Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6893 Three Thousand Buddha Eyes

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This force seems to be the spiritual power of space, but it is different when it is carefully sensed.

But he is not too unfamiliar with this kind of power.

Because of this kind of power, he has experienced it countless times in the Zixuan Realm!

"The power of the interface!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he nodded heavily.

Sakyamuni did not lie to him, this is indeed the power that can only be possessed by a special interface.

And when the patterns of the entire Buddha formation were completely lit up, the Buddha statues guarding the edge of the formation opened their eyes one after another!

Buzz buzz!

Accompanied by bursts of strange buzzing, each Buddha statue projected a special will, turning into invisible waves and filling the entire formation!


At this time, the Sumeru Boundary Bead in Jiang Tian's hand also began to tremble, as if responding to these breaths.

Every Buddha statue opened its eyes, and the vibration of the Sumeru Boundary Bead became stronger.

After more than a thousand Buddha statues opened their eyes, Jiang Tian couldn't hold on to the abnormal movement of Xumi Jiezhu!


The Xumi Jiezhu came out and flew into the air, as if a black hole was greedily devouring the surrounding Buddha's will.

"Oh?" Jiang Tian didn't understand why for a moment.

But according to what Sakyamuni said, those who enter with the Sumeru Realm Bead can get the greatest harvest.

Now it seems that what the other party said should be true.

Because he found that Xumi Jiezhu blocked a lot of pressure for him and protected him from the impact of Buddha's will.

That being the case, what is the significance of the Bodhi Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation?

Is it just for him to observe?

Obviously wrong!

Sakyamuni said that how much he can gain depends on his own chance and fortune.

That being said, he can't completely rely on the protection of the Xumi Jiezhu, and he still has to face the pressure he should face.

"Try it!"

Jiang Tian stepped forward.

A little further away from the Sumeru Boundary Bead, he felt the coercion of the Buddha's will.

One or two strands alone is no problem, and even a dozen strands are fine.

But when more than a thousand Buddhist intentions all fell on him, the situation was quite different!

At this moment, he felt tremendous pressure.

And the pressure continues to mount!

Because more and more Buddha statues opened their eyes, releasing different Buddha intentions, as if invisible hands were pressing on his body, constantly pressurizing!


Ka Ka Ka!

A layer of faint purple light appeared on Jiang Tian's body, resisting the external pressure for him.

However, a considerable part of the pressure was directly applied to his body through the defense, causing abnormal noises like firecrackers to emanate from his body.

"This will, can actually suppress the flesh?"

Jiang Tian was surprised!

He originally thought that these Buddhist intentions were just a simple suppression of will, which mainly affected the soul, and even touched the sea of ​​gods.

Now it seems that is not the case!

Because of this pressure, it began to directly act on his physical body, making him feel a special pressure that he had never felt before.

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian was not surprised but happy!

His physical body is already very strong, and it is not easy to touch it.

Even for an opponent like Fo Luoxiu, it is difficult to touch the limit of his physical body.

But this Bodhi Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation has just been opened, and it has already brought him strong physical pressure. For him, this is indeed a rare opportunity!

It can make his physical body continuously strengthen under extreme pressure!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian shouted and stepped forward again.

At this moment, he couldn't help but look back.

Ten zhang away, the Sumeru Boundary Bead is still crazily devouring the Buddha's will pouring in like a tide, and it seems that there will be no change for a while.

Jiang Tian ignored it for the time being, and continued to step forward.

After stepping a thousand feet, the pressure on my body has reached a terrifying level!

At this time, 3,000 Buddha statues have opened their eyes, releasing 3,000 special pressures of Buddha's will!

At this moment, something unexpected happened to Jiang Tian!

He found that as long as he stopped moving forward, the subsequent Buddha statues would no longer open their eyes!

And when he took a step forward, a Buddha statue slowly opened its lowered eyelids.

When he took this step back, the eyelids of the Buddha statue would drop again and never open again.

"Three thousand Buddha statues, three thousand Buddha thoughts!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, frowning and thinking hard.

What is the meaning behind this?

At this time, he turned his head to look at the Sumeru Realm Bead thousands of feet away.

This bead is still suspended at the edge of the formation, devouring one after another Buddha's will.

He was a little confused for a moment, whether the existence of this world bead really affected him?

He couldn't decide on this question for a while.

So he suppressed the thoughts in his heart and began to feel the suppression of the Buddha's will with all his strength.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Under the pressure of the three thousand Buddhas, the overlord body of the real dragon made strange noises.

Inside the body, subtle changes are taking place in his physical body!

A series of extremely subtle scars appeared, which were immediately repaired by the powerful self-healing ability of the True Dragon Overlord Body.

This cycle goes on and on, and his physical strength continues to increase, although the changes in a short period of time are negligible.

But as time goes by, the effect is getting stronger and stronger!

"Physical improvement, not bad!"

Jiang Tian nodded heavily.

At least from this point of view, the Bodhi Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation did not come in vain!

Time passed slowly, I don't know how many hours passed.


Accompanied by a low humming, the purple light on Jiang Tian's body surface swayed slightly, and the pressure exerted on his body disappeared instantly!

"it's over?"

Jiang Tian scanned his surroundings and found that the eyes of the three thousand Buddha statues were still open.

But he can no longer feel the obvious physical pressure!

At this moment, his physical strength has improved significantly, stronger than before entering the battle!

Looking back, the Sumeru Boundary Bead has stopped swallowing, and the Buddha's will in the void has also reached a delicate balance.

In fact, Buddha's will is still everywhere, but he has adapted to this pressure and no longer has special feelings.

Jiang Tian took a step forward and returned to the edge of the formation.

Grab the Sumeru Boundary Bead and look at it carefully.

The Sumeru Boundary Bead at this time emitted a faint purple light, very much like the original Purple Profound Bead.


Jiang Tian poured his spiritual thoughts into it, and couldn't help being surprised!

The space in the Sumeru Boundary Bead is extremely chaotic, as if there are countless turbulent flows of space shuttling and colliding in it!

At the same time, there are also special Buddha intentions rippling in it, which are obviously those Buddha intentions that Xumi Jiezhu just swallowed.

"Is that the only effect of the Sumeru Boundary Bead?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, still feeling strange.

So far, Xumi Jiezhu has only relieved the impact of the Buddha's will for him.

Other than that it doesn't seem to be useful!

This seems to be somewhat different from what Sakyamuni said.

With this doubt, Jiang Tian poured his spiritual thoughts again, closed his eyes slightly, and immersed himself in the Sumeru Realm Bead.

The next moment, a sudden change occurred!

Hum... Boom!

Amidst the violent roar, Jiang Tian felt dizzy for a while, and then came to a strange void!

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