Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6890 Sakyamuni is immeasurable

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"No need, I've already got places in other cities, so I don't need to represent you."

Jiang Tian waved his hands expressionlessly.


"It makes no sense!"


"Since there are places in other cities, why come to our Sakyamuni city to provoke?"

"Boy, who are you?"

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

The warriors in the square were furious!

Now that you have a quota, why do you still want to come to Sakyamuni to show off?

It's so deceiving!

The face of the supervising elder also turned cold!

"Why do you want to do this, my Sakyamuni city has any enmity with you?"

Facing the elder's questioning, Jiang Tian had a slight sneer on his face.

"It's the first time I've come to Sakyamuni, and of course I don't have any grievances with you, but you have to be clear, it was he who insisted on challenging me just now, not me insisting on challenging him!"


Jiang Tian came here originally just to watch the battle and gain knowledge and experience.

Know something about your opponent in advance.

Unexpectedly, an unexpected coincidence caused the opponent to shout.

Since you insist on calling for a fight, can't I still make a move?

"You..." The corner of Elder Supervisor Zhan's mouth twitched, he had nothing to say for a while!


He looked at Fo Luoxiu who fell to the ground and vomited blood, and couldn't help cursing in his heart.

The young man was right, everything was caused by Frosh!

If he hadn't insisted on challenging the opponent, there would be no bitter fruit now.

But thinking about it this way, the elder supervisor became even more depressed!

Even without this unplanned confrontation, how far could Frosh go?

"Which city are you a martial artist from?" Thinking of this question, the elder supervisor asked quickly.

"Bailian City." Jiang Tian responded lightly.

"Bai Lian City?"

The corner of the elder supervisor's eyes twitched, feeling a little unbelievable!

The martial arts level of Bailian City is lower than that of Sakyamuni City.

Although there is not much communication between the two cities, in the past collisions, whether it is the contest between the younger generation, the Mesozoic generation or the strong old generation, Sakyamuni City has always won the upper hand.

Unexpectedly, now a warrior from Bailian City came to Shakya City to show off!

"Okay, what a Bailian City, I didn't expect you to use dirty tricks!"

The Elder Superintendent was extremely annoyed, realizing that he had been tricked by Bailian City.

According to the rules of supernova selection, even if the opponent has a spot in hand, as long as he wins this contest, he will become the champion.

Because there is no room for losers on the stage of the Supernova Conference!

Even if the opponent voluntarily gives up this quota, it is impossible for Fo Luoxiu to represent Sakyamuni again!

The result is irreversible!

For Sakyamuni, it can only follow the trend and push the boat along!


The Elder Superintendent let out a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Young man, this quota is not something you can ask for or refuse if you want!"

"How to say?" Jiang Tian was puzzled.

"According to the challenge rules of the Star Arena, the winner is the leader and automatically replaces the loser to qualify, so in the next two days or so, as long as no one defeats you, you must represent me, Sakyamuni, in the next round of selection!"

"What if I have to leave?"

"Leave?" Elder Superintendent Zhan was astonished, but then smiled coldly, "Hehe, then our Sakyamuni city has no choice but to stop the selection in advance, unless you don't go to Chiyue City, otherwise as long as you play, it will be regarded as representing our Sakyamuni city!"

Jiang Tian frowned, he didn't expect this to happen!


He still has a place in Bailian City, how should this be calculated?

"Bailian City and Sakyamuni City, which city do I belong to?" Jiang Tian asked puzzled.

"This old man has never encountered such a situation, nor has it happened in the entire history of the Supernova Conference, but in any case, you must have not escaped on behalf of our Sakyamuni city!"

The opponent's dual identity, Sakyamuni, can't be controlled, so he can only act according to the established rules.

"So, I can only accept this identity?"

Jiang Tian was a little distressed.

"Boy, it's too late for others to be happy, what's your reaction?"

The elder supervisor was extremely annoyed.

Speaking of depression, he was more depressed than anyone else!

This outsider really got cheap and behaved, which made people irritated!

"Boy, if you want to leave, our Sakyamuni city will not stop you, but the quota is already in your hands. No one can change this. Our Sakyamuni city has prepared a gift for the final champion, and you can receive it. Of course, if you don't want it, we won't force it!"

"Why not?" Jiang Tianli was confident!

"..." Elder Supervisor Zhan had black lines on his face, but then he laughed.

This means that the other party has accepted this identity.

Although Sakyamuni may not be able to let Buddha Xiu fight, but in exchange for a stronger evildoer, of course it is not a bad thing.

"For the next time, you can stay in our City Lord's Mansion. When the time comes, the gift will be delivered!"

"Then it's time to work!"

Jiang Tian originally wanted to visit other cities, but it seems that the current situation is not good for running around anymore.

Otherwise, if something like this happens again, won't he have a few more identities?

At this moment, he suddenly had a bold idea!

If he gets all the quotas for more than a dozen large cities before the deadline, wouldn't he be able to directly win the selection of Chiyue City?


Jiang Tian quickly realized the problem.

In the choice of Chiyue City, although there will be more than a dozen major city champions participating, it does not mean that only these people will compete.

Chiyue City itself also has top geniuses!

I'm afraid that kind of genius is his real opponent!

"never mind!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian gave up the idea of ​​traveling to other cities.

Although the two contests between Song Yuan and Fo Luoxiu made him gain something, it also proved that it was difficult for the champions in these cities to stop him.

Trying again is probably just a waste of time.

Jiang Tian decided to agree to the Lord and stay in the City Lord's Mansion to wait for the time to come!


At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from the Lord's Mansion of Sakyamuni City!

"Little friend is from Bailian City? Dare I ask, are you the evildoer Jiang Tian of the Central Region who ranks 7999th on the Dao Palace's reward list?"


The words rumbled and echoed over the square.


"Jiang Tian, ​​the monster in the Central Territory!"

"The 7999th place on the Dao Palace's reward list?"

"Is he the perverted genius who made the reward list four times in one day?"


The entire square was in an uproar, and the elder supervisor and Frosh were also completely stunned!

And after the momentary shock, the elder supervisor bowed towards the city lord's mansion to salute.

"Welcome, Lord City Lord!"

"Welcome the city lord!"

"I will pay my respects to the City Lord!"

Hula la!

Numerous warriors in the square then bowed down.

Jiang Tian looked at the past curiously.

I saw a fat old man wearing Buddha clothes coming from the sky and landing on the star ring.

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