Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"The green-robed genius is lucky, but this person may not be so lucky!"

"I don't think he might dare to fight on stage!"

"Yeah, if it were me, face doesn't matter at all at this time, I would definitely turn around and leave!"

"He has already seen the tricks of Frosh. Under such circumstances, he still has to bite the bullet and go up to fight. It is purely self-inflicted humiliation!"

"Young man, don't be reckless, you can't be Fo Luoxiu's opponent, hurry up and confess!"

For a while, there was a lot of noise in the square, and someone directly persuaded Jiang Tian to admit defeat.

Yes, in this case, what can you do if you don't admit defeat?

Although what you said was beautiful just now, are you really capable of going up to the ring to fight against Frosh?

Everyone obviously didn't believe it!

At this time, the elder who supervised the battle in the city lord's mansion of Sakyamuni frowned slightly.

"Fluoxiu, this is not in line with the rules of Star Challenge!"

Frosh is the champion, and the challenger should have challenged him, which is in line with the rules and procedures.

And now, Fo Luoxiu insisted on calling the other party to fight, isn't this the opposite?

"Actually, it's all the same. Whoever challenges whom will end up in a big battle. The only difference is whether he dares or not?"

With a sneer on his face, Frosh stared at Jiang Tian at the edge of the square, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

It seems to be mocking the other party for being a coward and not daring to go on stage to fight!

"Do you really want to fight me? I'm afraid you will regret it!"

Jiang Tian looked pale.

Naturally, he didn't need to fight this fight, but since the opponent took the initiative to call for a fight, I'm afraid he could only reluctantly do so.

"Come on! Since you are so courageous, come on stage and fight with me immediately. I want you to feel the power of Buddhism!"

"Hey! What a power of Buddhism, then I'll come and learn it!"


Jiang Tian stepped forward and flashed directly onto the ring.

Before meeting Fo Luoxiu, he still had a vague impression of warriors like Foxiu, and only had some rough imaginations.

In his opinion, most of these warriors should have a compassionate heart and a high demeanor. Only in this way can they conform to the image of a Buddhist in his mind.

But now, after meeting Frosh, this imagination was shattered!

In front of Fo Luoxiu, except for the clothes and exercises that belong to the Buddhist system, his words and deeds are not Buddhist at all!

The three precepts of greed, hatred, and ignorance are not lacking in him at all, and they are even vividly reflected!

This motherfucker is a Buddhist family?

This is a pure secular martial artist!

"Do you really dare to go on stage?"

Frosh looked at Jiang Tian, ​​somewhat surprised.

But on his face, there was a sinister smile!

Jiang Tian was stunned!

At this moment, Fo Luoxiu looked more like a demon cultivator in Buddha clothes than a Buddha cultivator!

"Why don't you dare?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly and didn't talk nonsense.

The purple awns surged in the eyes, and the "purple light mysterious eyes" opened directly!


In an instant, the hallucinations in the arena were full of illusions, and bizarre scenes appeared one after another.

Fo Luoxiu's eyes were blurred, and he was directly intoxicated by it!

Naturally, only Fo Luoxiu could see this phantom scene, but for the elders of the City Lord's Mansion and all the spectators, what they saw was only two people standing on the ring without making a move.

Then, Frosh's reaction surprised everyone!

"Hey, hee hee...hahaha, not bad, not bad, so beautiful, wow ha ha ha!"

"Little lady, come quickly!"

"Jie Jie Jie... Ha ha ha ha, you can't escape, no one can escape from my palm!"

Frosh kept spitting out all kinds of obscenities, his expressions and movements became more and more exaggerated, and he was so ugly in the ring!

The warriors in the audience were in an uproar!

"He... what happened to him?"

"Illusion, he fell into the opponent's illusion!"


"My God, the other party just came to the stage, and they didn't seem to make any moves, and let Frosh fall under the illusion?"

"Then this illusion is too scary!"


Countless warriors exclaimed in amazement, feeling strange.

As a Buddhist cultivator, Fo Luoxiu is powerful and has the "Blood of Buddha's Light".

It stands to reason that it is right to be immune to all bewitching techniques, it shouldn't be!


The elder of the city lord's mansion of Sakyamuni, who supervised the battle, also frowned, with a serious expression on his face.

What is the origin of this young warrior, and why did Fo Luoxiu fall into the illusion when he was on the stage?

At this time, his expression suddenly changed!

If at this moment, the other party made a sneak attack, wouldn't Fo Luoxiu feel sad?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help wanting to remind Fo Luoxiu.

But when he thought of his own identity and the rules of Xingling, he had some scruples.

But Fo Luoxiu is the number one evildoer in Sakyamuni after all, if he loses here, who will represent Sakyamuni to participate in the Supernova Conference?

"Quota is important, we can't manage so many!"

The elder who supervised the battle moved his lips slightly, preparing to use the secret technique of "Sanskrit Chanting Spirit" to issue a reminder.

But at this moment, Fo Luoxiu's body shook violently, and his mind suddenly woke up!

"Illusion? How unreasonable!"

Fo Luoxiu let out a loud shout, and the Buddha light all over his body swelled wildly, spreading in all directions.


Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Although the illusion created by Ziguang Xuanmu is not completely unbreakable, it is almost impossible to solve for the vast majority of opponents.

But Fo Luoxiu in front of him woke up in a short moment after falling into the hallucination, and he is really capable!

"Is this the power of the Buddha's light blood?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, watching the Buddha's light soar wildly, dispelling the influence of Ziguang Xuanmu.

"Boy, your illusion is indeed very clever, but to me, who is of the 'Buddha's blood', it is completely trivial!"

Fo Luoxiu pointed at Jiang Tian angrily, and shouted loudly, with an astonishing momentum!

There was a burst of admiration in the square!

"As expected of the Buddha's blood!"

"Although the opponent's illusion is powerful, it was still instantly dispelled by him!"

"The blood of Buddha's light is indeed not given for nothing!"

"This is the strength of the innate Buddha cultivator. He is almost immune to any illusion and bewitching methods, and his mind is extremely firm!"

"It seems that the person's greatest reliance is illusion, and now that the illusion is broken, he will definitely lose!"

"I'm afraid he didn't expect that the illusion that he was so proud of would be so vulnerable in front of the Buddha's blood?"

"It's over, Frosh is still too strong after all!"

"Just now he said that Frosh would regret it, but it turns out that it is he who should regret it!"

The warriors in Sakyamuni seem to have forgotten the temptation and pressure that Fo Luoxiu brought to them, and they applauded him overwhelmingly at this moment.

After all, all the warriors present were local fighters from Sakyamuni, so it was impossible for them to be attracted to this outsider who was on stage halfway.

"Leiyin Vientiane, Buddha Light Purdue, give me the town!"


Om Mani Padme Hum!

The six-character mantra of Buddhism was recited from the mouth of Buddha Xiu. Every word that came out of his mouth aroused the power of heaven and earth, shaking the whole square.

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