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"Your Excellency is the lord of this Sakyamuni city?" Jiang Tian asked.

"It's the old man Sakyamuni!"

The old man landed on the star ring, smiled at Jiang Tian, ​​and nodded slowly.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, do you know that after this match, your ranking will change again?"

"Really?" Jiang Tian was noncommittal.

But at this time, the noise in the square intensified!

"Oh my god, I didn't expect him to be the enchanting Jiang Tian on the reward list of the Dao Palace!"

"Swipe the list four times a day, no wonder he is so strong!"

"The reward list of Dao Palace is seven thousand nine hundred and ninety, I lost... not wronged!" Fo Luoxiu had calmed down and chose to face the reality.

In the contest just now, he lost nothing to say, and he was indeed not Jiang Tian's opponent.

That being the case, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

"My lord, this junior has let you down!"

Frost apologizes deeply.

"It's okay, it's not necessarily a bad thing for young people to suffer some setbacks, it doesn't affect your potential, continue to practice, I'm optimistic about you!"

Shi Lian Wuliang nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, the city lord, for your advice!" Fa Luoxiu was very excited, and stepped aside.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, please!"

Sakyamuni invited Jiang Tian into the mansion.

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Tian waved his hand and said, "City Lord Sakyamuni should understand that I am on the reward list of the Taoist Palace, and I have already made enemies with the Yinlong Killer. Are you really planning to let me enter the mansion?"

You know, even in Bailian City where he got the quota for the first time, the other party is very afraid!

"Hahaha, Fodu has a predestined relationship. Since my little friend can come to our Sakyamuni city and get a quota here, it means that he is destined for this city!"

"Get the quota? Doesn't Lord Sakyamuni worry that I will be defeated by others in the next two days!" Jiang Tian asked with a smile.

"I believe, let alone two days, even if you give them two months, no one can beat you!"

"All right!"


Without hesitation, Sakyamuni invited Jiang Tian into the City Lord's Mansion.

In the square, countless warriors frowned and felt puzzled.

"Is the Star Ring going?"

"Go into the mansion now, and someone will challenge him to come out?"

"That seems out of order, doesn't it?"

Facing everyone's doubts, the elder supervisor shook his head again and again.

These people are really stupid!

"Everyone, don't you understand such a simple truth? The city lord has already said that even if you are given two months, no one can defeat Jiang Tian. If someone really wants to challenge Xingling, just call for a fight. Jiang Tian is in the mansion, can he still escape? Are we in the city lord's mansion afraid of stronger monsters coming to fight?"

A round of rhetorical questions made everyone speechless!

In the Buddhist Sound Hall of the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Sanskrit sounds linger in the ears.

It looks solemn and peaceful, mysterious and solemn.

Sakyamuni took the main seat, and Jiang Tian sat on the VIP seat.

All the elders of the City Lord's Mansion were present, looking at Jiang Tian curiously.

"Fluoxiu actually lost, it seems that it was due to chance!"

"I, Sakyamuni, will it be difficult for me to come out of a Buddhist cultivator who can create miracles?"

"My lord, with all due respect, my subordinates are really disappointed with this result!"

"I think so too! I think Sakyamuni City is a holy place for Buddhist cultivation, and the inheritance of Buddhist cultivation is also the most powerful inheritance. As the number one evildoer of the younger generation, Buddha Luoxiu is born with the blood of the innate Buddha light. It should be a good time to make contributions. How could he lose?"

Although they didn't doubt Jiang Tian's strength, most of them found it difficult to accept Fo Luoxiu's failure.

Because that is the person that the entire Sakyamuni puts high hopes on, and now he is defeated by outsiders, which means that Sakyamuni has no chance to send another Buddhist cultivator to Chiyue City to participate in the next round of selection.

"My lord, my subordinates suggest that we hold another big competition immediately, and choose the strongest evildoer of the younger generation to challenge Xingling. Maybe there is still time!"

An elder in Buddhist clothes looked at Jiang Tian and said in a deep voice, apparently dissatisfied with this outsider.

"This plan works!"

All the elders agreed one after another.

Sakyamuni sneered when he heard the words: "The suggestions of the elders are a bit taken for granted. There are only two days left. Do you think it is realistic to hold a big competition in the whole city?"

Hearing this, the elders fell silent and their minds gradually calmed down.

Yes, in the remaining two days, is it really feasible to hold a competition for the younger generation covering the whole city?

I'm afraid the competition has not been finished yet, and the selection for the star competition has already ended!

"Then issue a high reward, so that the younger generation in the city will compete to challenge the star ring. I don't believe that there is no one else in the younger generation except Fo Luoxiu!"

"Yes, I think that's the way to do it!"

All the elders supported this proposal one after another, and even felt a little impatient.

Sakyamuni shook his head and sighed, but the smile on his face became colder!

"Elders, do you think that the ability of the younger generation in the city is more valuable than the reward list in the Dao Palace?"




Faced with Sakyamuni's questioning, all the elders were speechless, and the atmosphere became extremely dull.

They suddenly remembered that this Jiang Tian was on the reward list of the Dao Palace!

Moreover, he swiped the list four times in one day, creating an astonishing miracle!

How can such a character be compared to the younger generation of Sakyamuni?

Thinking of this, they couldn't help feeling a little desperate!

"My Lord City Lord said so, I can't refute it!"

"Is it true that this foreign martial artist will represent our Sakyamuni city to participate in the next round of selection?"

Everyone looked at Sakyamuni, hoping to get an exciting answer from him.

At least, don't be so depressing and depressing as it is now.

Sakyamuni said in a deep voice, "Is there a better choice?"


Faced with Sakyamuni's answer, the elders were completely silent!

Yeah, is there a better option?

If so, are there still so many people trying their best to figure it out here?

there is none left!

Fo Luoxiu was already the number one evildoer of the younger generation, but now he was defeated by Jiang Tian, ​​which meant that no one in the younger generation in Sakyamuni would be able to stand out.

"Everyone!" Shakya Wuliang suddenly raised his voice: "The so-called people who are destined for Buddha's crossing, since Xiaoyou Jiang came to Sakyamuni City and defeated Buddha Luoxiu in a fair duel, this is his fate with our Sakyamuni City!"

Everyone was silent, but it had to be said that they really couldn't refute.

Sakyamuni said again: "If you are given a chance now, Jiang Tian voluntarily withdraws and let Fo Luoxiu play on behalf of the city again, will you be happy?"


Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words!

But then their eyes dimmed, they shook their heads and sighed, and smiled wryly.

What are you kidding?

Even if Jiang Tian really withdrew and Fo Luoxiu really regained his qualifications, it would be useless.

Because he can't even beat Jiang Tian, ​​how can he stand out in the selection of Chiyue City?

This question made everyone wake up completely and understand the facts in front of them.

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