Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6895 Spiritual splitting, terrifying consumption!

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A terrible storm is unfolding here, and the storm current like a huge dragon sweeps across the entire surface of the stars.

And under this storm, let out a terrifying roar!

"what is that?"

Spiritual thoughts descended, penetrated the storm covering the entire surface, and saw an astonishing scene!

A huge mountain range is raging crazily on the ground. It devours the storm and bombards the surface, possessing extremely terrifying power!

"Mountain monster?"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched in shock!

This turned out to be a giant mountain beast!

The huge mountains are its body, and the mountains that stretch for thousands of miles are like its tentacles.

It lifted up abruptly and hit the ground fiercely!

Click... bang!

Pfft... Boom!

With one blow, the ground cracked open, and something like yellow magma spewed out.

Roads of thunder wrapped around it, and yellow flames erupted thereafter!

And the entire mountain monster is more than ten million miles long and millions of miles wide.

Jiang Tian had seen the gigantic figure of the mountain-swallowing turtle before, but it was nothing compared to the giant mountain beast in front of him!

In front of the mountain giant beast, even if the Xuanshan Swallowing Tortoise devotes all its energy to expanding its body, it is just an inconspicuous speck of dust and sand.


too big!

Terribly big!

The strength of a giant mountain beast like this has exceeded his imagination, and it is difficult to measure it with the current realm.

In front of it, the original god-level warrior might not even count as a fly!

There is such a great power in the world!

Jiang Tian's sea of ​​gods was surging one after another, and his mind was hit like never before!

After a long time, he withdrew his divine sense and continued to explore and observe other star fields.

Immersed in it, unable to extricate myself for a long time!

In the star fields, he saw all kinds of bizarre existences.

There are void beasts with the entire sky as their bodies, they cover the stars below them, seeming to be sheltering, but they are also greedily devouring the essence and nutrients inside the stars.

When they left, the entire sky disappeared, and the original stars lost their shelter and exploded instantly, turning into cosmic dust and scattering into the starry sky!

There are also sword stars composed of countless swords, which are full of terrifying sword gangs and sword intents.

Each strike can easily destroy his "Star Sword Field", and even destroy his True Dragon Overlord Body!

There are also many terrifying Zergs composed of Zerg Stars!

Every zerg above can devour the void and kill through space barriers!

Wherever they went, the stars collapsed instantly and became food in their stomachs!

Jiang Tian witnessed a warrior star being predated by a terrifying insect star.

The overwhelming Zergs swept over like raindrops, and the warrior's magic weapons and spiritual attacks were crazily torn apart.

The physical body of the warrior is even more vulnerable!

And among these warriors, there are too many people whose cultivation base is far beyond the level of the original gods, and they are super strong men that Jiang Tian has never seen before!

There are also some plant stars composed of giant wood and strange vines. They are intertwined with each other, grow wildly, and constantly extend their tentacles outward.

Wherever it went, the void was torn apart, and the stars were crushed and pierced.

Even the terrifying flames and stars couldn't stop their mad attack, and they were quickly crushed into a piece of fly ash!



After watching all kinds of amazing scenes, Jiang Tian's whole heart was shocked, and his martial robe was already soaked in cold sweat!

"There is such a powerful force in the world?"

In comparison, the so-called mighty powerhouses in the middle and late stages of the original god realm... and even higher levels are really too weak!

Simply weak burst!

The more he watched, the more anxious Jiang Tian felt!

In the three thousand big worlds, there are three thousand middle worlds, and in the three thousand middle worlds, there are three thousand small worlds!

And in the three thousand small worlds, there are stars one after another!

If you look at them one by one like this, when will you see them?

Just thinking about it is depressing!

But if you don't watch it, you will obviously miss out on this huge number of opportunities!

what to do?

Two days later, they will go to Chiyue City to participate in the next round of star skill selection.

Jiang Tian didn't forget about it!

Although he is witnessing all kinds of unprecedented power at this moment, his own realm is still low after all, and it is impossible to directly break away from reality.

what to do?

Should I just leave and miss this opportunity?

Jiang Tian was extremely unwilling, but still withdrew his divine thoughts, and returned to the star field wrapped in light film to calmly weigh.

Time is limited, it is impossible for him to capture all the star fields and the magnificence of the stars one by one.

But this is not a completely unsolvable problem!


Jiang Tian thought of a crazy idea!

Divide divine sense!


Without time to hesitate, Jiang Tian immediately closed his eyes and released a huge spiritual thought.

Buzz buzz!

Spiritual thoughts gushed out like a tide, heading towards the star field wrapped in three thousand light films.

After each spiritual thought entered the star field, it was divided into three thousand spiritual thoughts, which continued to penetrate downwards, and then differentiated again.

After the three divisions, nearly 30 billion threads of divine sense have penetrated into the entire star field!

At this time, Jiang Tian had already felt unprecedented pressure!

This kind of pressure is quite terrifying, almost exhausting all his power of divine sense!

He wanted to stop there, because he seemed a little bit exhausted.

But if he stops here, he will at most be equivalent to conducting an exercise in splitting his mind, and it will be difficult to gain any real gains.

"Never give up on this, let alone return empty-handed!"

Jiang Tian took the initiative to set off a storm in the sea of ​​gods!

The golden waves surged crazily in the sea of ​​gods, and the huge power of divine thoughts overflowed wildly, injecting them into the released divine thoughts.

The tens of billions of divine thoughts that have been differentiated layer by layer have been greatly supplemented and continue to explore, touching almost every star in all star fields!

At this time, the scene of trillions of stars was reflected in his divine sea!

In Jiang Tian's Divine Sea, there are also magnificent models of three thousand large, medium and small worlds!

The scene of countless divine thoughts reflected back almost exploded his mind, making him completely overwhelmed.

But he still forcibly resisted the possibility of fainting, observing and comprehending the sights and changes of countless stars as much as possible!

For such a grand observation, the consumption of divine sense is extremely terrifying!

If it were someone else, the sea of ​​gods might have been exhausted at this time, and even fell to the ground!

However, Jiang Tian forcibly activated the Shenhai storm and forcibly supported the terrifying consumption.

As time passed by, Jiang Tian's face became extremely ugly!

He felt like he couldn't hold it anymore!

The consumption of divine sense is really terrifying!

Even if he tried his best to urge Shenhai Storm to supplement it, it was still difficult to maintain it for a long time.

In the end, after persisting for ninety-nine and eighty-one breaths, the storm in Shenhai collapsed in an instant!

The threads of countless billions of divine senses were broken!



The thread of divine sense collapsed, causing a violent backlash.

In Jiang Tian's sea of ​​gods, there is another turmoil!

But this time, it wasn't the storm of divine sense, but the deficient force that came back after all the divine sense collapsed!

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