Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"Thank you Jiang Daoyou for giving me the opportunity!"

Bang bang bang!

Everyone fell to their knees and thanked Jiang Tian.

They breathe the heaven and earth aura of the "Critical Dao Domain", not only is there nothing unusual, even the spiritual power of their blood has been significantly improved.

It is easier to use than any forbidden spiritual veins outside!

"No need, you are free."

Jiang Tian waved his hand lightly and stopped talking nonsense to them.

How disrespectful these people were to him before the "Critical Dao Domain", and he was worried about the environment here, so he arrested them to verify.

The current situation shows that in addition to the relatively strong border restrictions of the "Critical Dao Domain", the internal environment will not suppress such low-level warriors.

In this way, Wei Feng and Wei Yu can leave the Zixuan Realm at any time and go outside to get some fresh air.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Jiang!"

"Let's go!"

Everyone can't wait to turn around and plunder away.

Because they understand that staying with Jiang Tian is not a good choice.

In case he is in a bad mood or changes his mind, he may suppress them at any time.

As for these people, Jiang Tian was too lazy to pay any attention to them.

Although the "Critical Dao Domain" is full of opportunities, it is also full of dangers.

With the meager strength of these people, it is difficult to go too far in such a complicated and dangerous environment.

How long they can live is unknown.

Jiang Tian suppressed all distracting thoughts and silently examined his own cultivation.

The "Star Sword Body" has not yet broken through, but the bottleneck power seems to have disappeared, and it only takes one opportunity to advance without hindrance.

"Thunder Source Immortal Physique" is as usual, nothing unusual.

The bottleneck of the "quasi-true dragon body" has been loosened, and it should not be far from advancing.

What really surprised him was the "Void Hegemony Body", which was an unexpected gain!

"Which one will break through first, the Star Sword Body or the Quasi-True Dragon Hegemony Body?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, silently looking forward to the follow-up practice.


At this time, he suddenly felt something!

Flipping his right hand, he took out a pink messenger talisman!

This messenger talisman was exactly the one left to him by the mysterious coquettish woman.

It was the first time it was activated since entering the "Critical Road Domain".

The other party sent a message, why?


Jiang Tian injected spiritual power, and a pink aura emerged.

"Pangu Mountain Range?"

The summons revealed that the coquettish woman asked him to meet in the Pangu Mountains!

He was no stranger to that mountain range, after all, he had just left there not long ago.

That woman is very mysterious, why did she ask him to meet in the Pangu Mountains?

Jiang Tian has no way of guessing for the time being, but he is very curious about the other party's intentions.

The summons only said that they met there, that they found a certain opportunity, but did not give specific details.

"Forget it, let's go back to the Pangu Mountains!"

Hum rumble!

The purple pattern flashed suddenly, and disappeared into the void with Jiang Tian.

After the development of the "Void Hegemony", the "Void Formation" has also been significantly improved.

The triggering speed of the array pattern is several times faster than before, and the escape distance is also faster and farther!

Soon after.

Hum rumble!

The purple light suddenly appeared, and Jiang Tian returned to the Pangu Mountains.

According to the arraignment agreement, the coquettish woman should wait for him here.

But when he showed up, he frowned!

There are at least dozens of warriors active in the Pangu Mountains. They hover in the void and up and down the mountains, and they seem to be quite active.

But after scanning around, the coquettish woman was the only one to be seen!

"what happened?"

Jiang Tian was somewhat surprised.

Could it be that something happened to the woman, what went wrong?

But since he was here, he couldn't leave rashly.

Jiang Tian immediately flew across the sky and searched repeatedly with his spiritual thoughts.

In the end, she still didn't have the slightest breath of a coquettish woman.

This made him feel even more strange.

At the same time, dozens of warriors in this mountain range all stared at Jiang Tian.

"Who is that?"

"Spatial escapism, young age, and star river realm cultivation, could it be..."

"Don't guess, it's Jiang Tian!"

"It really is him!"

Before entering the "Critical Dao Domain", Jiang Tian was already well-known in the martial arts world of the Central Region, but after entering the relatively closed environment of the "Critical Dao Domain", he became even more famous because of his amazing performances time and time again.

Today, almost all warriors in the "Critical Dao Domain" know about Jiang Tian, ​​but most of them have never seen the deity.

But now, seeing Jiang Tian appearing with the space escape technique, and comparing his age and cultivation base, everyone immediately judged his identity.

"Everyone, this person... is not so easy to mess with!"

"That's right, he is a martial artist from the lower realms. With his cultivation in the Star River Realm, he was able to become famous in the Central Territory. After entering the 'Critical Dao Realm', he became famous in a short period of time, which is enough to show how powerful his methods are!"

"Such a person, can we... really deal with it?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, each of them was thinking about it.

Why did Jiang Tian become so famous in a short period of time?

That's definitely not because of his age and realm, but because of his super combat power at this age and realm!

Otherwise, he would be just like those juniors who were blocked outside the "critical area", not worth mentioning at all.

But he has come to the "Critical Dao Domain", and he has also achieved an amazing reputation in an environment full of top powers and local powerhouses. He is definitely backed by super strength!

Everyone was silently weighing the strength comparison between the two sides, and they naturally lacked confidence in their hearts.

Even the dozen or so peak stars in the Starry Sky Realm present felt a little guilty.

Because after coming here, rumors have proved time and time again that Jiang Tian's combat power has surpassed the limit of the Central Territory.

In other words, there is no one in the Zhongyu martial arts world who can be his opponent.

Under such circumstances, it would be unwise to provoke him.

"One-on-one may have no chance of winning, but we have so many people after all!"

"A lot of people may not be safe. As far as I know, Jiang Tian has been in the middle of the road all the way, and he has fallen into a situation of siege more than once, but do you see any damage to him now?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian with extremely complicated expressions.

Jiang Tian's cultivation has soared all the way, and there are even rumors in the past two or three days that he has killed more than one local strongman in the "Critical Dao Domain"!

Faced with such a tyrannical combat power, the warriors in the central region will naturally feel guilty, even fearful.

"That's all, if you want to get his ideas, please feel free to do so, the old man will not interfere with it."

An old man in green robes at the peak of the starry sky waved his hands and sighed, then silently withdrew and exited.

"I don't want to fight against this kind of evil star, everyone respect yourself!"

"Hehe, I won't get involved with this little bit of cultivation."

In a short while, a third of the people pulled out.

Originally a team of more than ten people, in a blink of an eye there were only about ten people left.

"These people are too timid. What's so scary about Jiang Tian? If we confront him head-on, we may not be able to deal with him. But with our top-level background in the Central Region, we can use all the means to suppress the bottom of the box. I don't think it's impossible to get some benefits from him!"

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