Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6892 Ten Thousand Buddhas Bodhi Array

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"My lord, I will understand!"

"Since things are already like this, we can only follow the trend!"

"That being the case, I support Jiang Tian to represent the city!"

"Since he wants to represent the city, we naturally can't let him go away empty-handed!"

"The resources originally intended for Frosh can now be used on him!"

After recognizing the reality, the elders also immediately changed their attitudes, no longer hesitating or entangled.

The City Lord's Mansion originally prepared a big gift for Frosh, and planned to let him enjoy it after the selection was over.

Now, the owner of this gift is going to become Jiang Tian!

"City Master Sakyamuni, elders, this matter is absolutely unnecessary!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand lightly, not coveting the so-called great gift from Sakyamuni.

He came to Sakyamuni City to pass the time, and to increase his knowledge and experience. Now his purpose has actually been achieved, and even exceeded his original expectations.

He has no more requirements for Sakyamuni.

Sakyamuni waved his hands and said: "The resources have already been prepared, and it would be a waste to not use them. We already have a regret in Sakyamuni. Jiang Xiaoyou must not let us have a second one!"

When the other party said so, Jiang Tian really couldn't refuse anymore!

Although he didn't have much interest in the so-called gift from Sakyamuni, he did have to consider the other party's feelings.

The defeat of Fo Luoxiu has already made the whole city of Sakyamuni extremely depressed.

If he refused this gift again, it would be a bit unreasonable.

"Well, since the city lord is so kind, it's hard for this junior to refuse!"

Jiang Tian bowed his hands to express his gratitude.

But I was curious in my heart, what kind of gift did the city lord prepare?

"Hahaha, okay, without further ado, Jiang Xiaoyou, please follow me!"

Sakyamuni got up immediately and led Jiang Tian to the back of the city lord's mansion.

The elders did not follow, but stayed in the hall.

But at this time, the Heavenly Dao Monument in Sakyamuni suddenly burst into light, casting a shadow of a thousand-foot monument in the void!

The Dao Palace reward list has been refreshed again!

The ranking above rolled rapidly, and finally stopped at a certain position.

Countless warriors and common people stared and watched!

Seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, Jiang Tian, ​​the original position, seven thousand nine hundred and ninety nine!

The moment they saw this ranking, there was a commotion in the square.

"Two hundred, he has advanced another two hundred!"

"Why are there only two hundred?"

After a brief shock, someone questioned.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a little depressed!

They knew that Jiang Tian's ranking had risen by a thousand places before!

After defeating Fo Luoxiu, he was only promoted by two hundred places.

Is this stepping stone of Frosh so worthless?

"This range is actually not small. After all, the higher the reward list, the more difficult it is, and the harder it is to improve!"

"That's right, there are more than 200 people in this position, which is by no means worse than the previous 1,000 people, or even stronger!"

"I hope so!"

Everyone tried their best to find comfort and resolve their inner depression.

Originally, they thought that if Jiang Tian defeated Fo Luoxiu, he would have to rise to more than five or six hundred ranks.

Now there are only two hundred, which is undoubtedly frustrating!

At this time, Jiang Tian had followed Sakyamuni to the forbidden area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion.

There is a huge magic circle in front of it, surrounded by ten thousand Buddha statues.

These Buddha statues have different shapes, some have solemn treasures, some have kind eyebrows and kind eyes, some have ferocious eyebrows and eyes, and some look very fierce with their teeth and claws... All kinds of shapes are strange and eclectic.

And at the center of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Guard, there is a giant Buddha array composed of countless huge Buddha patterns!

Sakyamuni pointed to this magic circle and introduced it to Jiang Tian.

"This is the 'Thousand Buddhas Bodhi Realm'. It is a special Buddha formation. People who are not destined to enter the formation will gain nothing, and those who are destined will gain nothing by entering the formation. How much they can gain depends on Jiang Xiaoyou's personal luck and fortune. But I can guarantee that a monster like Jiang Xiaoyou will definitely gain some surprises once he walks in the formation!"

"The Bodhi Realm of Ten Thousand Buddhas?" Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes, thoughtful.

It sounds like this is not a simple magic circle, but a special forbidden magic circle that contains space power?

"That's right, although the Ten Thousand Buddhas Bodhi Realm is a Buddha formation, it is also a tiny interface that is self-contained!"

Sakyamuni nodded and said, with a look of arrogance on his face.

Jiang Tian was a little puzzled!

He has seen too many magic circles of all kinds, almost countless, but it seems that this is the first time he has encountered a magic circle that is self-contained like this!

As if seeing his doubts, Sakyamuni quickly explained.

"Jiang Xiaoyou may have already thought of it, but I still need to explain it. That's right, this Ten Thousand Buddhas Bodhi Formation is originally a tiny Sumeru interface, which was refined by a strong Buddhist practitioner with great supernatural powers, and supplemented with Ten Thousand Buddhas.

"So complicated?"

Jiang Tian was a little surprised!

I didn't expect this magic circle to have such a big background.

From the looks of it, the opportunity here should be very good!

"The specifics, Jiang Xiaoyou will know when you go in and feel it yourself. The old man said that no matter how much it is, it will not bring you real results."

"Thank you, Lord City Master, this junior will give it a try!"

Jiang Tian was about to enter the battle, but was stopped by Sakyamuni.

"Wait a minute, little friend. This formation is extremely mysterious, and you must enter with a token to have the best effect."


"Yes!" Sakyamuni took out a purple Buddhist bead, "This is the Sumeru Boundary Bead, and it is also a treasure carefully sacrificed by great supernatural powers and Buddhist practitioners. Holding it into the battle will be of great benefit to fellow Taoists!"

"Thank you!"

Jiang Tian took the Xumi Jiezhu and looked it over carefully.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you can't help being secretly surprised when you look at it!

This Sumeru Boundary Bead looks somewhat similar to his Zixuan Boundary Bead!

"Is there a problem, little friend?"

Seeing that Jiang Tian seemed a little hesitant, Sakyamuni asked quickly.

"No." Jiang Tian shook his head and didn't say much.

Zixuanjie is one of his ultimate secrets, so naturally he cannot tell the other party.

"Okay, since there is no problem, let's invite the little friend to join the battle!"


Jiang Tian took the Sumeru Boundary Bead, got up and stepped into the formation.


The moment Jiang Tian entered the battle, there was a sudden change!

The patterns of the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Bodhi Array began to light up slowly!

But it didn't light up all of them instantly, but Buddhist runes lit up seemingly irregularly.

The positions seem to appear randomly, one here and one there, it seems that there is no pattern.

As more and more Buddha talismans were lit up, the aura of the entire formation became more solemn and majestic!

Jiang Tian glanced around, but at this time he could no longer see Shakya Wuliang outside the formation.

At this moment, he felt a special power!

"Spatial spiritual power?"


Jiang Tian shook his head.

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