Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6894 Sumeru Realm Bead, Three Thousand Worlds!

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"What is this place?"

"Could it be... the inner void of the Sumeru Boundary Bead?"

Jiang Tian glanced around, feeling that he was standing in a deep starry sky.

As far as the eye can see, the background is a dark deep space, as if it is endless!

But in this deep space, there are three thousand stars shining!

"This is……"

Jiang Tian looked at the nearest star, but felt dizzy after his gaze poured into it!


This surprised him deeply, so he stepped closer to the star.

It doesn't matter if you don't move, he will be even more shocked when he moves!

The distance between that star and him has not changed at all!

How can it be?

Jiang Tian frowned, not knowing why.

Then, he increased his speed until he swept with all his strength.

The distance between the stars that seem to be close at hand has not changed at all!


Suddenly, he stopped!

Staring at the star in front of me, I meditated for a long time!

He got it!

This does not seem to be a long distance, but it is actually far away from the void, it is difficult to measure!

"Empty Formation!"

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian urged the purple pattern to escape forward, crossing the void with all his strength.

After a while, the distance between him and the stars finally narrowed.

But only a little bit!

Originally, the star was like a grain of sand in his eyes, but now it still looks like sand, only a little bigger!

How far is the distance?

Jiang Tian still couldn't decide, but he knew that this span was definitely beyond his imagination.

Next, he no longer hesitated, and continuously urged the "Space Transformation Formation" to flee forward wildly.

After an unknown amount of time, the star in front of him grew bigger and bigger, and he finally came in front of that star.

But when he looked at it intently, his expression changed in shock, and his body shook violently!

It turns out that this "star" is not a real star, but a star field composed of countless stars!

And the periphery of this star field is covered by an invisible film of light, as if it is a self-contained body.

Crack... Rumble!

Jiang Tian's mind was shaken violently, and thunder suddenly rose in the sea of ​​gods!

He looked around the entire void, and suddenly had a terrifying thought in his heart.

Could it be said that these three thousand "stars" are actually three thousand star fields?

Sumeru mustard seeds, three thousand generations?


Jiang Tian's mind was in turmoil, as if struck by lightning!

There is such a huge existence hidden in the small Sumeru Boundary Bead?

The thunder in Jiang Tian's sea of ​​gods surged violently, and it instantly turned into a storm in the sea of ​​gods.

This storm made him unable to calm down for a long time, and he froze in place for a long time.

After a long time, he got rid of his frantic thoughts and began to examine the star field in front of him!

An invisible film of light wraps it, like an egg suspended in the void.

After weighing briefly, he came to the edge of this star field, trying to plunder into it.

Then I found out that I couldn't enter!

"Why is this happening?"

Jiang Tian felt an indescribable force that blocked him out.

He tried to crack it with spatial spiritual power, but it didn't work!

This kind of power gave a feeling of being invulnerable, and it was not something he could crack now.

Since there is nothing you can do, should you just give up?

of course not!

Jiang Tian thought for a moment, and decisively urged his divine sense to explore the star field in front of him.


The moment his divine sense was released to the light film of the star field, the turmoil in his sea of ​​gods rose again!

In an instant, he was almost dizzy.

But he still forcibly stayed awake, not letting himself fall asleep and get lost.

After a short period of discomfort, his divine sense finally immersed in the interior of the star field.

Like a pair of invisible eyes, looking towards the nearest purple star.

The next scene shocked him again!

The purple star inside the star field continued to enlarge, and it turned out to be a star field!

It's just that its scale is not in the same order of magnitude as the entire star field wrapped by the light film.

Go deeper?


Jiang Tian made up his mind and probed into the purple star field.

The divine mind dived again and again, and came to the edge of the purple star field, touching a white star.

The white star exudes a soft white light and looks peaceful.

What could it be?

Jiang Tian was a little curious, when his divine sense enveloped the white star, the same scene appeared again!

This white star is actually a small star field!

It's just that its scale is an order of magnitude smaller than the purple star field!

"Third-level star field, cascading and nesting?"

Jiang Tian was full of shock.

Such a scene is simply too grand.

Looking back on the whole process, he suddenly felt extremely small!

I thought it was just a star wrapped by the light film, but I didn't expect it to be a star field.

And a purple star in the star field is actually a star field.

The white light spot further down is also a star field!

So what is under this white star field?

Jiang Tian decided to continue investigating!

When his divine sense landed on a blue star at the edge of the white star field, he was stunned!

"Blue Star!"

This blue star is actually just a star!

Jiang Tian's divine sense is like a pair of invisible eyes, skimming over the surface of the blue stars.

The blue star itself is also rotating by itself.

Presented a scene of gorgeous scenes!

Mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, grasslands, forests, rain, snow, strong winds, lightning, fires, etc. All kinds of natural wonders appeared before his eyes.

There is no doubt that this is indeed a real star!


The divine sense retreated a little bit, and looked towards a red star not far away exuding a blazing aura.

The star was countless times larger than the blue star, and there were streaks of red arcs spewing out crazily on the surface, and finally fell into the sea of ​​flames.

The whole star is burning, it looks very spectacular!

Jiang Tian's divine sense kept moving in this star field, sweeping almost every star.

In the end, his divine sense was withdrawn from this star field.

Back outside the white star field, in the purple star field!

But it didn't stop, but continued to retreat, pulled out of the purple star field, and returned to the star field wrapped in light film.

Then probe into another red star field, going down layer by layer.

The result is the same, this scarlet star field is also a level of nested star field.

The stars in the innermost layer of the star field exude an extremely cold aura, as if they are a dead area!

In this star field, Jiang Tian felt a colder and more terrifying chill than the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire.

It's a pity that he can't enter with his physical body, otherwise he would have to devour the coldness and melt it into the forbidden flame of the black ice.

Not long after, his divine sense retreated again until he exited the entire star field wrapped by the light film and returned to his body.

Scanning the deep space inside the Sumeru Boundary Bead, he activated the Space Transformation Formation and continued to move forward.

After a long time, he came to the depths of the Sumeru Boundary Bead, and poured his spiritual thoughts into a golden star field wrapped in a light film.

After going down layer by layer, the divine sense landed on a khaki star!

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