Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6888 Buddha Light Purdue

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A huge coercion rushed towards Jiang Tian, ​​and a mere recitation of the Buddha's name attracted the mighty power of heaven and earth.

It shocked countless warriors in the entire square!

"Terrible, terrible!"

"Leiyin Vientiane, Buddha Light Purdue, what a terrifying method!"

"It's over, this farce is over!"

The audience couldn't stop exclaiming, as if they had seen Jiang Tian being suppressed forcefully and even kicked out of the ring.

But at this moment, a terrifying scene appeared!


Jiang Tian stood motionless, a black light suddenly flashed in his eyes.


The black light spanned the void and directly entered Fo Luoxiu's forehead, making it too late for him to react!


Frosh's complexion changed suddenly, and then he hugged his head and screamed, fell to the ground and curled up.


Seeing Froxiu screaming, all warriors in the audience were shocked!

"What kind of method is this?" Elder Supervisor Zhan also changed his face drastically!

No one thought that in front of this strange warrior, Fo Luoxiu would be so vulnerable!

"What a terrible method!"

"What kind of secret technique did that person use, why did Fo Luoxiu scream in pain all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, but it seems that there is a black lightning blasting towards Fluoxiu, so fast that he has no time to react!"

"Even Frosh didn't have time to react, it's too scary!"

All the warriors in the audience exclaimed, and at this moment, a strange change suddenly appeared!


A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Frosh's body.

At the same time, a round of golden light rippled in his body, spreading wildly towards the surroundings!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, quite surprised.

This golden light is obviously the power of the blood of the Buddha's light to protect the Lord on its own.

Under the influence of this Buddha's light, Fo Luoxiu's screams gradually began to subside.

Soon, he sat up cross-legged, but he was already sweating.

Although his sanity recovered quickly, the eyes he looked at Jiang Tian were full of panic and fear!

"Who are you?"

Frosh sat cross-legged on the ground, clasped his hands together, and stared at Jiang Tian solemnly.

Jiang Tian didn't answer, just looked at each other coldly.

It has to be said that this Buddha's light bloodline is really powerful, and it even suppressed Nie Lei.

But it was just a contest in the arena. If it was a life-and-death fight, the opponent would have died as early as the first time Nie Lei blasted out.

At this time, all warriors in the audience were no longer as excited as before, and their confidence began to waver.

The elder supervisor's face was extremely ugly.

Compared with those spectators, he is more aware of the severity of the situation.

As soon as they fought, Fo Luoxiu was suppressed twice successively. It might not be difficult for the opponent to take his life!

"Fluoxiu, this person is by no means simple. I'm afraid he still has a hidden card. Use your strongest means to win with one strike. Don't give him any chance!"

"Elder, don't worry, I won't underestimate the enemy again!"

Fo Luoxiu responded with spiritual power, and a frightening cold light burst out in Jiang Tian's eyes!

He opened his mouth suddenly and let out a violent roar!



Rings of golden light spurted out from his mouth, blasting towards Jiang Tian with terrifying power.


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, secretly amazed.

The method of Buddhist cultivation is indeed more than he imagined, and it is very different from the way of ordinary warriors.

This is exactly what he gained from coming to Sakyamuni. This contest is not over yet, and he has already felt the systems and ways of different warriors.

Accumulated reliable practical experience for the next competition!


A golden halo blasted towards him, and a sinister smile appeared on Frosh's face.

It seemed to see Jiang Tian being blown away in one fell swoop!

But the next moment, a shocking scene appeared!

No matter how the golden Buddha's light impacted, Jiang Tian always stood there motionless, standing tall like a giant mountain!


Frosh exclaimed in amazement, his face changed drastically!

The impact of the golden Buddha's light is better than the bombardment of spiritual power, even if the mighty man in the middle stage of the original god realm stands there, it is impossible for him to be unresponsive.

On the opposite side, this junior with only a mere mid-stage Starry Sky Realm, can actually carry it?

"Physical strength!"

The elder supervisor's eyes shrank sharply, shocked again!

Jiang Tian couldn't help but glanced at him!

Just now he saw that the elder seemed to be secretly communicating with Frosh, and now he has such a reaction, which is really embarrassing.

As the supervising elder, even if there is any reaction, he should keep it in his heart and not express it directly.

Because in the process of fighting in the arena, external factors often interfere with the two sides of the fighting, affect the progress of the competition, and even change the final result.

Especially the war supervisor elders should not have obvious inclinations and performances.

But this elder obviously didn't take this into consideration.

"Physical strength?"

A fierce look flashed in Frosh's eyes, and he stood up abruptly.

As a "Blood of Buddha's Light", his physical body is also extremely strong!

Since you can't suppress the opponent by other means, then forcefully crush him with your body!

"Buddha's golden body, give it to me!"


With a yell, Fo Luoxiu instantly turned into a golden man, and his height instantly reached a hundred feet!


"My God!"

"Buddha's golden body, what kind of method is this?"

"Is this a condensed form of spiritual power, or a real physical body?"

"This is not a simple condensed form of spiritual power, it should be the body of Dharma supported by the blood of Buddha's light!"

"Strong, too strong!"

"This shouldn't be his limit. If necessary, he can go up even higher. He can't beat it!"

Those present are all warriors, so they naturally understand the way.

The body of dharma is similar to the body of spiritual power, but it is stronger than the pure body of spiritual power condensed.

This kind of physique mainly depends on the size of the target, not necessarily the bigger the better.

Jiang Tian on the opposite side is a normal person, and doesn't need such an exaggerated figure like Qianzhang!

In front of Baizhang Faxiang, Jiang Tian at this moment seemed to be just an ant.



The Baizhang Buddha's golden body swung its golden arms and slammed it down towards Jiang Tian crazily.

The void was directly collapsed by the golden man, and the violent coercion seemed to crush Jiang Tian!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian sneered and punched hard.

Crack... Rumble!

A terrifying roar followed, and where the fists of the two met, a terrifying halo exploded!

This halo has two colors of gold and purple, but it is dominated by gold, and purple seems to be at a disadvantage.

Crack... bang!

Huge force hit his body, and Jiang Tian's feet sank an inch into the surface of the ring.

But the violent counter-shock force also forced the Baizhang golden body back!

Boom boom boom!

The golden body method retreats one after another, and one retreat is more than ten feet!



"How can it be?"

The square exclaimed into pieces!

The golden body method failed to crush Jiang Tian, ​​but was shocked by him instead?

This is too exaggerated!

Is Jiang Tian's physical body stronger than the golden body?

"This kid's physical body is too strong!"

"It's really strong, and it's stronger than it looks!"

"How to say?"

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