that the process of teleportation was misjudged by these local powerhouses as the magic weapon of time.

I have to say, it really does look alike!

Jiang Tian suppressed his thoughts and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

If he hadn't once controlled the Yuantian Holy Bell, he might not have dared to make such a judgment.

But it is precisely because he controls the magic weapon of time and has used it to suppress and kill many powerful opponents that he knows the performance of these two powers well.

Like, indeed very similar!

However, it is not the same thing after all!

Jiang Tian calmed his thoughts and turned his head to look to the other side.

There, dozens of Zhongyu powers are watching him!

Just a moment ago, these people threatened him in various ways, and even prepared to attack him.

But now, they are watching vigilantly like a flock of frightened birds.

The atmosphere was suddenly a little weird!


Feeling Jiang Tian's eyes, these central domain powers couldn't help but shudder.

If Jiang Tian makes a move on them, who can resist?

"Run, run away!"



In an instant, these people scattered like birds and beasts, and ran away without a trace.

Jiang Tian was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head with a sneer, his face full of sarcasm.

He was not interested in chasing these people, but silently examined the status quo.

When he first entered the "Critical Dao Domain", he was extremely cautious, walking on thin ice.

It's not that he is not confident, but that he has to be cautious, whether it is for self-protection or for the two companions in the Zixuan world.

Wei Feng and Wei Yu wanted to leave Zixuan Realm more than once, to experience and improve outside.

He cautiously rejected them all.

Because at that time, his strength was not strong enough, and he could not calmly resolve the threat of the "Critical Dao Domain" local power.

But now, his strength has reached the point where he can instantly kill the local strong, and has been greatly improved.

Although these local powerhouses just now are all in the early stage of the starry sky, according to his estimation, even if they encounter a few local powerhouses in the middle of the starry sky, they can easily deal with them.

In other words, he already has enough strength to protect himself and protect his two companions from great danger.

At this time, he should have let the two sisters come out to get some air.

But after some weighing, he still didn't make a rash move.

Instead, he flipped his right hand and took out a spirit beast ring.

"come out!"


As soon as the spirit beast ring was opened, a figure flashed out and stood on the ground.

"Where is this... don't kill me, don't kill me!"

This is a late-stage galaxy warrior, one of the few late-stage galaxy warriors he caught before he entered the "Critical Dao Domain".

Letting him out at this moment is to verify one thing.

Verify whether the heaven and earth aura and special will in the "Critical Dao Domain" will cause huge damage to this low-level warrior.

If this happens, it means that Wei Feng and Wei Yu will not be able to leave the Zixuan Realm for half a step.

But if everything is normal, it means that the two sisters can also leave the Zixuan Realm and come to this "Critical Dao Realm" to practice in due course.

"Hiss!" The warrior turned his head and found Jiang Tian.

Immediately, he took a deep breath and subconsciously wanted to escape.

But as soon as he took two steps, he froze in place.

He suddenly woke up, knowing that he could not escape Jiang Tian's control.


Immediately turned around and fell to his knees, begging Jiang Tian for mercy.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Jiang Tian said lightly.

"Huh! Thank you, Fellow Daoist Jiang!"

The warrior kowtowed to thank him, but he couldn't figure out why Jiang Tian did this.

"Hey, the aura of heaven and earth here... is so strong!"

"I see, this is the 'Critical Dao Domain'!"

The warrior was completely awake.

After he was caught by Jiang Tian, ​​he was imprisoned in the spirit beast ring with several others.

Only now was it released.

The aura of heaven and earth and the cultivation environment in the "Critical Dao Domain" really made his eyes shine!

For him, this itself is a kind of chance and fortune.

"Thank you, fellow daoist Jiang, for your success. The villain misunderstood fellow daoist before, so please be more considerate, fellow daoist!"

He apologized to Jiang Tian again, and the surprise in his heart was beyond description.

At this moment, he seemed to understand that Jiang Tian brought them in to give them a fortune!

"You don't have to thank me." Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled, too lazy to explain to the other party.

He brought these people in just to test whether the environment of the "Critical Dao Domain" would harm Wei Feng and Wei Yu.

And now that everything was proved to be normal, he was completely relieved.

"Come out!"


With a shake of his right hand, Jiang Tian released all the people imprisoned in the spirit beast ring.

After a moment of panic, these people understood their situation, and they were all overjoyed.

"It turns out that I didn't have the chance to come here, and it's all a gift from Fellow Daoist Jiang!"

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